The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)

JJLKTA rt KIW UtXICAn fit Kf 'Mexico TlZrt lUf 4, IMS THE LAST U.ZI HOLD-OUTS wyv where ah taught school tour yean. Tha VytleeU family i came frees Cm HoafrnT THE RICHARD PAKXCH (thats th nano, not Pmh cr Famah) dm, Mr. and Mia, are doing valuable work with tin ortiaoe work. Their studio la at til's East Oaroa Street, For years Richard patten haa been aa artist -With tin and some of his mlrrun are much admired in various parte of the country Un-framed mirrors in scrolls, in flower, in venous design Sum-time ago Mm. Ranch learned "tin one nnghl cal, this work.

AN5ELL ADAMS, colorful srllat-photugtapher and dashing pianist who often visits Sanu Fe haa been beard from again. He has been ui kplNew York City, now i headed lor 1 the Yosemlte country Aaama will be remembered he is hard to forget a ranch louthem New Mexico, is Highlight Santa Iv remem- back ats i -this time he hope to brancre follow to tav w.hout any more Adllm, British subject. Com- by Uf bbu.k with -a In the historic Clltal orange! Jutland mhieh rave the 'i-! ha" ipe a )oit, but mhieh' Kent LT COM DR C. CUI, used to here and who owned '21 His amazing hack beard and H.m fleet from coming rfdin 1 DODCCTta Betseuvs Bed. Booed Kali-day announced th fohowtng fo.

ductfou: Arms, Flan Bmno Beta. oridM. WiUt Qumtano, ftasfotfo Oriefo, Marrta Wfayw Jono. Jo Alfonso Pwdliio. vx-ss-4 Boco Mo-loyw, Corio Bonjoma Moya.

Morgan to Vigil Jr, Hick Banrhaq Jwso Bautista Anaya, Heinutth Naioaer. Alberto Crua, Jack Oorrtn, OrriUc Chester Guest, i Montoya. CInlo Martinet; Navy. w.n, i j. Apodaea.

Fred Baa OuUerrca. The Keros and Upton BincUir Xthelbsh. sinus, SUFFERERS 8SS ww to maim, rrnuimw 'i i fin an lijsiw mm at trm Ow tvtura mi mmm Murt, ia kar (smt to ma iing mb Mar im raaw Ki a luriib vaadi ia tta pomm rauca Bnai mnua Mcb u4 wm actfaraa wna aanvaa Mai mmnnm, rater aarae i ium miser? mew m. mt tl KLOftOfeOl tt fck nu4cru.f renum ayori- 'r Uia a a a4 aovs; to only a few KUROOi, (ensum. van or aa yenadi afrme mamayoacH ruMaasaa COi'ITUI DKIG ITOU oFind rs Body tlkry Borinf Mgy Lnfkinf ibrw Soicil y.

4 ufv The ehaa-u TWd Reich to th ha failed to yield Bittor nd now th burning. 61 to Gorman capital that the chancellery iu4 in altiM via rated that might ba cr to prow that tha jpunUted auidda along lda Mlnletrr Ooebbel juu leport. Went that tha bodiaa found in tha building, seated that It had bean atrmgthaned tha tha-. BUler did kill himself a tba ehsncrltory. respondents reported bov Soviet soldier.

entered and found dead Oar-nt gunner vlth Iran IhsnceUery hot. laid I reporter. Tha fire ia r. Tha doer I burning moment will fall. In the lame it la Impossible to Von Kleist Is Taken by GIs Avoid SumnJar Bo lore fCommoB Eeiifil ing Crmajta By EfcWARD D.

BALL WITH THE JgTH INFANTRY DIVISION. May 4 prV-Jftesd Marshal Faui Lodwrig Kwald vast Kleist. She man who engineered th 1M0 bryak through in Franco, baa surrendered himself to th 36th Infantry Division of thf Third Army. was announced today. -Van Kleist, commander of th Webmachfe A army group, wa taken April 25 at MUterfri.

hut announcement of bit surrender was delayed. Asked hi views sa th lata of Hitler, bo replied: I 'know only what I read la the newspapers. The Gorman marshal th equivalent in rank of an American theater general was found by a coup.e of infantry private with hi 25 handbag already packed. At first he refused to eurrender. A gun pointed at his bead changed his mind.

While he was talking to the Americans. von Kleist aent hi wile into i the kitchen to brew tome tea. Sue i returned with th newa that theie was no water, and anyway, ah continued, there hod been no tea 1 the house for day. The marshal satisfied himaelf with a piece white bread produced by the Amm-1 can private, and ata heartily, hiw he marvelled that enlisted men i should have such far i Von Kleist banded over his baton slid surrendered, in order that I might be spared the embarrasamrn of being captured later In the presence of common retreating Oerman soldiers. The 63-year-old marshal occupied a small dwelling at Mltterfels Von Kleist, who laid he had lrl: the Eastern Front eight days ago before the advancing Russians.

the planner and the apearheader ui the invasion of Poland In 1939. and commanded the troop which pierced the Maginot Line and permitted the Nazi to overrun France In 1940 I The marshal! hand were shaking. In the home the soldiers found drawers filled with narcotics and hypodermio needles. Rules Car Ads Must Give Price Oi g. In War I.

Sine. 1937 '3 photographic il- Cre haa been a S. Oration of a book on Two text When the European war.1'' te Mary Austin It sold at broke he tried tb get Into the 100 brrnp5 Py- klKKn lim.t-r, naw but Canada refu-sed ed 10 b-' to 'Hvf a Britisher who had Urlfi Pulo is said to opr. o' a clllsen 10 yean FUiahv pnver occasionally In the ki-a iiiowr Cree got into the Can- tiu1 bk with a text no. siv and served as chief of tie Pacific Coast.

Later in N. hwret Coounander Cree i over the success i 3 1 1 .1 a in bulkUns up a navy 1118 He says the personnel .3 from 700 to 9 000 000 le mid there are manv more boats. Mrs. Cree and the PHOTOSTATIC COPIES of Marriage Licenses and Birth Certificates Read and Company 123 E. Water PLx.

1340 Mices its Soar belpts for April totaled I compared vlth 17.702 S3 month in 1944, it was at the Post Office today. Jirure represent an av-Bncrease of 6.1 per cent. Id. 4 so announced that the Mods Conference stamp, pT release at San Fran-25. has been In such deft he Santa Fa Postoffice iu supply for at least Jweek.

The stamp hat ill demand, officials said. torlal stall Sensational Offer! All Sterling Silver FRIENDSHIP RING Only me Slbuquerque, but will come the) can rent a rt-si- 4 NAVAL AIR force officer v.3s lime t.xlav -N. L. A Berger, of' m.iuv (in la He la a friend of the Slit ll3brrgrrs of the Camino He ...13 big events In the South Pmitic and was the Invasion of maiim Commander Bergers imhorm of fore3t green" attracted mn-iitum It is an unusual shade of fiitu, MISS ANTOINETTE VIYOATT of the unusual name, is an atlrac- the Scotch lassie from Connect t- cutt Site has the Hepburn eves and 1 saving reddish brown hair, and the 'dashing energ) of the famous 1 Fait ford Conn, movie slai Mlv Mygatt Is studving art in laot. She motored to Sants Ft alth a group of well-known Taos artists ALFRED ROGAWAY artht ho h.vs ui the Ea.t and We.ft.

who lned tieie one summer now p. residing in 1 aic He has a studio neai tlie estate of Mabel Luhau 1 Rog.iwav was hci today and a.d he would hold an vhlbtt at Ail Mum urn opening M.u lfi He Ls a and Li ln.trestevl in de-Mgn He wltli Pt-idiimnd Le-ger and Wltli Vai.av Vitia.l, Bi Ihe way aitLit Vvtiaiils Mitri lived 1.1 Mv ca i ago and has many litu.ui ui Sania Fe She came here from China, lth to clangLi. heart str.kin hViget Me Nat Design 1 Emtx iwsed mlt Oil io Inland lE 38TH DIVISION, on and. Lt. John L.

8c ho- SPledraa, N. platoon assault company In the nd Invasion, led hi: men pitous 150-foot cliff and rapidly the island wag je hours after the Initial hg craft hit the beach at after an earth-shaking bt by combined army luna which breached tha ts. the Manila Bay outpost Jeutenant Schofield re-imp revised a flag pole. Pom a cruiser was raised jious Infantrymen." i Schofield is the son of rs John Schofield and ithe former Oukla M. of whom reside In Tree i rtm tt Ft4rtl Tat.

TUi STATS UXG SIX! OI UM IlftlMG WASHINGTON. May 4 (Ah The OPA ruled today tliat newspaper I advertisem*nts of used cars for aide must Hat the price and specify that it la "within OPA celling. I In a move to tighten enforcement of price ceilings on theae vehicle the agency stipulated begum mg May 9 each ad In newspapers or other publications also must lnilude The make of car, model, year and body type. The regulation applies to private owners aa wwli aa dealers. OPA at the ism Uma exempted from price control all used cars of model year 1925 or earlier.

The Ideal All Occasion Gift llaf talariH tho Dal ail SPECIAL Initial on Each Heart at Ns Eatra Coat RUSH ORDER TOD -end SI pin Federal Tea. UU1 fill order C. Par ra-tman SI -2 pio pntag and feeo Noralty Barks K-17i 71 E. Broadway, Now York Y. By JOHN L.

SPRINGER The final job for the Elsenhower-Zhukov extermination company Is to flush out the rat-holes of tha Reich. Thousands of Nazis art still bottled up In pockets on the French and Baltic coasts. Fat garrisons are sitting lt out In Denmark and Norway. There are large Nail areas In Czechoslovakia. And there la the highly publicized last -crag fortress In Bavaria which may or may not be the redoubtable bastion lt has been pictured.

Wars ftnsle the Battle of the Pockets may come qutekly but I could run on for months. It Is virtually impossible to estimate the number of troops still to be overcome. Moreover, no one now can tell how many Germans are waiting simply to surrender or how manv fanatics will battle to the end. But If the Nazis can keep resistance going, they may levy a high price In Allied Uvea. In moat cases, advantages of terrain are all on their aide and they have had months to prepare defensive paaltlons Here are the possible Nazi holdout areas: The "National Redoubt "This 1 potentially the most formidable It boundaries have not been clearly defined, perhaps not even In Nazi mind, but the general expectation was that the Nazis considered the Alpa east of Switzerland to the middle of Austria, down to Ilah and north beyond Berchtesgaden, io Salzburg.

This area has already been entered by American forces. Here Is as Ideal defensive territory as can be found on the continent. Tanks would not be of much value along the snake-Uke roads or on the craggy peaks that rise as high as 12.000 feet Fighting from Caves and other underground establishments, the Nazis conceivably could produce a down Little Cassinos. Strength of this pocket probably consists mainly of troops that got south be 'ore the northern traps were closed, and of those that dla-engsged themselves from the Allies thundering up from the Fa Norway Here, hlgh-rlmmed fjords and mountain fortresses could provide tough problems for the Allies. Norwegian spokesmen In London recently reported the Germans had moved Important remnants of their navy here, built up their air force, reinforced garrisons with troops chased from Finland, and Imported large storks of guns, ammunition! and auppiles For a long time Norway haa been a headquarters for U-boat.

German troops here have been estimated at 300.000 There la also a Quisling' force of 5 000 or 10 000 Denmark Hie area around Hamburg and Luebeck Is criss-crossed by swamps and waterways This maae of water barriers extends Into Denmark Itself, where In recent months erection of a aerlet of new defense line has been repotted A considerable body of enemy could be faced here, since lt haa become almost their sole haven from the Allied rqueeae from the south. The established Nazi garrison here has been estlmat -d as five divisions. Holland The campaign against the Nazla holding the area around Amsterdam. Rotterdam and the Hague and In the Frisian Islands, could involve amphibious operations, if the Germans hold out. advances by the ground forces probably will be messy.

The flooded lands caused by destruction of I dikes gives numerous water barriers beyond which the Nazis could fall. Operations on a lesser scale probably could suffice to eliminate the other areas where the swastika itll file. Czechoslovakia, surrounded, could be approached from all sides. Nazi garrisons In the French porta of St Nazalre. Lorlent Dunkerque and La Rochells and In the Channel isle have been virtual prisoners since the front flew eastward and are believed to number more than 60 000 The same kind of treatment by which the French recently opened Bordeaux probably could mop them up.

The Russians could do a quick job i on the Nazis hemmed on the Baltic coast west of Riga The ene-. my force here consists of remnants of 30 divisions. And the Germans remaining on Crete and other Ae- gean Isles oould be flushed out at any time. Beers Succeeds Major Granito i The promotion of H. Beers of Santa Fe from captain to major In i the State Guard and hi assignment as commander of th Fourth Bat- tallon haa been announced by tht i office of Adjutant Oeneral Ray Andrew.

Beers succeeds MaJ. J. Granito, resigned. a L. Renfro has been promoted from first lieutenant to captain and assigned command of the 17th Battalion.

Th announcement said Capt. T. M. Otero, an unasaigned officer, waa assigned to duly alth Uie 17th Company CHAVEZ SIGNER WASHINGTON, May 4 AA Senator Chavez (D-NMi la one of 24 signers of a resolution calling for amendment of the Constitution lo give women equal rights with men. The measure was Introduced ester-day by Benatar Radcuffe, Th would-be ovenlden needed 242 votes.

Representative Fernandes voted to override the veto. Representative Anderson iD-NMi against overriding. The vetoed legislation would hava given essential and irreplaceable farm worker, regardle.i of age. virtually Ironclad draft deferment GARRY MOOSE VSF Kiwanians Hae Farm Program REESB FULLERTON preeldent of Klwanis. announced today that the club had been placed on Hie alert by Kiwanls.

International to consider It part In carrying forward a nation-wide community agricultural program for 1845 Purpose of th program la to develop closer relationship between businessman and farmer. The Community Agricultural Program" will be on of Klwanie In-I terns UonsJ major projects lor 1945 under the general oOjrcUvr. i "Win th War Build ft Peace Detail will be announced at Richmond, on May 9, Fullerton said After that, the local board nl directors will meet to considei hr best way to carry out the pjogiatn I In Ban la F. In 1792 it became the fashion for men to wear a tie that went twice around neck and as tied In a bow behind. Truman Wins 1st House Clash WASHINGTON.

May 4 (A7 President Truman held a 57 -vote victory today in his fust congressional Showdown. The House by that margin upheld hla veto of legislation to keep more farm workers out of the draft. The action late yesterday two days after a surprise Capitol visit by th new Chief Executive to shake hand with House members Although a majority voted to override, the count fell 57 short of Ui required two-third The vete was 1M to 777, wlh 154 Republicans, 30 Democrats and on Progressive vot- Inf to override; 164 Democrats. 1 Republican and on American Labor member to stntatn 1 WANTS SPEEDERS STOPPED Oovemor Dempsev says he has asked state police for stricter enforcement of the 45-mtle-an-hour peed limit In New Mexico Dempsey disclosed that he recently made the request In discussing an appeal by th Office of Defense Transportation to itata govrrnots fur co-operation In curtailing motor vehicle speed aa a conservation measure. COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS ml? and READ NEW MEXICAN ANT-ADfl Strictly Business CONTRACT XET Th contract for re-rooflng he east addittoo of the Capitol has to rn MrPaattan let to th Dewey Bpohr Sheet ti Roofing Oo.

far MMkk Work will be begun next week. Bid 1 rat redacod. ls a aew tiro are beri Million Is 4o RECAF thick, now, safer I ra worm lire. Hi aa rihod approved and Mile- NO RATION CERTIF1- LLDEO, Log roooari yoo Jn iaI bmlf i prnpm hr pro Moms. Qoohty Ultra-violet rays are used In the production of ctgsieu, chkkeio ciiees.

aid drinks, fell hat, beet and bread. War inii new find. If yoo wait fr oew tlrvt, yo My regret ft. Ttrae that in too went eoaeot he rerapped. Aod ear recapping pMot My bocora hoy that yoo wtfl have to wait.

Better ACT TODAY. Oalilao, the astronomer, while occupying tha chair of malhamalica at Florence, lee lured lo L00J student at Urns. IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT TASK Knowledge acquired through years rf study end practice qualifies your druggist as a specialist in his field just os your doctor is 1 ogether they woik lisnd in hand. Bring your nest prescription to us with confidence. Ill NTO.VHl SS PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Ms no 2400 107 E.

Ssn Francisco IIDSS PHARMACY Phono 1772 2.14 Galisteo PRESCRIPT ION SPECIALISES Two FHtndly Stores for Your Convenience FREE DELIVERY SERVICE recapping Wale is good conductor sound. Recapping Headquarters nnu. snnesnT Mafr an 1560 HO W. Palace 1 fl sailing (BertageT TVU AertagT.

The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.