The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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7 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1925 Republican Daily News Want Ads Are Read Thoroughly Phone River 3150 Real Estate or Rent au molern tene I AM firepJaci Call se lec 1 4'8 between 5 8 WOO21DE TERRACE co mere modern good tfnc key at 70 Tel Rivor 7 16 BE LMONT avp 7T Av" na loS St River 5110 G' layor Main Legal Notices Employment Merchandise Merchandise Business Service Real Estate or Rent Real Estate or Rent Men Wanted 8 Coal and Wood Apartments and lats Houses and Tenements The Column Good Things to Eat 21 Ad and Stationery 9 Livestock ith and 2 to 4 Cattle and Swine 31 Bnstuess lares or Rent 63 HARVARD AND OXORD APTS To Late for Clax'iticatlon Jobbing: and Repairing: 50 JnDGE River li Household Articles 26 Dogs Cats Pets 35 Piano Tuners 50 Yt HILL SECTION New modern 0 rooms 340 including garage Walnut 3976 Women Wanted 9 Cleaning and Dyeing 51 STORES SPACE 3G hnu: Lynch Maplewood Terrace ADVERTISING CLOTHES and plain sewing Phone River 41 Lansdon Business Service Rooms and Board Rooms to Let 55 1 1 Xj I 1) I MINTER BEORE THE HUSH 12 61 Help Wanted Instruction I OJA Suburban or Rent 5 SET Sheraton 6 room apt steam heated MO Janitor service Wai 3056 USE THE TELEPHOXH Or leave at our downtown otliee rut Professional Services lorists HOLrfER 1 middle aged Houses nna Tenements Lost and ound 5 Building and Contracting 4 I TO tn go South Roams and Board Educational 56 Auto an 1 Mechanical Instruction 1 3 i 70 lit Musical Instruments Sheet Music 28 Dancing Teachers 16 BARTLETT ST 34 3G 5 extra large pleas Personals 6 Vocal and Instrumental 17 Where to Dine 58 Merchandise Padding Materials 20 Insurance 46 arms for Sale 78 Real Estate or Rent urnished Apartments 60 Miscellaneous for Sale 32 33 Business Announcements Employment Apartment nnd lats uns and Hairy I'radaci Mm WaatrJ Coal and Wend vwr ilxct'1 tf vci 1 I drdiir Tcfi fcui ly I and JESnat I TKILS Am I VlINlTl: Lmrhi Mil iivii Tilt LLSI I rl 'ur BRING IELD WOMAN or general housework no laun dry Catholic preferred Box 625 Rep One Rate Two tion as rook Republican ORTH1NGTON ST 1064 Pleasant mod era rooms very reasonable Wai of thereon CARPENTRY and jobbing of all kinds Low prices River UNDERWOOD ST tenement River the Tax IJtnltector A of 5 rooms Rent reason WANTED High school girls for models paid while sitting At Bourque's Beauty Parlor 25 Harrison xAve Room 26 City Aino DRIVING and repairing on lite model cara course and up: lirenee poslttnn Springfield Auto School Oft Dwleht Bt PALM ST 29 PARK New 6 rm up per $40 just off car line Wai 6236 RK HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for wnnd njnd furniture at Kimball' 2d Hand Store 47 53 Main SL Walnut 2178 CASSES Shell rimmed lost on Westfield rar Reward iMOSTH HlRtewr easl prfrea raid for dtammide oM goto aud Jewelry reder ick a Main GAR Brick block woed cement walla walks driveways plastering and stucco work King 205 Boston Rd 8332 ptaranre uv imti rmi Amqf 5 Msn RED TOP furnace for sale also Charm hn kst1nYr household furniture ENTH ST 1 rooms 2d floor modern Inq Hecker's Shoe Store 528 Main 200 HIGH GRADE READY TO LAY PUL LETS for sale quality guaranteed 31 Ellen St NOTICE DR 1925 in their oflire Good condition with water er 25 Thomas St GARAGES built of reinforced concrete Con crete blocks furnished and laid Hai tier 40 Dorn St River 7447 NICKEL PLATING Also polishing and ox idizing al) xuetals Enterprise Plating Co 49 Taylor St River 203b GUSTAV KRIEDTE teacher of piano and harmony will resume teaching at 25 Har rison Ave Thursdays ridays and Sat urdays of Springfield at they have committed Ralph Munn City or corporations who5 until after the firt 025 shall pay interest rh day cf October at OREST PARK 38 Whittier St attractive 5 room lower River 3366 PARKWOOD ST 19 6 rooms upper mod ern: adults garage Tel Westfield 700 URNITURE wanted for 21 moms In large romntn hw will pay high cash rice Call Mr Morrlii River PARK SECTION Pleasant upper 6 rooms modern reasonable Walnut 6b89 kitchenette and bath fur: 4 fur or unf 7M State 230 WEST SPRINGIELD 7t ELM 2 fur nished rooms and private bath 5691 51 SUMNER AVE 639 Lower tenement ern steam reasonable BAY ST G2 Two light housekeeping rooms steam electricity hot water River 4039 w' CRATING MOVING AND 151 Vi State St Wai CHIMNEYS repaired and cleaned: roofs and valleys of all kinds repaired ree estimates Etab 24 years Richardson Roofing Co 133 Orleans St Walnut 6291 TOWNE'S SPECIAL SCALP TREATMENT Promotes hair growth for men and wom en consultation free Alice Towne Spe cialist 31 Elm St River 6S5S RINGGOLD ST Upper 7 room tenement $30 month Walnut 4 £ASH for rags metals (rnpera nb £ari P'OmMly for faudlv irale Wlh lianj Hall 129 Cedar St lver 28Ui PORTAEE GARAGES Steel or wood con struction Unit Construction Co 225 Park Ave West Springfield River 3470 PAPER STOCK rubber and scrap metals of all kinds isher A Kurnttsky 68 70 Lib erty tit Tel River 3210 urn repairing at vour residence good work rea Miller 2371 Mirtr Ma IJBNITURE Will take tn good used pieces and allow same as part payment for other new turn good allowance giver 98 SECOND HAND BRICKS for sale reason able Call River ATTENTION GIRLS! School of hairdress ing complete course taught Mon Wed ri morn's eve 145 State Rm 2b4 EithaoK io Typerirera mM rested 413 Rlvrt H3L DERNED I I nigh bust myself Marla with that there big Spe for 50c at the Kenmore Lunch Cor Taylor and Dwight Sts UNION ST Brand new tenement to rent Inq nt 233 Quincy St Wat 7205 LRNITL ill floor samples of living cjnlng and bedroom suites at 1 4 to 1 3 oft Save money! 234 Main St PARK SEC New upper 5 rms garage $45 upper 3 rms furnished 14(56 MAPLE ST 77 Extra large room continu ous hot water suitable for 2 or 3 6471 ALVORD room fenmnt all modern with garage Call 3700 guaranteed A Clow Sons 123 Commonwealth Ave River GAS and oil heater for sle reason able Call Walnut Exceptional opportunity for its and rnrirt AtivAncpnwnt fully cf qualilirntions and ex Eox 545 Republican Office ASS A GE Nothing better mentally and physically than a thorough massage Call nurse Walnut 2564 7OPPERSMITH1NG We are specialists making and repairing rance boilers Her cules loat 2no ranklin 5380 ssist in sale of a neat appearing between 25 and to work Re ability Apply Williams 31 Ke WEST ALVORD 8 room upper duplex garage Walnut ur River 555 Desirable apartment from 2 to 7 ronma In all aertiona Call Morin 1GS Bridge BL W9 BELMONT AYE 859 New living rm bed nrt pnv bath privil adults 1466 MAHOGANY Style) for sale RIVING INSTRUCTION Quick results Laporte Auto School 94 96 Broadway GIRL to assist with housework cars of child Mrs Brodsky 85 Whittier niAMUNDS WAVHn Tfn rrh price Paid Kalman Ill Main St next to ISod A Woodbury 42 HARRISON OR AN DE THOSE odd jobs ynu want lone end dti't know whom to call on Try calling Walnut We do anything School of hair dressing class forming Oct 5 Mon Wed a in eve Room 410 317 Main tit EXTERMINATOR Ants moths fleas bed bugs roaches waterbugs rats mice nest bugs: cyaniding by experts and guaranteed contract for job 4() experience Mar tin Maillard 38 Jefferson Ave 8390 PLATING polishing oxidizing lacquering and coloring silver brass or copper Spfid Plating rks 17 Taylor St 5666 WHAT BETTER GIT than fine engraved note paper? Lothrop Press Engraving Division 274 Dwight St Walnut 8739 heavy milker PAINTING and paperhanging work guar hy satisfy work Koehler 4817 ORLEANS ST 49 Near Christian Science church Adults only 5 rooms 1st floor $27 5 rooms 2d floor $30 Splendid con dition: 20 minutes walk to Court Square Walnut 1423 51 PAPER tITOCK in bundles rags Will pa 1ie more per RX) than anybody else Send card to POBox Wl Tot 4 1 53 SEVERAL ladies wanted to give spare time for pleasant outdoor work $100 rer hour Box Republican Office METAL urnaces and sheet metal work old furnaces replpcd to beat Wellman the urnace Man 447 Belmont Ave River Walnut 8319 BOILER SETTING Ail kinds of furnace work Mason Conti actor and Builder Oscar Carlson 145 State St River 5013 SPLD CONSERVATORY MTTS1C INC All branches and theory all grades teachers 54 Byers River 3708 STOp LOOK! Learn barber trade: tuition 735 Barber School 1039 Wash ington St Bostcn BEST QUALITY Made by Durand of Boston 69c pound Same quality as packed in the dollar box at the Court Square a ufiOERN nnErnnn rriiNi THIUGE AND EICIENT HKEViCE MOVING TACKING SHIIIJNG EVSTERN STATES WARKHDUSE IirKIlTY ST HOUSEKEEPER Young srd child 9 Gxd home Republican KTM ant Private daelltna Suitable for young ladles River PENDLETON AVE 2K) All mod 5 larce rms ri pl front porch gar 3U7I PJnmblng Heating Metal Work 45 ASSESS RS Th" Assess ri rninist ration Eui'd OOT SPECIALIST Modern chiropody Dr A A Gilliard 235 Main St River 3716 BROWN fur DANCING TEACHER wants private pupils Miss Lahey River KINDLING WOOD ORDER YOUR SURREY OR ALL white gold watcher for old watches or jewelry Grimes 38!) Main NICE HOME for elderly people con valescents and invalids trained nurse in attendance 132 Garfield St SALESMEN House wiring and fixtures on the de ferred payment plan Commission basis You can make from to $75 a week 5V GALE CO INC BYERS Small furnished abts Hotel Rainville Inq of Mrs Rainville 121 UOWELI ST WK TEb RIVKI: The Republican The Daily News Combined Morning and Evening Circulation Over 60000 Lowest Rates in the Citv SHAWMUT AVE 25 6 rooms upper new house Call Tebaldi Walnut PLAINIELD ST 527 2 modern 4 rm ten ements $20 $22 mo 6469 51 6 8 LOAM grading shrubs cement work Phone Walnut 55i0 atchcs Diamonds Jewelry BELMONT AVE Modern 2 and 3 rm aparliuvnti Riwr 3210 OREST PARK Modern 5 room tenement garage River 2GS5 WELLINGTON ST New hon mod ern 6 roam now ready Riv 7432 WESTORD 7 room each floor just completed every convenience 5562 WE HAVE JUST the tenement you are looking for 4 5 room? Park section at lowest rent In city Make an appointment to see them River 1487 Rooms or Housekeeping 57 NPERINCED MAID or cooking and downstairs work Rvfvrences required SI Mulberry St River S02 VICTOR AND ROYAL HEATERS Service repairs all makes of furnaewe letcher A Co rear 55 Dwight St River 4357 ft 485 Worthlng DASTERN AR WHITE SHRINE PIN LOST Between Saratoga and Cedar Sts via Adams and Central Sts Return to Saratoga Market Reward rnoNi: river 3150 The Publishers will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an adv ordered for more chan on time River 3150 immediately should any typographical or other error occur Orders Accepted PARK SEC 5 roonj half house seasonable Jnq 32 Longfellow Tr z' TEACHER Paul Lawrence 50 Belmont Ave Walnut 2876 BOOKCASE OAK for sale dining table and chairs black walnut library table garden hose 3113 Moving Trucking Storage' 47 chairs for sale ren soijable Phone Mai Iiasv Walnut 48 20 in extra fine tillage Iota of fruit barn 11 tieupe 1 story house nice repair furnace: 1 mln to school Price $25u0: will Include for $400 more 50 acres of wood and timber Terms Mesick 874 Main Walnut 5294 PIANO AND PLAYER repairing (10 years with orbes Wallace) Tuning $250 Rebuilding a specialty WOLE HENNION 284 Walnut St Wai 3263 Al LE Sr Pleasant furnished cor ner room home privileges Davison AT 213 DWIGHT The Ex change Serve a delightful home cooked luncheon also home made pastry and bread Machinery Elec it Tools 25 CHIMNEYS repaired and cleaned mason work of all kinds estimates cheerfully given call me up Geo ranklin 1 436 285 Carew St WfrrmhVaGESSLarge Cr Srna ancs furnished and set reasonable Glass Worki 48 Congress St River 8650 CATtniNALS blue birds and canaries for sale 59 St James Ave WANTED 3 first coatmakers piece work none but first class need apply Pal loch 3u7 Main St ORDSON TRACTOR ensilage cutter one man reapers and equipment alwavs on hand Used tractors One gas engine 9 $135 See us Geo Adams Inc 618 State St IMPORTED COLLARS combs etc Ken Hemo and J'up rations Goo 489 Worthington St 438 Mill St River b6t or River 504 STATE ST 1 86 Light housekeeping rms also furn rms day night or wk 230 Articles Wanted to Buy 33 BELMONT AVE 356 urnished housekeep ing apartments of 2 and 3 rooms each all modern: from $700 to $1400 per week A Buckler Tel River 2030 SHOT Rifles new and second hand all Kindx and makes: coats vests and shells Deane's Money Loaned 180 Dwight Dwight X3USCALL Est 1S90 efficient nurses pleasant surroundings moderate rates s235 Pine St Springfield Tel River 6838 POMONA ST To rent 5 rooms mod ern 3d floor IRE gives no warning Insure your busi ness now take a chance II Marsh 423 Main St Walnut 3033 NEW ENGLAND POULTRY SUPPLY disinfectants Everything for poultry River 7022 70 Bridge St LKMAXEM up 15 experience Large natural soft glossy waves irst ciass operators Ruby Call Hartt Beauty Parlors 417 Main St Id for man vrr layJ ght uork Unions SPRINGIELD ART 66 Harrison Ave Drawing painting fashion design poster design illustration Register now THE NEWELL EMP SERVICE Book keeper for small office stenographer and bookkeeper 104 State St RJnbUEV Dining table kitchen table chairs 1 couch 32 Shattuck St GUERNSEY COWS We have received a consignment of Guernsey cows for posi tive sale Some of these cows have freshened within one week others will freshen shortly Hicks Bros Holyoke Mass BELMONT AVE 80 4 2 8 room tenements A' modern and newlv deco rated Call Walnut 7827 RK nur alann ctork at 200 Worthington St east SrniNGiELD $2 Monrovia St 7rams 2i'rn sarase adults preferred Walnut Chas A Benson Business Services Rendered 40 IAN learn tiring and engineering to ob tain license 41 Sharon St oTATE ST Corner Oak large front room steam heated suitable 1 or 2 also smaller room Inquire Lawrence 5 Oak St AIA1N Pleasant furnished well heated rooms private family 2056 VINTON ST rooms all modern Walnut Clothing and ootwear 29 GLENWOOD furnaces make heating easv urnaces repaired Havens 23 Brooklyn St Walnut 6929 WALNUT ST 95 Mod housekeeping rms conveniences home priv $3 $7 6452 Merchandl32 at tfe Stores 30 HEATING AND PLUMBING Jobbing Specialty Andrew La leur 71 Pomo na St near the Wai 3232 Painting aperhanging 8 EIV "cddlnc ring at 200 Gortliington St ''I SL! KEEPER Refined courteous capa ble cheerful disposition good rook abso lutely reliable ref Box Rep Office STUDIO Piano uller Bldg Spfid Mon Sat Mrs A Winiston' 33 Laurel St Holyoke TeL J293 WANTED An experienced stenographer Give full details in first letter Box Republican Office Are they spoiling the straight lines of your frock? They an be re 1(0 Mtlsfaetton Dwight Baths 7CB State St lilver 537 CHESTNUT ST 431 J1 rooms per month Inquire 471 Chestnut St OOD Hard $15 soft $11 mixed $13 slab Walnut 3391 CoDwteht "eek'y Gibb3 lano CHINA CLOSET Davenport Dressers Mir rors Gas Range Victrola Piano 77 ernon St STATE ST urnished room call be tween 1 4 and evenings 2072 WINCHESTER 17 Sheman St clean yeii heated rms continuous hot water Pay cr wgek River 6774 BRICK LUMBER doors windows new and second hand asphalt shingles $55 a sq Spfld Wrecking Co 2 Osgood tit yuu BEAUCHAMP ST 46 6 rooms moder) tenement in fine condition $35 mo Tel River 5725 after 6 SG MEN (2 to train for executive pn ons $22 to start more when expert ed Apply Better Brushes Inc Rm Whitney Bldg MATIREgSES re made like new we call and deliver Standard Mattress Co 5fl Harrison Ar Walnut 5288 rorTABLE SAW Cheap Call after 11 Walnut UNION SI od Rooms and board reason able nice location Mrs Jessie Moses 'Phone River 6075 ELEAXbR ROAD New 5 rooni tcnenie reasonable Walnut Business and Office Equipment 21 BELMONT AVE 36" 5 rooms stoarn heat Janitor aervlco Tel Walnut 2206 eve nings River DRESS PLEATING Accordion knife and mllHnery buttonholes looped edging hem stitching while you wait Ed wards prop 34 Besse Place River 5644 BELMONT AVE GO Attractive lower apt rooms in 2 famIIy house River 1120 CHURCHILL ST 40 (opp orest newly painted and decorated throughout 2 attic nr store rooms steam electricity oak or car garage $50 COAL RANGES AND GAS RANGES (used) taken payment on new ranges al) sizes Metropolitan urniture Co 588 Main St ARMORY ST 15 our newlv furnished sunshiny rooms Wai STORE OR RNT oj location In ood drug store etc Annlv a Soods Main st Albert Mayher STERLING ST 63 65 Upper or lower new rooms with garage River 5SS3 WANTED Two men to home nresMty Must and aggressive preferably 35 years old and willing numeration depends upon twwn S3U a 11 WALL PAPER at rea onahle prices paintand varnish See us first A Hale Co 11 and 13 Stearns Square River 3630 ASPHALT ROOING Terms Expert roof ers fire retafdlng beautiful never needs painting Ask for estimates Kayrock Roofing Corp 27 Sanford St Wai 6366 BOSTON ERNS AND HOUSE Wedding bouquet? floral designs Cut flowers for all occasions Gar fden 129 Hanco*ck St Walnut 4721 Ington St Walnut 3097 6 V' orth" Local and Instructors 15 THE NEWEII Draftsman with textile exp production clerk tool designer sales correspondent office mgr for large office production draftsman State St ULLETS Reds Leghorns $1 roofing $l5p Ccl glass non freeze fountains feeders buttermilk llyd Rex Dr Hess's and remedies Geo Mothe Co 49 Worthington St 43S Mill St River 866 or River 50 1 Reasonable rates for 2 or 3 ideal location for workers of Rolls Royce or Westinghouse Co WK ROOMS XYell furnished Colony Court apts hot and cold water rice refrigera tion shower bath Incineration heated ga rage 6 mos from Nov River 7936 URNISHED 6 rooms adults 312 Union St Walnut 7517 WINDOW Make your home at tractive make them to order also re pairing Springfield Window Shad Mfg Co 62 Vernon St Walnut 1333 ss BaV HAND EMBROIDERED ARTICES for sale prices reasonable Tel Wai 704 if the oricinal taxtvrest at the rate NAMK 75c house numbers GOc Cooley 63 King St Walnut 1420 LIVING ROOM Mantelpi ece break fast set hall trees all kinds of books for sale at u20 Worthington St BLUE CROSS COMMUNITY Temporary home nevded for mother eat anil three attractive kittens Male aire dale puppy Walnut 6802 niv fLA 9 alking distance Pe furnished rms suitable 1 or aiS Zw2 a CO11 fI1 CaI1 fcKNIGHT Owner your opportunity to buy a 2 risht Lampson 31 9 CELLE AVIj Ready now 4 rooms modern J25 Walnut 2328 READY OR QUICK IRE BASKETS (24 BUSHELS) $300 WEST DIV NEW ENGLAND BON CO 121 LOWELL ST WEST SPRINGIELD TEL Ill ER 3386 Compressed air cleaned steam steri lized: 0x12 tapestry $150 Crescent Carpet Cleaning Co 56 Harrison Ave Hlv 3106 WET OUR SERVICE WILL SAT ISY YOU BELMONT LAUNDRY 333 BELMONT AVE RIVER 3718 firemen CEMENT BLOCKS Parsed by all official tests all first class prompt 141very A Cspodagll 2 Boston Rd Ludlow CEMENT BIAJCKS At yard or delivered any quantity immediate delivery 23c de livered In city machine made perfect haldl 481 Main St I Tel Orch BAY ST 5 rooms elec bath orest park rooms modern $28 brand new Locke I5O ACRR village farm rille to elec cars 15 til J5 pajr estimated RKM) ties 2000 cords wood 50000 ft pine ready to eul house tarn ties 8 heed 2 heifers ralf cow horse hav tools fruits Bor ders nice pond: $SoOo includes everything Mesick 374 Main Walnut 0294 HUNDRED ACRE ARM OR SALE 700 tts farm in Hadley Mass one cod modern house contain" triet llXnSPlhtinS 1ant in houseT ele2 win ad Also Impie 000 paired ailroad side track is 3 miles from Am smhh i 'Se' Mass 4 miles from mith college Northampton Mass 7 miles l1IluyOe South lladk from Springfield Mass markets and excellent water in all has In one family for years No mortgages on the property Will not be exchanged for other ftyinS "ell today Will be sold right Requires some capital to buy and run It but will bring good re turns with competent management Help available to work on the farm Three tenement houses on farm for help Elec tric cars and railroad near the farm Con venient to school A great opportunity cr farmin? on a lam acale No better co jortunity in New England to obtain an up to date farm which pays well Sale for purpose of settling estate for distribu tion among heirs A reasonable cash pay ment required arming pays today as well as any other occupation All required is business ability Industry and some ca i Inquire of John Callahan Attorney at Law 189 Street Holyoke Mass 3 ILL JOHN rUMIXRttiK( mm honi" £5 rward pf return Wore litrht auit i green waist and white v'lvn tast and tali fr jrcare i iUHibruaki 135 erry CONVALESCENT Chronic 4 people 10U rear! St Walnut UNION ST Half house 5 rooms 644 Union 4 rooms: $16 Inquire 640 Union room all modern PAINTING paperhanging price reasonable Surprenant 144 Catherine St PAINTING and paperhanging very low price 240 Walnut St 1675 or TLXEDO SLIT Worn only also win ner overcoat almost knew for sale Tailor 32 Hanco*ck St MRS TUBES urrier now open for business 75 Montrose St River 1797 in 1OveVlldnT3GnanPnartlents XSINGT0N AVE 5 room tenement shower brvthfi and firenlnf 1 17verd rent ready to occupy Walnut 4057 rents 4 rooms J55 5 rooms River GG16 or Janitor CaI) KENSINGTON AVE 42 Modern 4 rooms water heater garage 1559 KhoSaR4 room set nia LAST ALVORD ST upper 6 rms large llv rms flrepl garage Now ready no minutes walk from Maa achusMts Mutual Life new bulldln) tension of Cortland St off State New famlly house for rent ft rooms and bath each apartment Automate Premier continuous hot water heater Smith steam boiler Crane built in fixtures in baths Crane fixtures throughout hou Pfigldalre full sixe copper screens atl windows and roaches all public serv ices connected 2 car ggrnne land fot garden If wanted ready for occupancy September 15 fall fnr Inspection at your convenience or call Walnut SS15 'for full Information ELECTRIC CLEANERS vYestcrn Electric and weeper Vac also factory rebuilt Vasv terrns Bree trial Cleaners rented and I repaired All parts 1n stock Alderson 40 Arch St Walnut 1315 actory prices axmlnster wEton brussels Harold Monro mill agent 116 Pearl St Thompsonville Ct Tel 673 5 room lower all mndarn Im ADAMS ST 84 (South Lower 5 I provements adults only pipe 1rrtv4H A 1 UUHJ15L1V ibl Pleasantest upper rent in city 6 rooms on floor modern adults 62 Princeton St River 4255 MERCHANTS AND I you want letter meter Iran spolia tion? you shipments that require nice vasy udc and get there faatcr? We are putting in Service Vann rain and dust proof equipped with Inchouao a rd Tovejoy tmrk absorbers and acml balloon tires Lt' show vOu thia Contracts wanted fUiG 'CO Culdn JoanT ta Lte tected a rent ccl lectea 3 Elm st Walnut 1780 RVSSA1! 8raaes at low price see Gar St Thompson ville Ct Tel 633 3 Wm Klein Prop LalVoBLE store3 State and Walnut Sts also 5 rm steam heated apt 431 23'' COMMONWEALTH AVE 248 Mod 5 rm steam garage reasonable Wai LONGMEA DO Will rpni modern furnished or winter Tel River Ior Hie would liken References Box Repub ELECTRICIANS Prepare for Mass state license Practical Elcc School 54 Taylor Mon Wed ri eves 7 or tiat 2 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV ING PACKING CRATING STOR AGE HOUSEHOLD URNITURE PIANOS OICE EECTS MER CHANDISE ESTIMATES URNISHED CENTRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE COMI NY 276 LIBERTY ST RIVER 1)8 ANYTHING IN INTUKKS ur reatnu rnrw and rj or all kinds: bargains Bay Stale Store and ixture Co JO San lord St TL Walnut 53G CHHSTNUT ST 5S0 4 and 5 room ants Rent 824 apd S2G modern CENTRALLY 2 large mu hath suitable for apt or office amoSorn eon St River 47G5 172 co*k Private family $15 maid assistant for college colored waitress general houseworker a billing clerk must he ex perienced on comptometer Hanley Em ployment Bureau 273 Dwight St Wai 4 IB SPACE TO TIIvt factoring inrff9 mall many Hyland Co1n'eJ Property of ea Desk Room and Offices AMjy Drug nnt Urci Sts IVEBS KMahluhrd ijji furni ture and piano mnrer Hirer 1320 if Broadway ltrs Walnut 2W1 il? or Kelley Bros tWe know tve can satisfy you) 14 Hampden St SMALL SUITCASE riday a at Springfield station marked f' inder urite Room 29 Talbot House Northampton LOST ox terrier pup male answers to name of River 1398 STATE ST 55 Two and three furnished rooms hot water electricity gas range STATE ST (just off) Modern 5 room tene ment rent $3h available jtbw Walnut 890 evening Walnut 4156 TO 11 large rooms with 2 baths beautiful for rooming house or can be divided Into 2 tenements of 7 moms each heat furnished Inquire Albert Mayher 819 Main St 69 ssrirsK Rs 3 evenings ner fJJRE LOST Between Holyoke and Wilh a mansett via Thompsonville new Royal Cord mounted painted black witli silver rim inder call Hol yoke 551 Reward SUMNER AVE Mod 6 rms 3d floorSt heat adults or 53961 ST JAMES AVE New room upper tenement steam heat electricity tile bath $35 month 1280 SEASON OPENING SALE 4 Quflts and blan kets at factory prices Golden Rule Bed ding Co 134 Main St HALL ST 92 Housekeeping rooms heat elec gas priv porch G620 HILL Lincoln St large furnished front rooms private family 252 QUINCY ST 256 I or 2 pleasant house keeping rms everything furn 2111 SEVENTH ST 52 light house keeping and single rooms HILL SEC urnished room steam elec desirable for 1 or 2 River MAPLE ST 1 Pleasant furnished enr ner room home privileges Riv 3779 WK BY I DDLE aged untry Holyoke 12c line per day for 7 DAYS 20 Extra Charged for Advertisem*nts With Cuts Contract rates upon request Count 6 words to a line 1 I lines to an inch Minimum Hook Charge 50c Minimum Space 2 lines Ads may start cither The Republican or Daily News Sunday rates the same as The Republican and Daily News combined time for The Repub lican is 9 for The Daily 2T 1 I SPIt NO KI Tprvcrper it imuT ri I VUH3 ln Lr i t3nr mad I i nirMMf IL 1 IXTTIw ty Tt Wai tTI IMUTEnS aoM CHATEAU DINING ROOM 31 Maple St Sunday dinners 2 to 5 $1 week day dinners 530 to 730 75 cents reduced rates for breakfast or luncheon and dinner combinations 238 I I BELMONT AVE 13o Up to date 4 room 1 apt inquire Janltac River 290 I GREENE ST 125 Modern 4 rooms upper 31 state aJ 'r SQUARE 38 6 rooms large 4tirbflflrI i ielX 5 5 130 RoeheHe St 7 room upper all modern Garage Call River Jewelry clock Also a' Bookstore Blds ice down UP brlD3 he i MAIk Classical and popular uhect music and muslcnl instruments of eery description All orders shipped same day as received Use this service HardeniUS cnS0 r11' (at 424 Main St tipringfield SA NOPHON SPECIAL SALE Slightly used 3S and up lessons at our studio Dean Musm House Cor State and Main Sts upstairs Open evenings HAM LEX REAfTonQ W3MJ METCAL WALLACE Real estf Main 6tl SCHOOL (both sexes) All codes taught jnq Charles A Plante Ex u' tor 475 Rimmor Ave Wal MK 1 1 osition man: canal city or count ty 17 Shcr WANTED Man of g'l duration pleasing address rgy individuality and some sysnng oxpene: nsnra nouse good Write WALNTrr c'T fijiH' 1 I NORTHAMPTON AE 193 195 Upper and TeL Itivcr'iGU)0 8989' lower tenements 7 rms each 5V CARLISLE 2 new 5 room tenements inquire Silverman Walnut 7819 COLCHESTER ST Upper 6 room new house River MK Two story 50x125 ton Street SMALL Dwight Street LOT nrl(tee Strt oxuo It 2d floor 398 Bridge 398 BRIDGE STREET 'RIV' 1405 wv yieas nt rooms elec lights etc Wai BILTMORE ST 38 Modern 8 room upper now ready irst month free W7 Situations Wanted Women 13 CARPETS AND RUGS atear cleaned sham pooed: feathers renovated Spfld Steam Carpet Cleaning Co 40 Tlor St 764 HEG8 INC Master cleansers and dyert or garments rugs and household furnish ings ree collection and delivery service 135 State St River VA'nrTAx HILL TERRENCE ST Desirable modem NATHAN MRENSTEIN 387 half house Inq 4S Terrence St AVALNUT 428 Inquire Superintendent of Buildings holce upper In house $40 Rrver jIra nich Walnut 5225 Carew and Chestnut streets 3 4 and i room apartments Very desirable Uo: nnv tv RANIvLIN ST 385 New house 2 six 5 5 rms 4th floor r00m tenements Inq 38 Vinton St not vat yr around gas range 608U I rr UULU 70 xear Van Horn Park mod frORT PLEASANT AVE 2 rooms Locust ern cal1 mornings or 6 8 in 7S83 43 modern 3 4 rooms all latest new sectin centrally lo GRENADA TER cor Dickinson St 8 rm WUSt9 pCn tO bC appreciated modern ten Call or Tel GROVELAND ST Tenement of 6 rooms strictly modern River 2831 PEMBROKE AVE 55 Modern 7 room upper $27 5 rooms lower $25 publican Office RECENT GRADUATE of the Boston A School Domestic science dcsin pos: References lu: UaubTrban Clty SI Elm St managers 374 Mato St V0: upper $25 Walnut pq between 4 and 7 A 3 colored rat with collar and 1 bell corner North Carew Sts H802 AA ON PLACE Large sunny comfortable lurnished rooms private family CLARENDON ST 3 Large pleasant com fortable room private family State rms $5 up meals optional also light housekeeping 7369 ROOM and hav us move you Call Liver 411 Spfld Baggage Transfer union station Dressmaking and Hemstitching 52 M1TTI NEAG 3 room upper swi Jo adults Wal 42G7 WEST ST'LD matv modern 20 month niSe or Walnut 1412 Call River o442 ScellnYcondUiorf in h'aU i I Ja 4 IS UavvHr mmn3tWAXTn MAIN ST 4G 2 3 rooms electrlcltv linen nnd dishes fur elevator IL 8146 MAIN ST and 4 room furnished apartments River Barbers Hairdreas Masseuse 39 AT THE BUTTERLY BEAUTY PARLORS Special thia month free shampoo with every marcel bobbed or long hair S100 14 State St Room PERMANENT HOME for invalids chronice elderly ole: best nf care and Lwd rooms well heated and bright Wal 717 Rangeview sanitarium Ambers Mass Well known well conducted well siuated: best of personal attention Irom trained nurses and resid nt physicians WANTED Child of herd are to lioard 21 Lulland St River 6871 Eggs Ponliry Supplies KrLl CHICKERiES INC 78 ELMWOOD AVE WEST SIHINGIELD MASS RIVER 168D SUMNER AVE 1 59 Modern 4 room ants sceam neat Call Walnut 2937 MAIN ST CORNER OSGOOD 14 room house for rooming house Inq 2740 0 Cor Maple) 3 front rms a(hilts Van Allen 19 MORNINGSIDE PARK (Park All mod uapic st River 143 ern 7 rooms fireplace exceptionally good jr rnivr 'tion Rver 3818 or Walnut 4035 Lombard 31 Elni St River 5600 MODERN 5 room cottage 2 car garage and wuttt place for chickens Tel Chicopee 403 ner i rrn modern apt S650 5562 or Hughes River MILLER ST Lower 6 room tenement new bouse $38 Walnut 3460 rsS 5twaaT t011 001" 10Wer ten MARBLE ST 41 Single hmiRP fl SPRING ST 80 4 and 6 room apts Call i0' River S7 Barlow 103 Spring St I MILL ST 454 room cottage Ort 15 $35 Wilson 19 Court St 7793 BRIGHTWOOD SEC Near Catholic church 4 rms 1st floor garage 825 231G COR BROOKLINE AVE Modern pleasant lower room tenement Inq 1267 North St COMMONWEALTH AVE 190 Ncw house CORTLAND ST 67 Modern 6 rooms and garage Tel River CAREW ST rooms steam heat reasonable Walnut ertilizer Seeds Plants 31 St Peterson Third jA SOUTH MAIN 3 seated janitor being compteted Jurt ness Tel River 1487 ny busl 3 front rooms AVE Modern 5 rms River' Van AHen0 He bath Walnut 3784 NORTH vn tv KENSINGTON AVE 63 Desirable 4 or 3 newiy dfcotTros 01? rapts: 6416 sun a 1 4 rooms River Tay Or 377 Main St ST Tenement 5 rooms $25 orw Phone Walnut 595 hpa'ed apartment 2d LESLIE TER (off Carew 4 brand lor Tay new room tenements: also 44 Hollywood Slain bt River 5110 St 2 7 room Berard Bros 455 Carew St Walnut or River steam heated apt modern 6 room flat Walnut 527 LINDEN ST 82 Pleasant 5 room tene mrr err ment $25 newly decorated premises ILAIL bl i) bteam heated 4 rma kltch enette front back verandas Inq Janitor LEBANON ST Modern 5 room: second PARK ct walking distance Walnut 51C5 "rar Mah'e 3 rooms and modern Malnut 7818 MILL ST 406 Modern 3 rooms upper and onot oo lower hardwood floors elec furnace ET 8 3 rm eteam heated heat adults $30 Tel River WK apts River or River MAYNARD ST 175 Pleasant upper 6 rooms very reasonable 2270 400 ACRES WOODLAXIhon good road in Brimfield Over SOoO cords of wood Land has cash value of $3000 Can be bought for $5'oo Other tracts of 10 to 100 acres of hardHond A Bramble Tel 52 Palmer Mass adults fare zone? rooms Slower'Giiduit' sV ISSeI1 5 Healey 327 Males '31 HeaI Wanted To Kent AGAWAM CVtpr conveniences? Walnut Inodcrn BELLE AVE 67 TV oVv? SaS pS'c: otn 1 "SrelsB BELMONT AVE 4 room ineamOieat rd apt 4th flour now ready DELMONT AVE 1 Up to dato 5 room apt River AAiEE rm furnished apt 2 bed looms orest park section preferred Best references Box Republican Offick Real Estate or Sale Estate A gents Rim rn rents counted 163 Sp? 62 I' AIRMONT ST 19 (off Commonwealth Av a rooms 2tl floor $33 garage i'T PLEASANT AVE 258 7 room upper steam fireplace 2 'porches garage Just the tenement you were looking for No service charges EDW MURPHY CO Realtors 'PHONE RIVER 555 1 st3 fl1 rieftJS5n rooms 5 rooms Upper 5 room ten elec fine condl 1st II right 5 rooms 2d fl movlng expenses paid NORTHAMPTON AVE Mod upper 6 62 rms newly decorated ALDERMAN ST I OSGOOD ST 54 Tenement Beautiful 4 and 5 room flats all mod and bath partly modern reduced8 1 Practically new at able' COMMONWEALTH AVE Two 4 room flats garage it desired IL GRANSTEIN 453 SUMNER AVE WAL ARMORY ST 52S 6 rooms new house OAK GROVE AVE Cozy 4 rooms adults steam beat rent reasonable Ina InfI TO Cambridge St River Davitt 588 Liberty St 1 I OAK GROVE AVE 65 eft State St very ACUSHNET AVE GO 5 room mod tene desirable modem 5 rooms Wal GJ94 ment Inq upstairs or Tel 'Wal 1266 I I ON THE HILL Pease St Modern up ACUSHNET AVE 100 Lower 7 rooms 5 roonls reasonable' Riv T71 11)1 PUTT ctno rrs Loo I vrr io lit at VV UH Articles Wnnteil to Buy ABSOLUTELY the highest cash prices In the cily paid fur used furniture ot all kinds Call at once 8k8 ANTIQUE household anil office furniture? rugs rash paid Wa pay rfouhl amount paM by buyers Call Unlmrt in South End urniture Co fit We buy boolup few or many forer evomt Hand fW thmkaiora Tel Walnut Sl CAfill raid for entire contento of stores or t1! J68 Write or call Howe ftft rwo Ch'Dc MOVING AND TRUCK I NG tiatli fact eer teas ratee Insured or Park Ex prcj! Hediger 549 Dl klnaon JM2 TOM EXPRESS Local lone distance nnu irucKtng 'easonable Wal or Wal ACM bl JOB PRINT Caters to your need printing letterheads cards circulars pamphlets etc 22 Court tit upstairs PRINTING Business stationery of all kinds Ask for quotations Premier Printing Co 56 Harrison Ave River 1456 HIGH ST Newlv decorntArf HANco*ck ST Modern 7 rmten ga rent reasonable Walnut rRge lf desired InQ 27 King St HIGH ST 40 St Germain 9 IIILL 40 42 SHATTUCK ST Modern four electricity 326 River 3137 HORACE ST (Park Section) Attractive HOWARD ST qiv 7" uPPer 7 room adults River Walnut 663G or litvrr Cal1 1 I HANco*ck ST 38 5 room tenement ga JEERSON AVE HTn rage desired Inquire 3d floor modern 832 nt JENKS STREET (North endl IX (irst fare limit) apartment $35 VPP773 heated seven room corner house arid garage fur Taylor Co 377 AfaiiT 5 Cl nlshed or unfurnished to responsible 1 Alam st River 5110 parties 5V I nr CLEAN MOtt mu ji ick fire 12 EtKETS 21 rLIIELS $Jno.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.