Where The Wildflowers Meet The Obsidian Ocean - Chapter 1 - Awkwarddragons - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Hizashi swears that the moment his crew spots the island far off in the distance they begin hollering like starved animals on a deserted island. Which could be true because he knows that his poor kitchen staff have actually started to ration off their remaining food supply. Yet Hizashi knows firsthand that starvation is no reason for them to start dancing in duos, nearly pitching themselves overboard in a weak attempt at spotting the far dot in the distance from their current posts.

Hizashi sighs as he hears someone shout that they’re able to see the speck from up on the front deck. Not even a moment later almost all of the crew are running up to the bow or climbing up the varied rigging on Amelia. Thankfully the trusty ship doesn’t dip down from the increased weight of the whole crew on the front end. Or better yet capsize because of how many human monkeys hang off of the ropes on the left side of the vessel.

If he didn’t need his crew then he’d honestly be more inclined on the ship tipping and sending them to see Davy Jones. While one or two of those sailors are loyal and good the rest are dogs to money and freedom from the governments twisted sense of justice. Most running from both the law and from what Hizashi has deducted at least one or two wives.

No wait ex-wives.

Still he can’t help but shake his head, large hat and feather swaying with the breeze.

“I take it they’re excited.” Kyouka’s tone has a lilt to it that hints at playfulness, but Hizashi knows that a true part of her can’t understand the simplistic desires of the men onboard. According to her drunken rants she doesn’t understand how men can only be hungry for both food, money, and companionship. Though she did mention a certain women whom she fancied in a port city they stopped by several times a year. And knowing that she retracted her statement, backing the boys up by saying she totally understood the appeal about women. Men not so much.

“I mean we have been at sea for almost two months without stopping.” Hizashi offers, shrugging, walking up the stairs and past his first mate at the helm steering the loved ship towards the island.

Hizashi really doesn’t attempt to understand his simple crew further. If he does stoop that low, then he might just become another one of the men hanging off the bow nearing the waters dangerously so. Each one gambling with the chance of falling in and getting caught under the ship. Drowning would only then would be a mercy.

From his many years on sea what he’s gathered is that most men do it for the silver, few do it for loyalty. The women do it for freedom and fun, loyalty an unspoken agreement. Though Hizashi has surely showed them what happens to those who dare rouse the idea of mutiny.

Licking his lips he can still taste the blood of the men whom he lined up on the main deck after finding out about them stealing from his quarters. Foolish men working on gaining leverage to turn the crew and overtake the ship with gems and coin alike. In one fell swoop seven of his crew conspired against him. They were simple men he picked up at port a couple months back, pirate wannabes still lost in their farm boy dreams. It was a hasty decision after half his crew got hung in the town square for tomfoolery.

Hizashi doesn’t stand for any whisper of mutiny among his ship and didn’t stand for it back then. After tying those up who dared go against him he killed them in a single swipe from his cutlass. Letting their heads loll on the deck and blood seep so deeply into the wood that the lowest ranking on the crew remember their place every time they clean the deck and see the hint of red in the sun kissed wood.

Kyouka shakes her head, short trimmed dark hair accentuated under her deep red bandana and similar red earrings. For a moment Hizashi remembers why she dons the title of the Ocean’s Ruby. “And I wonder why we haven’t been able to stop.” Full sarcasm and surely a classic eye roll. Not a question and clearly a statement.

Hizashi can’t help but offer a shy laugh at that doing his best to look away from the gaze of his first mate as she recalls the incident months prior. “That was an accident.”

“Sure it was. I’d have believed you more if you brought something back for me.”

“Next time for sure.” Hizashi tips his hat as a symbol of promise before turning and leaning on the rail overlooking the lower decks. “We’ll just let the crew have their fun and not worry about a thing. After all who knows when we’ll make land after this stop.” A splash follows one of his men going overboard and he sighs. The dot in the distance surely more than a speck by now.

“I do suppose we’ll arrive shortly captain.”

“Seems so.” Hizashi nods. “Do we know where we are headed?”

“Uncertain territory for sure. I’ve never been in these waters nor have I seen fish like the one’s the kitchen has been sparsely catching.”

“Lovely. All the more to look forward to.”

“That makes one of us.” Kyouka waves him away. “The course is set. Taking into account the tide and wind we’ll be there before dark.”

Hizashi nods his approval with their course, walking over and patting his first mate on the shoulder before walking away. His boots making music with his rhythmic steps on the creaking deck.

“Let’s just hope we don’t steal something too high of value this time around.” He waves bye with his hand for good measure and to accentuate his point, the pricey gold ring inlaid with a single obsidian stone shining in a tempting manner.

Maybe that’s what lured him to steal it or it honestly was probably the gold. Money is what motivates pirates after all and yeah all the rumored crap of buried treasure is bullsh*t. That fricken fancy silver goblet that nearly killed him thrice was worth no more than his weakest swordsman. And that man only sold for ten silver!

The goblet may have been a trinket, but this ring is far from it. The way the gem is shaped and how it’s inlaid into the ring alone speaks volumes about it’s wealth. Stealing it was so easy too, it was just perfectly laid out before him perfect for the taking. Though really, how was he supposed to know that the random woman he slept with was the daughter of a high noble and engaged to a renowned astronomer. It’s not like she told him and she was at the brothel putting herself out there. Hell she even took him back to a small barn in the midst of nowhere to blow some steam off. Nothing about her screamed aristocracy. Still it was clearly his fault.

And what followed was a whole sh*t show that involved being chased off the island by locals and government officials alike. Hell he’s almost positive he saw one of his men being struck by a gosh darn telescope. It was a whole mess with guards shooting at them with guns and cannons, sparing no citizens. Hizashi even saw them strike down a young girl no more than four and moments later she got trampled by the government she was raised under.

Luck must have been on his side though as they made a tactful getaway with the whole crew in one piece for the most part. Kim doesn’t need his right foot to help out in the kitchen. It will be missed, but he’ll live. John though most definitely needed at least both arms to help with rigging and the occasional swashbuckling. He will be missed. Maybe.

Those left behind after said chase and hasty departure he can only hope that they were able to die on the sea like they deserved. That way they would take all his secrets as a captain to their watery grave below and not the higher ups with skewed crowns on their heads. The last thing he wants is the government chasing him around in some endless game of cat and mouse.

Being a pirate means stealing and living the life of a free person without any restraints. Which would be near to impossible if the fear of death was looming over waiting to strike. Waiting for Hizashi to fail being a captain long enough so the government could pull the wind out his sails.

The Ring incident, as it’s been coined, was two months ago and this is now.

Now he knows better and this time they’ll dock for supplies with downtime as a bonus. No brothels and surely no farmhouses.

Keep a low profile.

And maybe have a drink or two. Not a keg or two.

Hizashi looks over his crew still at the bow of his ship and notes how close the island already is. Kyouka wasn’t lying when mentioning the speed they were traveling at.

“We’re making good on time.” Breathing in he can feel the steady breeze and finds it comforting as he watches it catch the sails, moving the ship at a steady pace. Watching the jolly roger snap in the wind he smiles, moustache surely making it look sinister.

With a curt wave to his helmsman he ducks into his quarters. Closing the door behind him he prepares for when they dock later in the day, that is if the wind is kind and his damn crew returns to their posts to help his leading lady steer. Surely Kyouka can’t run a ship by herself. She definitely would try though.

A thought crosses his mind as he falls into his hammock. Shifting his hat over his eyes he sighs, ring catching in the light coming from his windows.

“I got to give Kyouka more gold.”


Two hours before sundown Hizashi steps out his quarter doors before one of the chore boys come to fetch him. He’s traveled many seas and lived a longer life on the water than on land. The waves always welcome their travelers with a familiar cadence.

Walking up to the front of the vessel he watches as the ship narrows into the shipyard. Kyouka sliding the ship right alongside the dock with practiced ease. He nods his head in approval before turning and giving her a thumbs up. She doubles it before returning it back with a grin.

“Drop the anchor!” Hizashi’s voice booms over the deck and he thrills watching the crew scatter like scared mice. Surely they’ve made land and now the crew can’t wait to actually step on land.

“I bet three silver that at least ten of them will fall over once on land.” Kyouka’s voice is smug and Hizashi doesn’t need to turn to spot the smirk on her face. Two can gamble at this bet.

“I bet ten silver that only two of them will topple over.” Surely no sailor can’t walk on land after two months. Two years maybe, but two months. Unlikely. Holding out a hand the dark haired girl doesn’t waste a second and shakes on it.

“Your on, captain.” She smiles as she walks across the deck to her separate quarters. It’s almost comical how the men part like the ocean for her as she nears.

Walking down from his spot Hizashi steps over to the edge of his ship and drops down the rope ladder, swinging over the edge and beginning his descent. He’s already assigned duties to the crew and a timeline has already been discussed several days prior on a what if basis.

All that’s left is him to have fun and stay out of trouble.

Jumping onto the dock below he brushes the hair out of his face, happy that the green bandana he chose to wear looks more low-key. While he dearly loves his hat apparently it acts as a beacon for the Pirate Captain Hizashi. And yeah he loves being recognized by even the blindest of poor men, but sometimes a captain needs some time to well not captain. Not to mention the bandana matches his eyes.

Hizashi adjusts his large black long coat tighter around him and ignores how his loose white blouse wrinkles from being stuffed into his trousers. At least the green sash somewhat hides the disaster of his shirt and trouser situation. It’s a different fit and honestly he’d forgo the coat if he could, but it makes him look fancy and powerful. And from what he’s learned in many port cities it’s that people act different around those who carry themselves with esteem.

He steps forward on the dock, ready to start exploring this town which seems to be in the eastern islands. He’s seen a few others on the dock speaking in mixed tongues yet fish seems to be a large export alongside weapons. A common trademark of the East Asian continent. Curious he smiles and prepares to move on.

Only then do one of his crew come crashing onto dock in front of Hizashi, sprawled out like a starfish. Using the tip of his boot he nudges the man who moans in response.

“Okay then.” Noting the other mans ability to still breathe he steps over the other. “Don’t mind me.” Then he’s off hurrying down the deck and doing his best to find equilibrium once more on land.

Handing a small set of seven bronze coins to the man at the harbor entrance he watches as it’s documented that he’s paid to dock. Hizashi moves past, doing his best to hide the surprise of such a cheap fee.

When he turns he finds Kyouka close behind alongside most of the crew.

Then they hit the gravel and Hizashi sighs. The first crew member falls flat out and the second gets pushed by the third resulting in both somehow falling off the docks. Wasting no time the blonde captain fishes out the ten silver coins, throwing in a few extra and hands the small bag off to his first mate as she passes.

“Thank you captain.” Kyouka pockets the coinage and then disappears further into the busy harbor.

Hizashi shakes his head and turns back to still find his crew being ridiculous. Some are once more dancing in circles and one is even kissing the ground where ocean meets stone. The sun setting in shades of red and casting his ship in lovely hues, he waves her goodbye for now.

“I’ll see you soon my dear.”


Hizashi stumbles through the harbor, blinking as he works on ridding the alcohol from his system. He’s not sure how much he’s had to drink, but it’s enough that he started a bar fight and got kissed by some random stranger missing an eye.

Slumping down against the nearest post he sighs. The docks are in sight and he can’t wait for nothing more than to head back to his ship and nap in his own bed. Finally, a sense of quiet with most of the rowdy crew in town off doing who knows what. Hopefully one of those idiots stayed with the ship as told. But knowing them it’s an unlikely thought.

“I gotta stop drinking so much.” Hizashi yawns and closes his eyes, welcoming sleep after the meal he’s had. A meal that’s not dubious old fruit or fish for once. You’d think being the captain would mean better meals yet he still got served bottom of the barrel food just like the rest of the crew. Actually eating good tonight was amazing and the mere thought of more food has him licking his lips before yawning again, eyes drooping as thoughts of meat dance in his vision.

“Only for a minute.”

And maybe it is a minute or maybe it’s longer, but when he opens his eyes again he can feel the faint tell-tale signs of a headache on the horizon. Rubbing his head and whining all the while Hizashi hopes that some of the good tea to cure drunken mistakes is still onboard. Knowing Kyouka she drank it all herself in those occasional midnight woes that she sings about.

Yet the tea is easily forgotten when he turns towards the shipyard, his dear ship in sight alongside three other ships that remain in the smaller port. Now that there aren’t people milling around like fish in a busy reef he can see how truly small the docks are.

“What the hell.”

Two ships over hidden amongst the rocks, in a more dangerous area to dock, is a slim ship with one large sail rolled up. It’s figurehead albeit small boasts that of a mermaid breaching the waves and leading the way for the ship. As he stumbles closers it’s easy to note how the figurehead merely seems like a more recent addition. But it’s not really what stands out to Hizashi even on the mend from one to many drinks.

No. No. That would instead be on whether or not ships are supposed to be glowing. Like reasonably there is a high possibility as more parts of the world are being discovered, which typically means new ship building materials. And-

“No of course pirate ships do not glow!” Hizashi throws his hands into the air as he attempts to rationalize his thought and drown out the curiosity whispering in his ear. Wrapping a strand of blond hair around his finger he contemplates his options laid out before him.

His ship to the right. With it’s inviting wooden deck shining under the light of the full moon and the promise of a cup of good tea. Alone on the deck and not having to worry about anything for a few moments. Or the ship to his left. Which is glowing and accentuating the darker wood that seems almost black.

Hizashi stares between his two options again and bites his lip in contemplation.

“Tea”, Hizashi stares his baby before shifting to look at the other ship docked nearby. “Or treasure?” Even though his ship boasts the promise of comfort and quiet his eyes can’t help but be drawn to the lights from the glowing ship dancing on the water nearby.

And well Kyouka isn’t here so what’s he got to lose.

Moving down the confusing dock system Hizashi approaches the hidden vessel and sure enough it’s glowing blue from inside the ship. Not even a deep blue or bright blue but rather a blue like copper burning in the forge. It’s enchanting and for a moment Hizashi has to blink to confirm what he’s seeing is real.

The blue is eye catching and with the way it shines through the window he knows that his curiosity won’t be stopped until he sees the cause of such a beautiful display. It might even be the legendary book which emanates a supposed blue sheen to represent the four seas and the harmony amongst them. Oh the money that would get him is enough for him to live a luxurious life on the seas for sure. Hell he’d probably have enough to build his own town on a small island somewhere secluded.

Closer now Hizashi is able to see the ship in more detail. Dark stained wood and weirdly there are no lanterns to light the ship. Both allowing the blue to act as a beacon of sorts in the dark fog of the cold night and cranking the ominous factor up to eleven.

A shiver runs down Hizashi’s spine as his curiosity takes a dark turn of what ifs. Coveted cursed treasure is fine, a walk on the beach. A ghost ship in general on the other hand is a big no. There’s a line and ghost ships definitely cross that.

Maybe luck would be on his side for once.

With how darkness hugs the ship it’s evident that the crew forgot to set somebody up on watch. Though more realistically the poor fool probably abandoned post to doze off somewhere with such a comfortable night chill settling over the harbor only to be lit up by the light of the moon above. It’s comically perfect. If Hizashi wasn’t so hell bent on being innately curious like a damned cat then surely he’d be doing the same.

Praying to the ocean gods Hizashi scans the ship once more, eyes stuck to the room exuding blue over the dark ocean beyond. Watching the light fan out in the ocean has him enamored and in some manner he can feel the lights call to him. Whispering him to look closer and enticing him to know the truth.

Taking in the ship he looks at what he’s working with.

If he’s doing this, then he’s going to do it right.

From the location alone it must be a higher ups room as the room clearly has windows and is raised above steady sea level. If it is the captain’s quarters then the value of said object just increased ten-fold. If not then maybe it’s a storage room, but then again who put’s treasure next to the rations. Like oh yeah bring me some bread along with four emerald jewels, thanks!

Hizashi shakes his head from laughing at the thought.

As his laughter dies out he stares down at the dark ring on his finger catching the night light in it’s luster. Memories of trouble and all the months that followed loom in his head for a moment. The debate on whether this scheme will be worth it batting to and fro in his head. And he didn’t really promise Kyouka to stay out of trouble, but rather stating that he’d try.

Looking once more out to the ocean Hizashi feels the blue light calls to him as it ripples on the waves. Compelling him to investigate. Yet being chased these past few months was such a pain, even worse than when one of his lackeys stole a nobles prized stallion to ride through the country. His crew were exhausted physically and tired mentally. Hell Hizashi won’t turn a blind eye towards the men deciding who to eat first if it came down to cannibalism.

Hizashi chews on his lower lip, finding himself torn between wanting to jump the ship and go in sword swinging. But as a captain he’s seen the despair those months of running put on his ragtag crew.

“Okay let’s compromise. If their ladder is down then to hell with it, if not then we’ll let it be.” Breathing in and praying to the ocean gods once more Hizashi hopes that the ladder is down. Curiosity is calling to him and the blue light screams importance. As well as money, but for now he’ll backburner that thought.

“And…” Hizashi closes his eyes and turns to look at the ship once more, opening them moments after. His shoulders drop as he takes note how the ship’s rope ladder is nowhere to be seen. Surely he saw the ladder missing upon first look at the vessel yet his brain stored that thought away at the mere thought of shiny treasure. Like a crow obsessed with stealing nails from the local blacksmith.

“Okay well that sucks.” His mind runs with what ifs and thoughts about the cargo on the other’s ship to have them tuck away their ladder. And Hizashi won’t lie his curiosity grows. This is no longer just a treasure, for sure this has to be the captains pride and joy. The captains treasure.

Every captain has one.

Heck Hizashi is wearing his proudly after the whole sh*t show that followed. If the captain of this vessel left their precious treasure on board then it is obviously larger than allowed to be carried on ones person. That or the damned man is just overly cautious and finds an unguarded vessel the safest spot imaginable. Which, you what, to each their own.

Turning to look at his own vessel he wonders if his crew put the ladder back up before abandoning their posts to head into town. They might not have actual gold on their ship, but there were some valuable trinkets he had rolling around in his quarters. Surely they’d sell for a small amount of gold if-

“Oh thank you beloved ocean gods!” Hizashi claps his hands together, raising them high and low for everyone to see. Spinning on his heels as he blows a kiss to the moon. His thoughts screeching to a halt when he notices a startling realization.

While the ship with the blue light might not have a rope ladder down the one besides them does. Not only that, but maybe it’s a sign because their ship model is very close to that of his own. Like a festive and more tropical version of Amelia. If the green boards and trees peering over the rails were any indication.

Not taking a moment later to waste precious moonlight, Hizashi is climbing up the rigging with ease. Humming a soft tune, yet still listening as he boards the foreign vessel. Thoughts of the night watch have him hoping that they’ve disappeared from both ships he’ll be boarding unexpectedly. Stepping up the ladder is easy and after that Hizashi already has a plan formulating in his head on how to board the ship glowing blue.

Giving it a moment at the top of the ladder, Hizashi listens to the sounds on the deck.

After a moment of nothing more than the ocean lapping at the boats in the harbor, he jumps over the edge of the ship and lands on the deck quietly. Boots barely making a sound as his sword slowly comes back to rest at his side after jostling around from the jump.

The first step creaks the wood and Hizashi freezes, foot midair.

He waits a moment more.

Eyes watching for the hint of light and his ears listening for more than the ocean waves lapping against the docks rickety supports in a constant rhythm. A minute passes and then one more.

Still it remains quiet and no one appears.

Stepping fully onto the main deck of the new vessel Hizashi drops low and shuffles along the side of the rail. Hiding amongst the varied plants near the ships rails and being sure to watch his footing on the aged wood deck. It’s a real piece of work to resist the urge to give himself some cool music along with the spontaneous mission, surely it would elevate this small adventure into something grander. Alas it’s a stealth mission.

Putting aside the debate of a theme song, Hizashi looks up to find his target and tracing it back to his hiding spot amongst a citrus tree. A smile easily makes its way onto his face at the simplistic ease this whole operation has gone down so far.

It’s almost too easy in a way.

Confident in his stealth Hizashi stands and grabs the shrouds on the ships side. Scaling the ladder with ease he hurries to the top of the main masts sail. Holding his arms out to balance himself he walks alongside the beam holding the large sail. Moments later Hizashi is crouching down and watching his footing as he grabs the knife out of his boot. Grunting and swallowing back a curse after nearly slipping and taking out one of his eyes he moves the knife to slide it under the first rope helping tuck the sail away.

Not letting go of the rope, he tucks his dagger away back into it’s spot whilst doing his best to maintain balance as the beam becomes unbalanced even more-so and leans slightly towards the other vessel. Half the sail now attempting to billow out.


When it seems to steady to some degree he lets out a small laugh of mischief he was holding back lest he ended up splattered upon the main deck. However, he’s not a blond pancake and therefore he returns to the task at hand. After all the night is only young for so long and if the treasure is truly important to this captain then there’s no doubt that he will return to the ship before morning. If not morning, then definitely before the port becomes busy once more.

Treasure has a high price. Literally and figuratively.

“Don’t overthink it.” Looking at the divide which didn’t seem that large on the ground is a different scenario up high and has his eyes going wide. “It’s simple, just jump and pray to ocean gods that your legs don’t fold like wet parchment.”

Breathing in deep, and not wanting to let the fear take over curiosity, Hizashi jumps off the beam. With the rope tight in hand he watches as the ships deck laden with trees disappears below and the one next to it appears. He’s in the air for merely a few seconds and yet he knows that it’s the best momentum possible and while not optimal he has to let go.

Like Now.

If only he thought this out more he’d actually think about the landing being a far from desirable height off the deck. Yet there’s no time like the present and as the momentum stars to take him back he has to trust his gut.

Letting go of the rope Hizashi rolls onto the deck of the desired ship and curses as the force of his fall runs him into the wall on one side. For a moment he sits there, upside down, as the world spins and attempts weakly to make sure he wasn’t accidently stabbed by his own blade on the roll.

And yeah no holes anywhere they’re not supposed to be or worse blood from something other than a new stab wound. Smiling he mutters nice under his breath as he feels victory at the attempt. The stunt was definitely more Kyouka’s kind of thing and yet he managed just fine. If he survives he’ll have to tell her all about it.

Shadows move in the darkness, lit up by the smallest slivers of the moon. Part of him for a moment has to wonder if the shapes in the corner of his eyes are people or more damn trees.

“Who are you?” A shine of silver catches his eyes before he can feel the tip of the blade on his throat. sh*t.

People, definitely not trees.

“You-You don’t recognize me?” Hizashi plays on the fake hurt tone, laying on sarcasm so thick the other would have to be an idiot to not realize it. “That hurts me here.” Tapping his heart he sniffles weakly and watches as the night watch rolls their eyes.

“You got three seconds to state who you are or I’ll kill you.”

Hizashi sighs throwing his hands up before dropping them on the deck below.

“Alright alright. Most people offer a man dinner first though.” The sword presses closer and Hizashi can feel something warm drip down his neck. Raising his hands up even higher the man steps back and lowers his sword slowly, seeming satisfied with Hizashi’s act of submission. “Must be a novice.” The blonde pirate whispers as he stands as gestured to by the other man.

“What was that?” The man clearly heard him yet gets closer within range, sword dropping and Hizashi can see the moment an opportunity is presented to him.

“You must really be tired.”

Bringing his head up he slams it into the shorter mans, enjoying the sick crack and dazed look on his face. Yet Hizashi doesn’t stop there as the fool stumbles backwards, sword dropping from his grip. The man easily looks built to fight and from the multitude of scars that are barely visible in the blue hue, there’s no way that this brute is going down easy.

Sure enough not even a few moments later the man is running towards Hizashi again, breaking out a dagger from his belt and snatching his sword off the floor. Hizashi responds by pulling out his cutlass that is strapped to his side.

They dance in circles around each other for a moment before the man’s impatience stirs and he moves forward. It’s easy to bat away the small knife, but a smidge harder to keep the long blade from cutting him or even worse his hair.

They clash swords a few more times, the noise ringing throughout the harbor and surely casting a series of eerie shadows onto the far rocks thanks to the light of the moon.

Rushing the other man Hizashi lunges forward with his sword. Sure enough the other man dodges to which the blonde anticipated. Turning around fast and with the others momentum off for a moment Hizashi brings his sword down slicing the others forearm off in a diagonal cut above the elbow.

“Oh sh*t that,” Hizashi makes a disgusted face as the thick forearm falls to the deck, the sword in the dismembered arm clattering and splashing a bit of blood that started to pool. The man similarly falls to the deck, howling out in pain and rolling slight a ways away from his missing appendage. Getting nearer Hizashi rolls the arm near it’s owner with the toe of his boot. He bites back a cringe at the blood stains on black leather he polished a few days prior. “You left something.”

The man snaps out of his agony to sit up and look long enough at the arm rolled to him, hand empty of the sword it was holding.

“Oh right this too.” Hizashi smiles wickedly before flicking his wrist and throwing the dagger back to it’s owner. The dagger which he managed to snag out of the other’s hands in a moment of pick pocketing that would make his father proud of him for once.

He licks his lips as he sees the fear in the mans eyes, turning to scramble away and yet failing to do so. The mans own weapon lands right between his eyes, sinking into the soft parts of flesh and surely hitting bone if the sound is any indication. The blonde waits a minute before he hears the thud and a small splatter of blood is sent towards him.

Only then is he stepping over the poor lad and hurrying on.

Past the main mast and directly to the only door on the main deck.

“Oh sh*t, right!” Turning back Hizashi finds the man where he left him and after a quick apology he begins to pat down the other. Searching for the key to open up the captain’s quarters which will no doubt be locked.

Hizashi stops rummaging as his search turns up empty. Disappointed and considering his options he turns to stare at the captains quarters. Mind debating on the probability of the door being unlocked.


Hizashi swings around fists raised as he searches for the deep voice.

“Who’s there?!” It’s stupid and yet a part of him wants someone to respond. Only then will he be able to convince himself that he’s not lost it and gone mad. Kyouka did tell him that alcohol would drive him to be absolutely bat sh*t. To add insult to injury he swears that a soft humming starts up, luring him in and drawing him to the brink of crazy.

With the humming filling his head he slowly turns to the door with no key. As if something is pulling him to it, as if ensuring him that the door will open.

Heading back to the door with cautious steps he twists the ornate knob and still it doesn’t give.

Hizashi has half a mind to ask what now, but stops before he can open his mouth and look stupid. He is a pirate after all and you know what they say brawn before brains. Though he knows Kyouka would stab him for that thought. She has always lived on a questions-first-shoot-later basis for most things.

Tapping the weathered wood and gauging its brittleness Hizashi breathes in, bracing himself for the morally crazy thing he’s about to get himself into. Gosh there’s no doubt Kyouka’s going to have a laugh about this one.

The blond moves his hair out of the way and backs up before rushing the door, slamming into it with everything he’s got. What he expects is for the door to resist and send him flying backwards, but instead he’s falling forward and narrowly missing a doorknob stuck in his side.

For a moment he has to wonder why the door with a key gave so easily.

Though his thoughts drown out as he enters the room cascading in that gorgeous blue. Picking up the door he sets it back against the frame as best as possible. Even then it looks sad merely propped against the door frame. Wincing at the minor damage control attempt the blond turns away. Not his ship and therefore not his problem.

Hizashi relishes in the fact that he doesn’t need a lantern to see and surely tip another person off about his whereabouts. Though the dead body on deck and poorly fitting door jammed into it’s frame are more than enough of an indication that something is wrong.

Still the room is a decent sized area and since barging in his thoughts are solely captivated on the makeshift desk sitting in the back-center of the room. The low windows only helping to enhance what Hizashi sees. It only helps that when you walk in it’s the first visible thing.

There in a large clear chest, that surely functions as a desk for the captain based on the journals and writing materials on top, is a creature his mother used to warn him about to scare him off the sea. Though that obviously backfired massively. Still he can hear her voice ringing in his ears telling him to be wary of the seas song or you’ll be dragged to where theybelong.

Stepping forward his eyes take in the mermaid.

No doubt that his mother speaks the truth and yet his eyes sheen with the blue reflecting throughout the room. Conveying his varying thoughts as he abandons caution to the wind.

A beautiful black tail shimmering in the small space with blue specks glowing and trailing up to the creatures waits where they accumulate and seemingly surround its waist. Small fins feather off it’s hips in wispy hues of blue and black. Highlighting the creature as similar blue specks run up their arms and even underneath their eyes. Their four black eyes with blue iris’ staring straight at him as a webbed hand comes to rest on the glass. Fingers a black that fades out further up the joints.

Before Hizashi even knows it he’s kneeling on the ground and his hand is on the glass, rings tapping against the cage that make him flinch more than the mermaid before him.

His own green eyes are lost in the gorgeous blues coming off the mermaid before him. With long dark hair flowing around them the mermaid is gorgeous. Stunning and as the other tilts their head in a question-like manner Hizashi finds himself smiling.

Snapping back from the depths that belong to this mermaid Hizashi stands, remembering very well that he’s currently on a foreign ship. There’s no doubt in his mind that the captain will be back sooner than later if this is the true treasure aboard.

Hizashi slaps his cheeks gently to get himself back into the headspace and understanding of the current goal. Though if he’s being honest he’s not too sure what the purpose of infiltrating this ship is anymore. If it was a smaller trinket he’d have swiped it and ran by now.

Yet he’s not so sure what to do now. Turning back he looks at the mermaid once more. Or maybe he does.

Scanning the room Hizashi finds a small bed that is hidden behind a wooden partition on the far side of the room located behind the door. Across the way is a table with chairs and what appears to be a worn map. Hizashi can’t help but run his fingers over the old ink and browning parchment. Smiling as his fingers run over the small embossed title of his homeland. Nearer to the desk is a chest below a mutilated painting of some royal decorated in many small arrows all in sure-kill spots.

Yet the real treasure is no doubt the creature locked away in the glass cage that is clearly too small for them.

His eyes meet the mermaids and for once his thoughts waver before stay or go.

The dark haired creature raises a hand on the glass and those eyes follow him as he approaches again.


The voice is surely angelic and a bit low, but it’s similarly broken and hearing that has Hizashi folding in on a decision that will surely have Kyouka commandeering his ship without hesitation.

“Of course.”

Turning around he searches the room for something off.

It has to be something vastly out of place. Or so gosh darn obvious it’ll be overlooked.

Stepping away from the chest Hizashi faces the bookshelf as it is the only seemingly out of place item for a captain so seemingly hell-bent on wars between kingdoms. The captain surely journals and no doubt has the education to read, but something about it feels off.

Nothing on the shelf truly sticks out. Aside from a stature of a mermaid sitting on a rock as the waves come up behind her. It’s odd and yet it’s not what draws his attention. It’s the book in blue behind it that he knows is a childhood story. The childhood story his mother read to him so much that the books cheap binding broke apart on several occasions. Hizashi knows the book forwards and backwards, it’s nothing like the books of maps and foreign languages that fill the rest of the shelves.

Hizashi reaches up and pulls the top of the book towards him, breathing in sharply as a click sounds and he can hear gears turning. A moment later a small plank of wood next to the bookcase pops out slightly. If he wasn’t looking he would surely be searching forever to see what opened.

Smiling he removes the plank with a bit of oomph and sure enough finds what he’s looking for.

Well not exactly. A key would be better. Still a gun works.

The small flintlock pistol is gorgeous with ornate gold embossment and dark black wood. It’s not heavy and fits surprisingly well in his hands. Not to mention the gunpowder is already packed inside. A ready to use weapon in a hidden compart. It’s odd and Hizashi can feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand as this ships captain becomes more and more interesting.

There’s a small picture besides the gun. With genuine curiosity Hizashi picks up the phot of a beautiful blond girl with ocean blue eyes and wonders if this to holds some importance. Not wanting to commit a multitude of crimes he tucks the photo back before replacing the plank and book.

He takes the gun though.

Noting the time crunch the blond hurries back over to the glass chest, raising the gun for the top center of the cage. He needs to hit a spot that will surely shatter the glass with one hit without harming the mermaid inside.

Hizashi closes his eyes and accepts his fate. Eyes locking with those dark ones begging for help and calling for freedom. A sliver of hope shines in their eyes and scales. Bathing the room in even more blue.

“Trust me.” Steadying his stance and extending his arm forward, he aims with a finger on the trigger. Knowing that the moment he pulls it the flint will strike and send the bullet flying. “Please.”

Hizashi’s finger squeezes the trigger.

The gun shoots off and Hizashi stands ground as the noise rings through his ears. Only breaking upon the shattering of glass and flooding of water. But sure enough with it he can hear yelling throughout the fog in his brain and smoke clouding his senses.

The mermaid is there on the ground, hair falling around them in a dark curtain and blocking their vision, and Hizashi knows that it’s now or never.

Dropping the gun he runs to the creature and scoops them up, back cracking at the sudden decision of lifting more than usual. Yet he doesn’t stop there as he steps up on the small windows ledge overlooking the ocean. Breathing in Hizashi turns his shoulder towards the glass, preparing to take the brunt of the impact.

He breathes in and wills his innate nature to calm before he possibly mutilates himself via a thousand glass shards. His hearing has returned and he stares down at the creature in his hands that’s clicking and whistling to him. Hizashi prepares to respond stating that he can’t understand. But then the door to the room falls to the floor and a short rotund man walks in, boots sloshing not loud enough to quiet his colorful cursing. Two more men file in behind him and Hizashi freezes. He’s by no means scared, but knowing he’s crossed a captain is one thing. Yet this is no captain.

That’s a king from one of the five royal countries.

It’s obvious in the way he wears the crest like it’s gold to a fisherman.

It makes no sense why he’s living the life of a poor man on nature’s playground, but that symbol on the sword is no lie. The man is of royalty. Only the royal will parade around with swords engraved with the strongest creature of their kingdom.

Memories of his mother and the sword engraved with runes and a mermaid flash before his eyes. No doubt that he’d meet the same fate. Slowly his breathing picks up and his eyes water as nerves begin. The man is stepping over the glass and nearly to them.


Snapping out of it and recalling the cargo in his hands Hizashi swallows his fear and rushes through the glass of the window. Ignoring the small shards that stick to him and instead focusing on shielding the other in his arms.

The water is a welcome change, but the salt stings his wounds. The creature escapes his hold and even in the water acts a natural lantern. Hizashi can only stare stunned as the vibrancy from before increases ten fold and a luster of a blue is now filling out to brighter colors.

His lungs burn and quickly he breaches the water sucking in air as he attempts to even out his breathing.

Yet the moment is short lived as a splash sounds behind them and he’s being dragged under.

The second he’s back under the oceans torrent he realizes that the creature has left him. No blue to be seen for miles.

Perfect. Just perfect.

Swinging he holds his dagger in hand as he swings at the other who dodges easily and knocks the dagger out of his hand. Hizashi curses internally as he watches it disappear into the abyss below.

As the other raises his own knife Hizashi prepares for it and only hopes that the mermaid is no longer around so he isn’t bathing in their saviors blood. He’d pull out his cutlass but the weight of the blade slows him down and by the time he’d have the weapon drawn he’ll be already en route to the afterlife.

Bracing for the hit he closes his eyes and then something shoots up from the depths at an incredible speed. Cracking his eyes open he can see how one minute the man before is there the next he’s gone.

Dots start in his vision and his lungs burn, but something roots him in place.

Just as his eyes start closing he swears that he can feel something soft and a smidge slimy against his lips. Better yet the voice is back again calling to him and his memories.

‘Thank you.’



A blond haired woman turns to the voice calling to her. Long blue dress accented with small white embroidered flowers and a sheer white overlay giving it a hue of etherealness. The gown flows in the wind, catching occasionally on the nearby wildflowers of orange and blue. Turning away from the cliff overseeing the ocean she hurries to meet her baby calling to her. Green eyes lighting up in happiness.

“Mama!” Hizashi waves the worn book in his hand. The binding is collapsing and from the sheer amount of times it’s been dropped into the ocean makes it a surprise that the book is still tangible. Though knowing his mama she would replace the books bindings with cloth thread and new pages inked with close renditions of the literary piece. Surely there’d be small notes in the back of the book detailing his favorite moments and a simple dedication page on the front added just for him. There’s no doubt that the map they once made to go along with the book would surely find its way into the updated homemade version.

“This one again Hizashi?” Her voice holds no malice and there’s a smile on her face that carries through her words. The boy in question nods eagerly as the woman picks both him and the book up, setting him on her hip. “Alright then.”

As she turns to walk back to their small home nearby Hizashi can see the view his mother was seeing. The ocean waves lapping at the rocks below in a familiar embrace and in the far distance the sun setting down on the horizon line to mark the end of another day. With the dimming daylight casting the dark waters in shades of pink and purple it makes the waters look safe for once. Yet Hizashi knows the reason his mother was looking out to the sea and it wasn’t for the view.

“Mama is papa still sailing?” A strong gust of wind has Hizashi reaching up to hold his small straw hat dare it be taken by the wind and lost to the sea’s claim like his younger sister many summers ago.

His own bright green eyes linger on the ocean far away. Searching for answers and in some part his future. Maybe someday he’d be like papa and take to the seas. A swashbuckling pirate with more riches than the king of this country and the neighboring one combined. Surely not a fisherman like his father who barely makes enough to stay home to his family. Or as his mother mentioned once an exiled solider of the kingdom.

“Yes.” Her tone is somber and yet her smile doesn’t falter. “He’ll be home soon though…He always returns.” One hand of her holds him and the other hands him the book so that she can end up holding him tighter.

Hizashi quiets down and relaxes against his mothers warmth, resting his head above her chest and humming in time to her heartbeat. She joins in and their song resonates throughout the field. It’s peaceful and far from idle chatter of the nearby bustling town. Its nice and all he’s ever known. A small home and a small family.

How it’s always been and surely always will be.

Hizashi is running down the path before his mother can even dress him properly. Heck he’s missing his shoes and yet that doesn’t stop him from traversing the rocky path to the beach below. Hopping down the stone steps that nature carefully placed.

Far off in the distance he can his mother shout at him to be careful.

After all his father’s home.

He was in the kitchen making breakfast with mama when he spotted the all too familiar fishing vessel on the waters nearby. Between his mother’s stunned expression and his own excitement, as it has been almost a year since he last saw his father, he missed the shaking of her hands.

Still he stops atop of the entrance to the beach calling out to his mama for her to hurry up.

The beach sand is soft beneath his small toes and in a way he stops as the unfamiliar man is hauling a large chest onto the beach. Tanned and adorning a worn attire with clear evidence of having been at sea for a long time stands an unfamiliar man far off. Unruly blond hair hides his face and Hizashi shivers as the thought of becoming like that strikes him.

Stepping off of the beach he hurries a bit back up the cliff until he finds his mother. Hands holding her long green dress off of the dirt and eyes seemingly worried. Hizashi is about to ask as the man curses loudly. It’s quick but the small blonde boy flinches as memories from the moments of his father’s rage return. Still his mother approaches the man with no caution and plasters a smile onto her face.

Hizashi’s words fall as his mothers dress escapes his hold. Leaving him for the man supposed to be his father across the way.

“Welcome home…darling.” Her voice seems shaky and it makes Hizashi all the more conscious of their conversation. He didn’t bring the broom, but he surely will be able to defend his mother from this scraggly man.

His mothers words are ignored though. All in favor of hauling the cargo further onto the shore.

“You won’t believe what I’ve found this time Amelia. We’ll be rich and get the hell out of this sh*tty kingdom.” Hizashi listens as the man trails off and he hides behind a smaller rock. Yet his mother moves closer to the man. Either ignorant or unaware of the hostility in his words.

“Help me bring this up.” He’s clearly hysterical and Hizashi can’t help but look to his mother for guidance. Still she complies with the mans words-with father’s words. And in that moment Hizashi can see those familiar icy blue eyes on the man ordering his mother around, the ones that haunt his nightmares and on rare occasion guide his dreams.

“Of course.” Hizashi step further back as his mother grabs a handle on the chest and starts to drag it, even though he’s young he can see her muscles strain and hear the dress she’s wearing tear somewhere.

“Amelia can’t you do anything right!” The man hurries over waving his arms and his mother hurriedly drops the chest. Curiosity has Hizashi watching as the weight sinks it in the sand below. Whatever is inside must be worth it’s weight in gold if his fathers claims are anything to go off of.

“You stupid bitch.” His insults are sharp and sudden just like his return. And though Hizashi wants to run he’s seven now and knows that if something happens he’ll be the one to protect his mother. “Bring one of the damn horses and have them haul this up.”

Hizashi notices the signs and tell tales of his mother breaking down and hurries to her side holding onto her like a lifeline. He’s young, but not dumb.

“I can’t.” She pauses as if contemplating something before speaking again under her breath. Though Hizashi can hear it perfectly and judging from her expression it’s not something that’ll blow over well.


“I-I had to sell the horses.”

Hizashi can hear the slap before he sees it, too busy ignoring everything like usual by looking into the sand below with rapt attention. An old habit ingrained into him by his mother whenever his father went on to have one of his fits.

Still he’s moving to get in front of her before the sea demon before them can hurt her further. But it’s his mother’s hands pushing him away though and directing him back up the path that has him confronting the scene before him.

His father looks downright mad, clearly suffering a curse from the ocean after such a long trip. There’s no doubt that what’s in the chest he traded for his humanity. And yet his mother is quick to flash him a smile and wave him off. Her lips smiling in a manner that don’t reach her eyes.

He stands ground for a moment, but as most children do in a situation with uncertain variables he listens. Hurrying on up the cliff as the sounds of yelling resume and die out farther up the cliff. At only seven what can he do, but listen to his mother’s wishes. No doubt this will be another one of those moments she sends him away while she talksto father.

Hizashi can only hope this time she knows that this time father seems long gone. Replaced instead by an incarnation of a horror from the deepest depths known to the ocean.

Clinging onto his hat he glares at the ocean, cursing out the waters in his head for not letting this man drown at sea.

Turning away from the cliff he hurries inside hoping that the breakfast was done so he can set the table. After all it would be one less thing to make the man mad.

Hizashi frowns as his mothers sobs fill the house. It’s gut wrenching and not quiet enough to be lost in the sound of the rain threatening to come through the roof. His father left moments ago heading out to the barn where he frequents now that their livestock have been sold.

He hurries over to the nearest window clutching his favorite story in hand, ignoring how several of the pages slip out of place. Looking over at the lightning striking over the ocean he prays for a savior from his father. Though the man doesn’t spare a glance at him it’s mainly due to his mother acting a shield. And so he wishes to the ocean deities, hoping that someone. Anyone will listen.

‘Please bring her a savior.’

Hizashi knows better and yet who in their right mind is able to resist a beacon as bright as this. His mother tucked him in long ago and his father left for the sea again a day prior after a massive argument with his mother over something he wasn’t able to hear. And neither of those facts is sure to explain the green glow coming from their small uninhabited barn.

Sneaking out the front door with his boots thrown on haphazardly and his homemade blanket around his shoulders he heads for the barn. Stumbling here and there but continuing on his journey nonetheless. The wind picking up as thunder rumbles over the ocean far out.

The main set of doors is too heavy for him to open on his own as he’s come to find out. That’s mostly do to one of the doors being old and always getting stuck, but thankfully he has a secret entrance. One created years ago after a fox overstayed their welcome in the barn, he only knows of the small animal because of the pelt hanging in their house that is still a bright burning red near the main door of their house.

Hurrying to the backside of the barn he pushes aside an empty barrel he rolled alongside several others years prior. Against the small shelter, he crouches and flips open the small fabric covering a spot where the bottom of a few boards are missing.

As he crawls though it’s easy to note that he’s getting too big for the small space and soon enough he’ll have to start using the door. Either that or he’ll have to enlarge the hole without his father knowing. At the mere thought of getting caught he shivers and wraps the blanket around his shoulders tighter.

Ignoring the thoughts about his father he turns to move further into the old barn. Straw from the prior occupants and aged hay linger in the empty stalls. Tools line the wall and in this light Hizashi can see their plow covered in what seems to be rust from lack of use.

Yet it’s nothing compared to what sits in the corner where his favorite mare stayed until her leg broke and father sold her. Now though he can see specks of dark brown on the poles and doubts that she was ever truly sold. Swallowing down the bile that rises at the thought of that one dinner years ago from a great catch in the midst of winter as his mind spiraling.

A soft clicking pulls him back thought. A small splash soon following.

“Hello?” His voice is shaky and loud. The fear of his father finding him in his space is enough to have him terrified. Even if the man is gone there is no telling when he’ll return. “...Hello?”

The clicks and now whistles pull him closer to the stall where Daisy stayed.

As he rounds the corner and the blanket falls from his shoulders as his eyes fall upon the source of glowing light.

Slowly walking over his eyes are entranced by the creature from his favorite story.

A mermaid bathed in green and blue with pale skin. Eyes of black and stormy blue stare back at his. A long green tail lies cramped into the small chest they seemingly arrived in. Yet there’s a smile on the creatures face accentuating their sharp row of teeth and gills on the side of their neck.

Hizashi breathes out and ignores the rational part of him telling him to run. Instead he gets even closer till he’s touching the edge of the tub.

Swallowing deep he breathes in as the creatures shifts towards him. Eyes smiling a manner that seems nothing but evil. Yet he’s rooted to the spot as curiosity wins over.

Questions battling for answers scream in his head.

Hizashi wonders if this is what broke his family apart. If this creature here would truly be enough to undo what his father did under the king’s military. Will this mermaid be enough to save their small broken family or ruin it?

A splash has him covering himself as water soaks his sleeve. The creature has ducked into the water and though it seems wrong he peers over the tub to see. It’s cramped yet there is no doubt that the mermaid is gorgeous even in this tight of a space.

‘You’re her kin aren’t you?’

Hizashi nods as seemingly a part of him realizes that the voice talking to him is that of the mermaid before him. Voice soft and deep as the ocean.

‘Then I’ll warn you too.’ They move back up, so only her eyes sit above the water level.

Their gaze is strong and Hizashi can’t help but stare into those eyes, at least the one not covered by the creatures dark hair. For a moment he swears that he can see the oceans stare back at him. And yet it’s gone as the mermaid smiles beneath the water, edges of their lips reaching their eyes before disappearing altogether as a loud bang sounds off somewhere outside.

‘For your safety and hers,’ The mermaid reaches a hand out and drops something onto the floor. It’s metal from the way it sounds as it hits the floor and as it comes into the light Hizashi can see the ring that his mother wears to symbolize loyalty to father.

For her not to wear it says a lot.

Thunder strikes closer now as the storm moves to the land. A lighting strike lights up the barn and Hizashi can see in that moment the jagged scar hidden by hair running across this gorgeous creature’s eye. It’s grotesque and clearly old. In that time it must not have been treated properly to heal right.

Between the blood splatters on the wall and her space of living, Hizashi swallows down as he concludes who did such a horror.

‘Beware the bad man.’

Hizashi sniffles as the cold weather has him bundled up so much that moving feels impossible. His father left days prior to head into town as he’s been doing more frequently and in turn his mother has disappeared to the barn much like father on the days he’s home. Despite the snow piling up she hikes out to see the mermaid with makeup on and her best clothes seemingly every day.

Hizashi in some part understands and yet he worries for what his father will do when he finds out his mother has been spending time with his secret.

It’s been nearly a year and a half since the incident upon his fathers return and since then tensions around the house have grown. In a way it’s rare to see his parents in the same room, let alone the same house. Hizashi swears that his father spends more time out in the barn or off doing who knows what.

Which is why when the yelling begins he can’t help his curiosity.

Often times the yelling takes place inside and occasionally outside as if he wouldn’t understand. As if his mother thinks she can still save him from the storm that his father. As if his words wouldn’t reach him in waves of hurt.

It’s become increasingly clear lately that his father argues with mother elsewhere so Hizashi won’t interfere. So he can make his mother fear him with both words and actions. After all no amount of layers and cheap makeup will cover up a broken nose.

The yelling is punctuated with a sharp scream.

Hurrying over to the kitchen he peers out and in that moment the book in his hand falls to the floor, pages spilling across the worn floors. His father has his mother’s hair in his hand and a fishing knife to her neck as he practically drags her into the barn.

The mermaids words from months prior ring out in his head.

Hizashi pushes back from the counter snagging a worn kitchen knife as he leaves the kitchen. He cringes for a moment as his storybook pages are stepped on and he’s almost positive something rips. Yet the story will be replaced. His mother cannot be.

From what he could see father looked downright mad. Almost as mad as the man cursing out the heavens before he was strung in the town gallows. Watching his body hang and toes twitch even minutes after he was dropped still haunts Hizashi.

There is no doubt in his bones that he has to help mother before the man he calls father takes that away from too. Just like how he took his sister and their farm dog. A man that has killed before is bound to do it again. Only time knows when.

Sliding on his shoes he hurries over the frost covered ground, ignoring how the dew soaks the worn fabric within moments. His mother promised him new ones for the cold season and yet money grew so tight that the thought of new clothing was squashed immediately.

A scream cuts through the cold air that whips at his face. From the dark clouds looming above and how the cold has been downright brutal surely a winter storm is on its way.

Thoughts of worst case scenario crowd his mind as he enters the barn through his small secret hole. Knowing all too well that it’ll be out of sight and the perfect spot to intervene with the element of surprise. Yet as he tries to scramble in he gets no where. Stepping back he looks at the gap and sheds his coat and top layer, hoping that he’ll fit before he freezes to death.

The yelling this close is indiscernible, but the sobs are loud alongside the sloshing of water.

Sucking in Hizashi squeezes into the small gap, dragging his shed layers in after and quickly pulling them on to fight off the biting cold. The barn is only marginally warmer and yet the air is tacky with the smell of smoke and blood.

Hizashi sniffles quietly, shuffling closer to the edge of the stall with the knife tucked against his side.

“I gave you everything Amelia.” His father is angry, from body language alone he’s tense and pacing between his mother and the mermaid. “Everything!” Hizashi brings a hand to his face as he fights off a whimper as his father gets in close to his mother’s face. “And yet you go and ruin my merchandise!” There’s a sickening crack as his mother is tossed against the nearest post holding the barn up. Hizashi grips the knife tight knowing that his father would see him coming as he’s still facing the spot where he’s hiding.

And of course his father takes it further kicking his mother into the dirt, her screams drowned out by his fathers relentless attack.

The mermaid launching out of the water towards his father with bared teeth is what draws his attention away from the horrid scene of pooling blood. Yet the creature is too far and Hizashi can see now the chains that keep the poor thing locked in place. Chains that weren’t there before.

“You’re traitors! The both of you.”

Hizashi flinches, hands flying over to cover his ears as if on instinct. Head turning away he spots a familiar blade. Across the aisle, forgotten on the ground and left to rust into nothing but dust is his fathers black blade. A sword gifted by the best blacksmith in the kingdom to those serving the king directly. How his father managed to get into the military remains a mystery, just like how he met his mother, and yet he knows that the man was forced to leave do to misconduct.

Setting the knife down Hizashi starts to cross the barn. Using the shadows to his advantage and knowing all the right spots to step he moves through the dark like dancing as the yelling drowns out in a sense of white noise.

It only hits him as he nears the blade the the sword itself is nearly three-fourths of his body length. Picking it up confirms his fears about it’s weight. There’s no way he’ll get a swing in, but maybe he can use it to help if only for a moment.

The mermaid clicks loudly and snaps Hizashi out of his down spiraling just as his father grabs his mother again. Bringing the knife once more to her neck as he nears the tub. Not close enough to the creature where they’d interfere, but enough to torture them with what-ifs.

Hizashi stands frozen, unable to do anything or move and it happens so fast. His father reaching his arm back ready to slice his mothers neck and let her blood stain the mermaid’s confines.

Launching out of the water the mermaid grabs his father’s arms with her elongated teeth, the chain on her neck hanging limply as the part bolted to the chest is clearly broken by strength alone. Covered in blood dripping from it’s chin and eyes a dark black void of rage with nails long enough to gut a man from head to toe. This is the nature of a mermaid, nothing like the words described in his book.

As the mermaid ducks back into the water Hizashi can see how it tinges red and he swallows at the sheer terror that fills him.

“f*ck!” His fathers cursing brings him back to the situation at hand as he man stands again. His arm looks shredded and when he turns away Hizashi can see the bone as his skin and muscle hangs there in pieces. It’s grotesque and yet what’s more harrowing is the newfound anger his father has.

Grabbing onto his wife once more he swings her against the post and brings down his foot on her arm as she lays limply in the dirt nearby. His laughter and the mermaid hissing is what has him picking up the sword. Uncaring of the weight he hurries over, feet quiet on the dirt as if a deity is overlooking him.

Holding the blade low with both hands, alleviates the weight and knowing that his mother has no fight left as she battles the demons of death motivates him.

His shoe scuffs the dirt and his father sharply turns.

Short hair standing on end and his beard overgrown. Blue eyes completely lost to the ocean demons as he yells at him. “Damn you Hizashi!”

Yet it does nothing and his knife isn’t enough to stop as Hizashi raises the blade with a shout of anguish. Determination bringing the blade up and through his father’s stomach. So far that he only lets go when he can feel the thin fabric of his father’s shirt against his fingers.

The man sputters out and Hizashi flinches as blood splatters onto him.

“Always a disappointment.” His father mutters as he stumbles back and reaches out as if hoping that somehow he could drag Hizashi with him. Yet as he falls the blade slides back out of stomach allowing the younger blond to see the blood soaked black blade. The mermaid pattern engraved nearer to the hilt coated in fresh blood.

Shaking he looks down at his hands. They’re clean albeit his finger tips soaked with blood and yet he can’t help but scream out and frantically wipe them on his pants. It doesn’t help do anything other than create a larger sense of panic at the thought of blood on his clothes.

The overwhelming stench of blood and death has his breathing pick up and for a moment everything starts to spin as he falls to the ground.

A sharp glow blinds him temporarily and flashes him out of his panic straight into a new set of worries. The blond boy lets out a shaky breath as the mermaid in the tub emerges from the light with two human legs. Still though her skin is a sickly green and long dark hair hangs over her shoulders. In this form she’s skinny enough that her ribs show and bones on her legs stick out more than muscle.

Ignoring the newfound mermaid turned human Hizashi looks back at his hands smeared in red.

“I killed him.” Hizashi swears the blood on his hands increases and looking at his father lying still shakes him to the core.

“You did what had to be done.” The mermaid doesn’t even approach him instead walking over to his mother and picking her up in her arms. Holding her as if she’s made of porcelain. “Think what you may and believe what you want.” Both the mermaid and his mother pass by him, no hesitation and not a glance back at the man who tortured them with angry words and violent actions.

Cold air breaks him from the shock, eyes wide he can see his fathers unmoving body bathed in bright midday light and the deep red soaking in the dirt below him. Memories of the past few years and all those hits his mother took for him has him stand, walking over to the man he knew as his father.

“Good riddance.” Pulling the remainder of sword out he holds it to the ground as he carries it outside, following his mother and the mermaid.

As soon as he steps outside Hizashi ducks down into the top of his coat. The winter winds have picked up and his cheeks turn pink in moments. The metal in hand is cold in his hold and he drops it. It disappears underneath the tall grass and snow starting to pile up, surely to be discovered once more in spring when his fathers corpse will have started to turn to bone.

Turning Hizashi looks for the mermaid and his mother to no avail. They’re no where to be seen and the worst case scenario fills his mind.

“Wait.” Looking down he finds tracks, they’re fading but fresh nonetheless and not knowing the mermaids plans have him hurrying behind them. At one point he slips and his body shivers as the snow soaks his clothes. Still he rushes down the cliff and to the beach. Where sure enough he finds the mermaid standing in the snow covered sand still holding his mother.

Whether they recognize him or not goes unsaid as he brushes the snow off and goes to stand besides the duo. The mermaid pays him no mind, clearly intent on staring out at the ocean before them.

Looking over he finds the mermaid still emotionless and his mother in the creatures arms battered and bruised, the sight alone nearly has him tearing his gaze away. Knowing that he was helpless and did nothing hurts more than any pain inflicted by his father.

Turning to stare back out at the ocean he notices his mothers discarded ring fitted on the mermaids pointy ear. The last he saw of it was when the mermaid dropped it on the barn floor, practically hissing at the distasteful aura from the single piece of jewelry. Now though it shines in the snow reflected surroundings.

It’s fitting and speaks volumes about the future.

“Will she be alright?” His voice cracks as he wills the tears to stay at bay. He doesn’t turn and the mermaid doesn’t speak, but he can see them nod. “Good. She deserves to be happy.”

“Hizashi,” The boy in question turns at his name. “You have a strong will and will someday become someone much better than your father. Don’t ever let his sins drag you down…After all you have your mother’s eyes.”

The blond nods rapidly blinking equally fast as his tears hurt his eyes and threaten to freeze over. Sniffling he agrees with a noncommittal noise.

“Thank you.”

Hizashi feels the sand move and he looks up in time to see the mermaid walk to the shoreline, entering the cold water like it’s nothing.

A part of him wants to scream and demand his mother stay to help sort out the confusion. Hell he’s only seven and has no idea what to do. Where does he go from here?

Green eyes meet his as the mermaid reaches waist level and even from this far away he can see his mother smile. Mouthing three words that would haunt him for the remainder of his time in this small kingdom.

Three words that had him staying on the beach till his extremities grew numb and snot was running down his face. Until he marched back up and packed a bag before hurrying off to set the barn on fire and burn away the nightmare of this day. Finding the sword he’d carry it after cleaning it haphazardly in the snow. He’d carry the blade, a small bag of clothes and food. Tucked inside with the pages put together in a random order is his favorite book with the renditions made by his mother and him.

When he’d later end up finding a home at a local forge he’d understand the craft of fire and hammer to shape metal with practiced ease. And at eighteen upon bartering for his first ship he’d assemble a three-man crew and set to sea on his ship named after his mother.

With her dying words engraved on a board of wood above his bed in the captains quarters. As a reminder of himself and where he came from. For a sense of direction in his muddled life as an orphaned pirate boy. The words that would make him later steal a ring inlaid with a black gem as dark as a merman’s eyes.

“Make me proud.”



Hizashi whines and rolls as his mind struggles to put the pieces together. Memories of his mother and her blond hair mix with flashes of a certain four-eyed mermaid. His father stands over him sword in hand as his charred body blames him for his crimes. Threatening him for his foolishness even to this day. Tears spring to his eyes and a sharp kick to his middle back has him opening his eyes.

“Easy. Easy.” Kyouka is there. Dark black bobbed hair bound in a red ribbon, small red teardrop tattoos under both her eyes, and those classic ruby earrings glint in the sun barely peeking through the trees nearby. He reaches out a shaky hand and relaxes at the tinkling sound of her jewelry. “There you go captain.”

It takes a minute but soon Hizashi is sitting up, realization of the nights events dawning on him as he doesn’t come across a single scratch or bruise on his body. No evidence indicating that the night prior was real and not some drunken illusion.

“What happened?” His tone comes across confused and voice hoarse.

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Kyouka ruffles his hair, messing up the surprisingly dry blond locks. “All we know is that you left the town near midnight and then never made it back to the ship.” There’s a hint of worry behind her eyes that has Hizashi reaching out to give her hand a reassuring squeeze. “We spent all morning scouring the island for you. Though we did have an inkling you’d be at the harbor because of what happened early this morning, but there where military officials everywhere. Obviously no one dared approach and when the first chance came I had the men move Amelia to a safe spot on the opposite side of the island.”

“Wait,” Hizashi holds up a hand as he takes in the information given. “What happened?”

“One of the ships docked near us was reportedly swallowed by the ocean. And I mean there was nothing left save for a few crew members on shore.” Kyouka sits down besides him and Hizashi fits the urge to get up and hurry to his ship. Yet questions rattle in his mind and make it hard to focus.

But the ship being swallowed by the ocean, as Kyouka phrased it, the same night he rescued a merman from the same royals quarters is too likely of a coincidence. If anyone finds out he was there that night then he’ll be seeing the supposedly dead king sooner than later.


“Yeah and to make matters worse is the fact that the captain was a royal means that the military has been all over the port since word first broke this morning. They’ll be bringing in military officials from the king’s own country soon enough and knowing that he was a prominent weapons dealer there’s no doubt that other countries won’t try and claim his kingdom. Surely there won’t be a massive issue if, what?” The dark haired woman stops suddenly and Hizashi is grateful because if she didn’t notice his staring sooner then he’d start to shake her.

“Correct me if I’m wrong.” Hizashi’s eyebrows furrow as he holds a hand on the girls gun strapped to her hip. “You’re the daughter of two lowly bards who had to sell you to pirates to make a dime. So how do you know so much about royalty and their functions?”

Kyouka stands fast, dusting off her pants and hurrying off. Yet Hizashi saw it. The blush on her face and way her hand instinctively rose to touch her earrings. He’s known her since he raided that ship when she barely came up to his shoulder.

Shrugging Hizashi stands, not wanting to spend another moment on this forsaken island with weird voodoo. Kyouka will tell him when she’s ready. Until then he has memories to sort out and a past to reconnect with.

“Hurry up captain! At this rate I’ll be sure to set sail without you!”

“I’d like to see you try!”


It’s only been a few days since leaving the island and yet Hizashi keeps finding himself staring into the waters below as if the creature plaguing his thoughts would magically appear. To answer questions and curiosities. Both new and old.

If Hizashi spends more nights on deck and time staring over the ships ledge then no one comments on it. Surely anyone that did hear him singing to the sky and depths of ocean around doesn’t mention it.

Everything is fine and tension is non-existent amongst the crew.

At least it is peaceful until one of the newer men nearly knock his hand and ring overboard. In that moment though time seemed to slow the panic that settled over Hizashi went undetected.

That is until one missing finger and an entire scared crew later Hizashi is approached by Kyouka in his quarters.

“Hizashi are you okay?” Her tone mimics her face in that manner of concern that has him feeling like a scolded child. Still he nods, continuing with his writing. “Okay because ever since we came back from that island you’ve been,” She pauses and Hizashi looks up at her in time to catch her gesturing to all of him. “Off.”

“Off?” Setting the quill aside he ignores the ink splotch from his slip up moments prior.

“Yeah like how you chopped off one of Shiro’s fingers or better yet how you nearly murdered Rei when he found you singing like a heartbroken maiden on the ships stern.”

“Okay well look-”

“No bullsh*t be honest with me. If you’re going off the rails then I need to know as your co-captain.”

Hizashi swallows wondering where to start.

“Sit and I’ll explain.”

Kyouka wastes no time and plants herself on his bed to which he follows suit after capping his ink jar as to not spill the entire bottle.

“Well go on.”

“Okay so I mighthave had something to do with the mysterious ship disappearance that occurred on the last island.”


“I climbed aboard another vessel and literally swung across to get onto the ship that sank. It was awesome and I totally screwed the landing, but it probably looked so cool. Regardless, do you know about the western story about a man named Kaito?” Hizashi fiddles with his hands and lets his eyes wander to his bookcase. Out of the corner of his eye he can see Kyouka shake her head.

“Well there once was a man named Kaito born to a family of lowly status. Mere farmers in a kingdom facing a financial crisis. Everything they grew and raised was sold to the capital for coin. Including Kaito himself as the family was on the border of famine one year after a terrible harvest. They had nothing to trade except their son.And so near age thirteen Kaito was sold. Sold by those whom he trusted and loved, but looking back he only saw greed in their eyes when looking at him. He questioned then what his purpose for being born was and never truly did settle on answer. Too scared to face the reality in such a grim situation.

To make matters worse he was thrown into the royal military from the start of his non-farm boy life. At thirteen he’d never held a gun and never sailed on the waters away from home.

Yet he climbed the ranks. Surpassing his teachers and elder officials, both on sea and land. And by age eighteen he had already helped win seven wars by which helped battle the dying financial crisis.

In time he was promoted and the crown princess began to take interest in him.

It was cliché in a way.

And then during one war far off in the North he was ambushed and caught up in a snow fall. It ensnared all the troops and nearly took his own life as well. Yet fate wasn’t done with him and from the sky he saw an angel with orange hair and ginger tea colored eyes. She was an angel and his savior.

He survived the snow fall albeit losing a leg and eye from frostbite.

Going home Kaito knew that his life in the military would be over. So instead of going home he set sail. Outfitted with a wooden leg and classic eye patch he decided then that he’d find his savior. The one who decided that for a lowly farm boy and mere pawn of the king that he had to survive.

Over the years Kaito became a traveler, sailing from kingdom to kingdom across oceans that seemed to drop off the edge of the world. He fought against giant beasts and spent nights at a foreign kings feasts for some good deed that blew up. In a way Kaito became famous amongst the world and it’s people.

And then one day he disappeared without a trace. He had never taken a wife nor had children. He sailed alone and too many they believe he died alone.

But he didn’t.

Though it’s a folktale and likely not true quote for quote it’s believed that Kaito on one of his many journeys found the woman whom saved him. In the oddest of places at that.

According to the tale he was singing out at sea one night. Recalling a song from his home to the stars and creatures that called the night their own. When a mermaid with gorgeous orange hair, amber eyes, and a tail of gold that would make any sailor grab their pockets breeched the waters to listen to him sing. Together they sang all throughout the night and into the morning.

And only months later was his boat found, washed ashore some far off island with nothing, but his traveling journal and a single gold pearl.

People believe that the mermaid’s name was Aurelia and in your moments of dire crisis she’d appear to save you. Yet being saved isn’t free and in turn she collects your soul. So people believe that when Kaito was saved he was already dead in a sense as he was bound to owe his soul to this mermaid.”

Hizashi slumps over, dropping his head into his hands as the remainder of the story blurs and the varying renditions from his mother have him blurring the lines between then and now. He’s heard of three mermaids in his life and seen two. The folktale preached to him more than the religious ways of the kingdom doesn’t seem all that much of a folktale anymore.

“So…I have so many questions about how this was all known and passed around, but the real question is what does this have to do with last night?”

The blond jumps a smidge when he feels the girls hand rubbing his shoulder, seconds later though he just slumps further down so his torso leans between his legs. It’s uncomfortable and the blood rushing to his head doesn’t help with the confusion. But it makes it all more real and knowing that he’s still alive is what matters now.

Sitting back up he runs a hand through his hair before speaking.

“There was a mermaid captured on that kings ship.” Hizashi’s voice is a bit reluctant as the moment with the mermaid felt private in a way. “And I saved them. I doubt it’s a coincidence that mere hours later, not even, that the ship was gone.” Hizashi throws his hands in the air and lays back down on his bed. “Takenby the ocean.”

“I had a feeling.” She lays down besides him and her smiling face lightens the weight on his shoulders a smidge. “About the fact that you had something to do with the mysterious ships disappearance. After all it’s almost too good to be true if you manage to stay out of trouble, ya know?”

“I guess.” Her words do help though and ease the worry sitting on his heart.

“So don’t sweat it.” Kyouka sits up and stands, starting to walk out. “Dinner will be ready soon and they got so much good stuff back in the kitchen.” Hizashi sits up and watches noting how the dark haired woman stops just before the door. He swears that her voice trembles in that manner she does when crying, yet as soon as it’s there it’s gone.


“Hizashi I’ve known you for sometime and I want you to know that life can change in a moment. By an action, person, or both…If you think. No. If you know there’s something you want then do it. I can’t promise it’ll be what you dream of. But it might be better than wandering aimlessly on the ocean searching for a home to call your own.”Hizashi let’s her words sink in, eyes on the floor knowing she speaks from experience.“Don’t be too long you know how Kim gets. Even though you’re the captain you’ll lose your portion.” Her voice fades as the door closes and in the silence of his quarters Hizashi walks back to his desk.

Opening the top drawer he pulls out the obsidian ring now on a gorgeous chain that he had crafted in a blacksmiths stall before sailing out at the last island. He paid Kyouka her share of gold coins for knocking out the poor fool running the stall. Maybe he should have not refused them and from now on he’ll surely enjoy having to learn how to re-hone his craft to perfection with his remaining eye.

Smiling at the memory he can recall Kyouka’s fascination as she watched him work the metal into the desired shape. And chaining it altogether was so simple it came back to him like he was working the forge just yesterday.

For the first time in a long time his actions at that point felt right.

And yeah even Kyouka mentioned how weird the end result looked, putting a ring onto a chain so it’ll be a necklace and yet Hizashi has his reasons. A good reason.

Smiling once more his thoughts clear and decisions fall into place.

Unlike Kaito he’s already been sailing the seas. Not in search of a savior, but for a purpose and home. Stealing from the rich and living in their own small kingdom under three masts and the sun.

Just like Kaito he knows who he’s looking for. Dark hair and four eyes haunting his dreams enough to bring back moments of horror from his screwed up childhood in the West Kingdom. Fate has been avoiding him for a long time and yet he’s pretty sure he knows what to do now.

Recalling the moments before blacking out where he was saved by the merman he knows that if the tale is as true as the creatures that are in it then his soul is already belonging to his savior.

Popping off the ink jar lid he gets to writing once more.

The necklace set aside acting as his north star for the future.


“Rei!” Hizashi shouts out the poor mans name and feels even worse when the lad jumps before turning to face him sharply.

“Yes captain?”

“I’ll take your watch shift tonight.” The blond pats the other mans shoulder, even going as far to offer a reassuring squeeze. “No questions and no denying. You take the night off.”

“Yes captain!”

“Good.” Hizashi nods before hurrying to the helm where Kyouka stands steering the ship in whatever way her heart desires. Which often seems to be one singular direction. “West again?”

Kyouka stutters and though it’s delayed her ears burn red. “No comment.”

“Whatever makes you happy.” Kissing her cheek she slaps him hard on the chest, furiously wiping off her cheek with clear disgust on her face.

Grabbing at the wheel she turns and squints at him, speaking with a voice that oozes suspicion. “Geez what has gotten into you?”

“Not much aside from the good food that is so much better than questionable sea bird.” Hizashi saunters over to the rail that overlooks the lower deck. He smiles as he watches his crew mill around doing the bare minimum to keep this vessel afloat. From those working on rigging to others just cleaning the deck and sewing repairs in one of the extra sails.

“Well you’re distracting me, so shoo.”

Hizashi laughs and takes off his hat waving it in his first mates direction. “Sure sure. If you say so.”

Walking down the steps he turns halfway, getting a good look at his first mate for what might be the last time and nods. Whether she decides to continue sailing or finally make a move on that dark haired girl in seemingly every port town on the west only time will tell. Yet he has a feeling she’ll make the right decision.

Whistling he starts up a sea shanty. Loud enough that the crew joins in and even a few begin to play on makeshift instruments. His ship, Amelia, is alive with music and joy. His rag tag crew from all walks of life singing along in the makeshift song and enjoying the upturn of mood. All of them unaware of what occurred in the last town and what the future will hold.

The lantern’s hanging around his ship glowing in the sunset whilst his ship radiates music is perfection. A moment he’ll never forget.


By the time the moon is nearly past the highest point in the sky Hizashi sees the waters ripple on the starboard side, blue glow circling his ship with clear intent. Letting go of the wheel with a smirk he hurries off to the side of the vessel, singing quietly as he approaches. The song his mother would sing to him coming back in waves of familiarity and belonging.

It takes a moment before dark hair breeches the water, but when it does he can’t help but smile. Four grumpy looking eyes judging him silently and only now on the open water does Hizashi truly see the merman for all their beauty. A small chest only containing a fraction of what a glorious being swims before him.

Scruffy dark hair and four dark eyes with a small scar beneath one of the eyes on the right side of the creatures face bring a slight tint of red to the pirate’s face. A small amount of stubble on the others chin and pointy ears that poke out of the mass of dark hair lined with silver accentuate the newfound freedom. Even in the blue glowing water Hizashi can see the scales glowing on the merman’s body forming lines and lines of intricate designs. Not to mention the merman’s tail fins are wider now and more flow-y. Almost translucent.

Smiling wide Hizashi hurries back to the center of the vessel and drops anchor. He rolled the sails up hours ago while waiting and now he can only hope that the anchor doesn’t wake any of his crew. Hopefully the rum does it’s job and keeps them asleep until long after he’s gone.

As Hizashi rounds back near the ledge on the starboard he tosses over the ladder and climbs on over his ship. Stopping at the top and looking on, excitement fizzling for a moment.

Memories flood back from the moments when the ship nearly was blasted to bits or those dark spots in the wood that show how hard they fought to keep her safe. Not to mention the first time he climbed over the ladder and stood on her deck after finally saving up enough at the blacksmith’s shop to pay for such a beauty. Together they’ve sailed for many years and to think about leaving has his heart clench painfully.

Maybe someday he’d see her again on the waters, ruling them like she’s meant to.

Pressing a soft kiss to the worn ledge Hizashi leans his head against the wood.

“Thank you for keeping us safe.” Breathing in he wills himself to not let his emotions get a hold on him. “Please take Kyouka home.”

One moment more and a small splash that oddly sounds angry has him biting back a laugh as he descends down the ladder further. Away from the moonlit deck and towards the ocean lit by the merman’s glow.

Away from the past and towards his future.

At the last rung he kneels down, shifting his weight so he doesn’t full on face plant into the dark waters below. A part of him worries that he’s too far away and that the merman won’t come closer. Yet the creature swims up to him with a smile that looks oddly forced and his own webbed hands with sharp nails grab onto the last rung where Hizashi’s feet rest.

“Welcome back.”

The merman doesn’t say anything, but shakes his head. No words are needed to convey how the creature before him finds him foolish for actually waiting. Yet Hizashi wonders who really is the foolish one considering that the mermaid found him once more. It looks like his mother was right about singing a song to bring those you love home.

“Thank you by the way for saving me.” Hizashi reaches into his pockets, digging for the trinket he crafted and partly stole. “I have something to give to you.”

Fishing out the necklace Hizashi realizes that he’s going to have to get into the water if he wants to put the damn thing onto the other before him. Holding on tight he slips the necklace back into his pocket and ensures it’s safe before standing up and jumping off the ladder.

The cold snaps him wide awake and breaching the surface Hizashi can’t help but let his teeth chatter. It’s not bitterly cold, but for a southern ocean it’s odd. It doesn’t help that he’s in a single pair of thinner trousers, worn boots, and a beige blouse that is practically sheer in places with the way it hangs off his frame. There’s no doubt that now as the shirts wet his whole chest is on display to the man before him.

Hizashi ignores the biting cold and minor clothing malfunction, instead he focuses on the reason why he’s in the water in the first place. Watching he see as the mermaid lightly wraps it’s tail around him and oddly enough he feels safe. Biting his lip he does his best to hide the smile trying to work it’s way on his face.

Reaching into his pocket he pulls the necklace out once more, though this time he holds it out for the other. And it takes a moment, but the other lowers his head with understanding and Hizashi swims forward a smidge to place the necklace on the other, being careful of the mermaid’s gills. When it’s clasped on he leans back to admire the handiwork.

“I know it’s not conventional to have a ring on a necklace.” Hizashi ignores the shakiness of his tone, acquitting it to the cold water instead of his nerves. “But with your fingers I think a necklace is the perfect choice.”

The merman before him smirks and Hizashi decides that he’s done playing around. This gorgeous dark haired creature has been on his mind for weeks and since then he’s been haunting his dreams to no end. There’s no doubt that the man before is thinking the same thoughts.

“Can I kiss you?”

A pink blush shows on the others face and yet a soft chirp is all Hizashi needs for confirmation.

Leaning forward he places his lips gently on the others, tasting the ocean and ignoring how the salt burns a cut on his lip from earlier in the week. Even as the merman pulls him beneath the waters they don’t break apart.

When they do it’s the mermaid who pulls away with first a smile on their face as they’re now in their territory. And even then nothing has changed, aside from the way Hizashi’s feelings have made themselves loudly known. His heart singing as his eyes take in the perfect merman before him.

Now under the water he can see the array of other jewelry donning the other and smiles seeing how perfect the ring looks against pale skin.

Hizashi takes a minute and wonders if this is what people mean when they discuss mermaids and their allure. If so then it’s no wonder they’re so coveted by humans. And maybe this is the reason his mother traded her life on land with him for one in the ocean with the mermaid.

Found you.

The merman is smiling at him as Hizashi can finally hear what the other is saying. And to some degree he ignores the burning in his lungs and spots in his eyes. The image of the other blurring as he conveys one final thought to seal the deal.

Save me.

Where The Wildflowers Meet The Obsidian Ocean - Chapter 1 - Awkwarddragons - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.