Isolate & Osculate - Chapter 1 - Anonymous - Shingeki no Kyojin (2024)

Chapter Text

His glasses dulled his vision by just a fraction. They weren’t his, and what prescription his mentor needed turned to fuzzy letters on the paper before him. Through squinted eyes, Zeke could still see the words ‘Eren Jaeger’ printed on the report in front of him.

“Grisha Jaeger was a terrorist who was sent to Paradise many years ago,” A marleyan spoke. His voice was perfunctory as he said, “It seems as though he survived and had another child inside the walls.”

Through all these years, Zeke never expected that his Father was still alive. When he went to Paradise, Zeke thought that was the end. Whatever hole Grisha dug into his heart was left to shrivel and die on its own. He couldn’t believe that he’d lived. And that he’d started a brand new family.

Zeke hasn’t felt this way for a long time. He’d stopped chasing his father’s expectations a long time ago. The inarticulate weight in his stomach was something manifest, though. Like the way he’d come to love science, to study titans the way Mr. Ksaver did. His heartbeat stumbled as the man continued, “Grisha is supposedly dead. His son, Eren Jaeger, has been captured. It is believed he holds the power of the Attack Titan and possibly even the Founding Titan.”

Another man slapped a rolled up report into his hand. This one was a commander that Zeke had grown familiar with. “Where are we keeping him? An island demon should be fed to a suitable candidate immediately.”

Zeke’s pulse spiked. He had a brother. His father, the repugnant man he was, had brainwashed another child. Another victim, just like him. He wondered what it was like inside the walls for this boy. He wondered what kind of miracle landed him in Marley. “Let’s not be hasty,” Zeke intervened. “The report says that Eren came willingly, correct?”

The general glared at Zeke. That bigoted anti-eldian glare that denigrated him as a devil. Zeke cleared his throat. Still, he was the War Chief. He suddenly felt like every ounce of authority he’d earned was worth it as he explained, “Our warriors returned successfully. They may have lost the Female, but they’ve given us enormous intel on Paradis and brought back the Attack Titan as well. Reiner Braun specifically asked us not to kill either of the shifters he brought us.”

Surveying the room, full of men that Zeke resented in a special way. He commanded, “Give our shifters a few days to rest while we speak with the prisoners they brought. Once we’re informed, we can reconvene and make our decision.”

“Excuse me, War Chief,” an underling spoke. He was bold as he said, “With all due respect, isn’t this a conflict of interest? We understand your allegiance to Marley, but Jaeger is your half-brother. You mustn’t sympathize with an islander.”

He wanted to meet Eren. To speak with him. He had a younger brother, all this time. His mind flashed to the flattened soldiers he’d crushed in Paradis. Just like himself, his Father had pushed Eren into the military. And into a Titan. Zeke took a steady breath. “Just as I hold no sympathy for my Father, nor any restorationist, I won’t be biased when speaking to him. In fact, I believe my relation is an opportunity to leverage information.”

General Magath looked happier than Zeke had seen him in a long time as he said, “Enough barking, boys. We’ve had a victory against those demons. We’ll need to check our information twice, but until then I think that we should stop yapping and celebrate.”

Zeke sighed a breath of relief. He gave a pleasant smile, saying, “Yes. We’ve done good things today. Let’s just all breathe a sigh of relief that we will win this war.”

He put his report down. They hadn’t taken a photograph yet. What did his brother look like? Sound like? What about his personality? His heart thudded. He remembered the loneliness that his father inflicted upon him. Had he imparted his coldness to Eren too?

If he did, then Zeke would be there. He’d dispel any shape or form of influence his father had cursed Eren with. He’d save him.


“War Chief,” The guard nodded. “We were told you were coming. The prisoners are just this way.”

Nonchalant, Zeke nodded. He felt more wound up on the inside. Eren had been imprisoned here for a day and a half. Zeke was the first one to visit. He didn’t know where he would start. The guard leveraged open a heavy metal gate, leading to a deep tunnel of stairs. “The underground cells were specially made for Titan containment. Neither of them have made attempts to escape yet.”

His footsteps reverberated off the thick stone bricks that intermeshed to make the walls. Ten feet underground, then twenty, then sixty. That was when they stopped. A little sweat ran down his neck, and he reached up to wipe his glasses. “Thank you,” Zeke nodded to the guard. “Now you can leave.”

There were two doors in front of him, each with thick deadbolts on them. To the left was a girl, a marleyean with the power of the Jaws. And to his right was his newfound brother. Eren didn’t even know yet. He didn’t know what Eren’s personal situation was, but Zeke knew his own. He finally had family again.

As the guard rattled up the stairs, Zeke raised his key to the lock, blood rushing with excitement. As it clicked into place and the door opened, Zeke’s eyes were thirsty for the sight.

The cell was incredibly small. Divided into two parts, Zeke was standing beyond a layer of bars that kept him away. Beyond the bars was a tiny rectangle of space which held a chair. His eyes gleamed as he drank in Eren, gagged and chained in place. Short and charming dark hair laid over sharp green eyes. Zeke could practically taste the life behind them.

He could’ve cursed his beloved glasses for the way they diluted Eren’s image. He was younger than Zeke expected. Still definitely a child. He was skinny, though, almost startlingly so. If not for the toned muscles thinly corded over his exposed arms, Zeke couldn’t imagine him as a soldier. Except for the glare Zeke was receiving. It scorched like the overhead bombs that could burn civilians to dark bone. He took Zeke’s breath away. Eren must take after his mother, because Zeke couldn’t even imagine the revolt he felt for his father while looking at Eren.

“Eren,” Zeke breathed. His name felt like honey in his mouth. “Good to meet you.”

By the way Eren looked at him, he’d already execrated Zeke as the enemy. It was sharp, a glare so brutal that would make most lesser men stand back. Zeke wondered how much of the heat was real. Despite being gagged, Zeke knew full well how easy it would be for Eren to injure himself enough to transform. Not that it would go well for him, but he looked young and brazen. Zeke couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t try.

“I’m here to help you, Eren. As you know, this situation isn’t looking good for you,” Zeke convinced. He tried, “Are you willing to talk?”

Stiffly, Eren nodded. His eyes weren’t soft by any means, but the hate seemed just under the surface. Stored away well enough that Zeke was willing to risk it. He might really be compromised, he realized. But to get this conversation, he was willing to accept that. He ran a hand through his hair, saying, “Okay. Be smart, alright? I was warned by Braun that you can be a bit hot-headed. I mean it when I say I’m here to help.”

Reaching forward, Zeke opened the gate between them. So many barriers had kept them apart. So many walls. But thanks to Eren coming here, there would be no more. Looking at him, Zeke knew that he would take responsibility for Eren. Make sure he never had to suffer through the same lonely pain Grisha put them through. He reached forwards and grabbed the cloth wedged into Eren’s mouth.

The fabric was scratchy and tough, unpleasant even just against his fingers. Zeke took a mild breath in as he let his thumb wander up, past the choking gag and across the skin of Eren’s cheek.

With a loud shout from Eren, a sharp pang of electricity rolled through his finger. Zeke was quick to pull his hand back, a surprised curse tumbling from his lips. Zeke brought his hand up, eyes widening. He jerked backwards, senses locking onto Eren.

The boy lurched forward, the bare inch his chains allowed him to. A wounded noise filtered through his gag, an obvious shudder running up his body. For a moment Zeke wondered if he was transforming into a titan, if he’d just been waiting for somebody else to take out with himself. But the noise Eren made was of pain, and green eyes were just as shocked as Zeke was.

A look of fear came over Eren’s expression, looking almost foreign to his face, before eyes dimmed and Zeke watched Eren pass out. Surprise faded into confusion as his little brother slumped over, limp like a marionette with its strings cut.

Maybe the first thing he felt should’ve been suspicion. Family or not, he was dealing with a soldier who fought against him in the war. The most reasonable choice would be to retrieve the guards and make sure Eren is held at gunpoint.

Instead, overcome with a dreadful concern, Zeke stepped forward and grabbed Eren’s shoulder. With a measured grip, he jostled Eren. “Excuse me,” Zeke coughed. “Are you okay? What was that?”

He didn’t get a response, watching as dark hair swayed and fell over Eren’s eyes. He stepped backwards, unsure of what to do.

He’d... He’d wait. Hopefully Eren will wake soon. And would have an explanation for this. The best case scenario, the one Zeke was praying for, was that he could take Eren home. With the messy tidings between their nations, all it would take was one wrong move for Eren to be disposed of. If possible, Zeke didn’t want that to happen.

He wanted to get to know his newfound family.

The room was stale, dust falling as Zeke breathed out tension. What if that was purposeful? It had been a long time since the Attack Titan had been in Marley’s hands. What if this was an unknown power, something Zeke couldn’t comprehend? He could never be too careful in a cruel world like this.

It could be fear, too. His brother looked young. Being kidnapped by an enemy nation, approached by a strange man. His heart could’ve just given out at an inopportune moment. Maybe.

Shallow breaths puffed from Eren’s nose. In the quiet room, that was all Zeke could hear. Minutes crawled on, the cramped walls feeling claustrophobic in every right. He was about to stand up, take a cigarette break, when Eren’s chains rattled.

His eyes flashed up as exhausted eyes fluttered open. The boy shifted a bit, before he jolted upward. Blinking, a confused look crossed his face. His eyes locked on Zeke, who couldn’t place exactly what Eren was doing. The way he squinted at Zeke felt off, different from how Eren was acting just a couple of minutes ago.

He looks stressed, though. Zeke thinks it’s most likely that the poor boy is just in shock. He softened at the thought. “You’re back with me?”

Eren slowly focused more. He gives Eren space to breathe, but he itches to undo that gag. Carefully, he says, “Don’t try to pull any titan tricks on me. We’ve been more than careful in restraining you.”

Stepping towards Eren again, he was slow and methodical to make sure Eren wasn’t making any sudden movements. He didn’t, and Zeke let out a breath at the tension.

“I’m an Eldian, just like you. I won’t persecute you, no matter what,” Zeke earnesty told. He pulled the knot loose, fingers coming up to Eren's lips as he pulled damp cloth out of Eren’s mouth. His lips were dry as Zeke’s finger brushed them, but the feeling was electrifying either way.

Eren coughed loudly as Zeke pulled away. He wasn’t sure whether he should stand across from the bars or not. He didn’t want to step back. Zeke put a hand on the back of Eren’s chair, hand brushing the thick chain that held Eren still. After a long minute of dry coughs, Eren’s voice was soft and cracking as he asked, “...Edli--yen?”

Zeke’s heart thumped in his ears. Eren’s voice was sweet. His brain rotted in waves as he took it in. It was so pleasant that Zeke thought it could kill him. Like he’d been shot, he was struck still. He coughed back, like the dryness in the air had reached him too.

He reached up and straightened his glasses. Swallowing down the warm feeling bubbling up his throat, affection, he explained, “Eldian. It’s our race, Eren. The kind of people who live on your island.”

Eren blinked at him. Zeke blinked back. His brother didn’t know what people he belonged to. His heart twisted when he realized that Eren didn’t know how people would think about him. How they would call him a devil. It would be Zeke’s job to teach him.

Wriggling around, Eren’s voice scraped as he asked, “You’re from the other side of the ocean?”

The smile Zeke felt on his face was real. Not plastered or venomous. He wanted to revel in the awe in Eren’s face as he stressed the word ocean. Like he didn’t even know what was beyond the sea. Zeke was breathless as he nodded, “Yes I am, Eren. But we need to discuss some things. The people here aren’t going to be very friendly to you.”

Eren nodded. “Yeah.”

It was a bit vague, Zeke thought, but his brother was still probably in shock. It was suddenly becoming painful to see him chained up like this. “They want to feed you to somebody else. They’ll gain your titan powers and you’ll die.”

A sharp offense shined in Eren’s eye, but he didn’t shout. He sounded angry as he glared, “Then why haven’t you?”

“I want you to live, Eren,” Zeke said. “The rest of the military might not want that, but I do. And so long as you listen to me, I can guarantee that.”

“I’m not going to listen to any of you assholes,” Eren snarled.

“Then why did you come?,” Zeke asked.

Eren’s jaw gnawed together. He could practically feel the way his teeth scraped together as he grimaced. “My friends were in danger. But I’ll never help you sh*theads that wrecked the wall. I’d die first.”

What a good child. Doing something as scary as this for his friends. Zeke remembered the fear he felt to defy his father, to take Mr. Ksaver’s hand and cast his family aside. He wondered if Eren was that scared. Zeke nodded, “I’m not going to make you fight for us. Do you think you can tell a few white lies and have some patience until you can get back home?”

The way those green eyes shined sent a shiver down Zeke’s spine. He couldn’t believe that this bright boy was his little brother. “What?,” Eren said. He seemed astonished as he asked, “You’re going to give me back?”

“I’ll try,” Zeke lied. “It wouldn’t be easy, but it’s possible. That’s why it’s important you play along with me.”

Eren stared at him. Zeke stared back. He could see a little of his father, if he squinted. The eyebrows. The turn of his lips. But the expression Eren wore, the naive way Zeke could see his brother believed him. It was nothing like Grisha.

“How can I trust you?,” Eren asked.

Zeke swallowed. He almost didn’t know what to say. He wanted Eren to trust him. Eren would need somebody here to support him, and Zeke couldn’t think of a single better candidate. And if he wanted Eren’s trust, then he only had one option to play with. Familiarity.

A hot sigh left Zeke’s lips as he stepped back. “I knew your father, Eren. Did Grisha ever tell you about Marley?”

“You knew my dad?,” Eren asked. He looked surprised. His eyebrows pinched, before smoothing into an odd relief.

He nodded. And suddenly Eren seemed more lively. “That’s... You could’ve started with that, you know,” He said. “I don’t know what a Marley is. It sounds like a kind of tea.”

A joyful spark ran through Zeke’s body. He had to take a step backwards. Something about Eren was overwhelming him. He loved it. He chuckled, “It’s not. It’s the country we’re in.”

Eren tilted his head. “What’s a country?”

Zeke could’ve choked. He coughed, “Let’s get back to that later. For now, let’s talk about you, Eren. How old are you?”

“Fourteen,” Eren said. “Fifteen soon.”

Just about ten years younger than him. Zeke didn’t know how to manage the feelings rising in him. He felt blessed to have this boy as a brother. He stepped backwards more, moving to lean against the wall. Zeke asked, “What do you understand about your situation, Eren?”

A guilty look struck Eren’s face. Then anger. It was an easy expression for his face to fall into. His eyebrows pinched as he snarled, “Reiner and Bertolt, those traitors. Annie, too. They killed my squadmates. Then they took us here.”

His fists clenched as he spoke. Zeke was seeing the hot-headedness he was warned of. “I swear that I’ll kill them,” Eren cursed. “They cut off all my limbs and knocked me out. I woke up in this sh*tty basem*nt.”

‘Willingly,’ was the wording on the report he’d read. Seems like Braun was stretching the truth to keep Eren alive. Zeke was going to make sure that his efforts were not in vain. If he had a high-tempered little brother, then Zeke would make sure to reign him back in by the end of theday. It was boy-ish, in a way. Curiously, Zeke asked, “Why haven’t you tried to escape yet?”

Eren paused for a minute. He muttered, “Ymir...”

Zeke jolted. Pinching the frame of his glasses, he checked, “What did you just say?”

With a cough, Eren sighed, “Ymir seemed like she knew what was going on. They all kept using strange words, but I-. I trust her. I don’t think she’s one of them.”

Eren took a deep breath. “If she’s being held near me, then I won’t risk hurting her.”

Oh. His teammate. The girl who was captured alongside him. Zeke had never even bothered to read her name. He’d gotten his hopes up. It was possible that the boy before him had the Founding Titan. The things they could do together. He sighed, “She has a unique name. Was she another squadmate of yours?”

Dark hair jostled as Eren nodded. It looked like it needed a wash. Zeke wanted to take him home soon. It was good that Eren knew better than to recklessly lash out at poor times. Zeke amended, “Ah, and it’s not that I’m encouraging you to try anything. Marley has more than enough measures to keep you contained. You’d be replaced the moment you try.”

He leaned back, deciding to cut to the point. He was curt as he said, “Eren, you’re going to need to deceive some people. You’re in a different nation, outside the walls and across the ocean. The only thing you need to know is that everybody here will hate you.”

Eren pulled back, seeming taken aback by the thought. Zeke gave him a moment before he explained, “To them, you’re a danger. You need to make sure they believe that you’re not.”

With a huff, Eren said, “I can do that. Everyone thought I was dangerous when I first became a Titan, too.”

Zeke felt amused at Eren’s confident tone. “Good,” He praised. “I’ll help you out, okay? You’re going to need to stand before some higher-ups. All you need to say is that you’re no threat to Marley, and that you’ll obey me if I take responsibility for you.”

After a moment, Eren huffed. “Then what? How do I get home?”

“Listen,” Zeke chuckled. “Step one is making sure you survive. I’ll help you out as much as I can after that. We’ll make a plan together.”

The boy licked his lips. They looked dry. The sooner they could get this done, the sooner Zeke could get him out of these chains. With his charming voice, his little brother said, “Fine. Okay.”


The few generals in the cell held different expressions. Two looked terrified to be in the same room as an island demon. The others looked disgusted. A single general here had particular trust in Zeke. He’d earned it, through sweat and blood. He had enough respect to pull this off.

“As he said,” Zeke spoke, “He intends to cooperate with us. I truly believe it is our best choice not to feed him to anybody at the moment. We can’t even confirm whether he has the Founding Titan or not. We’d better not be reckless.”

He’d given them the full sell outside. Eren was supposedly an opportunity for information about the Paradis Army. Zeke could tell that Eren despised the Marleyans, though. It would be best to try and keep them apart. A general spoke, “We don’t have enough new warrior candidates ready.”

“War Chief, are you sure you trust this boy? His allegiances could still be with the enemy,” another added.

“Reiner Braun attested to his cooperation. I’m sure this is for the best,” Zeke spoke. “I’ll keep a close eye on him. Worst comes to worst, I’m more than capable of keeping him contained.”

With a tense air, one sighed. “This could work.”

Zeke felt something in him swell. “What about the girl?,” Another asked.

He had no way of saving her. They had one candidate from the last Warrior squad lined up to take the Jaws. Zeke had no intention of wasting his energy on her. He couldn’t say that in front of Eren, he thinks. From what he could tell, he treasured his friend.

At his age, Zeke didn’t have any friends aside from Mr. Ksaver. Zeke thinks that under the anger, Eren was an adorable child. He coughed to the generals, “We can talk more about her outside. Let’s focus for now. I’d like to release Eren into my custody immediately. I’ll ensure his containment and safety.”

One general nodded. “He should attend military training. We could even hand him to the Warrior Unit.”

Zeke glanced back at Eren. He looked a bit familiar with this. He held a somewhat respectful gaze, the kind practiced in the military. He was glad Eren knew what to do.

Finally, the one General that had worked with Zeke for the longest spoke up. “Let’s listen to Jaeger. He’s never led us astray before. We’ll release him to you. As you see fit, we think he should join the military. I wouldn’t take him into the public, if I were you.”

“Of course,” Zeke smiled. “Thank you. I assure you that this is the right choice.”

The Generals grumbled for a bit. Despite their frowns, they didn’t say much. They were too prideful to admit that they just didn’t want to let an island demon live. Zeke was sure they’d throw a tantrum if they didn’t get to kill the girl. He followed them out of the room. His fingers itched as he closed the door.

He was ready to get Eren out of here.


Zeke opened the front door to his home. Eren looked hesitant as he glanced in. Like it was a revelation, Eren said, “This is a house?”

With a tilt of his head, Zeke said, “Yes. It’s mine. Like I told you, you’re my responsibility now.”

Eren looked better when he wasn’t chained up. He could use a wash, but Zeke was more than excited to have him here. There was so much for Eren to learn. Eren looked confused. “I’ve never seen an actual library before, but are you sure this isn’t one?”

Zeke smiled. “I like books. Go inside, Eren. I’ll show you around.”

Slowly Eren stepped in, seeming hesitant. He looked out of place, uncomfortable. Zeke knew it would take time for Eren to adjust. He wasn’t sure how he’d dispel Eren’s longing for home. Paradise wasn’t the place for him, though. With Marley closing in on them, Eren was safer on this side of the sea.

Closing the door behind him, Zeke said, “Make yourself at home. It’s a shame you don’t have any luggage.”

Eren scoffed. Zeke held back a laugh, lightly saying, “I tried to get you the basics. Clothes and what-not. The guest bedroom is yours now.”

His brother poked his head inside. It was a simple room with a bed, desk, and a wardrobe tucked into it. Eren nodded, “Thanks.”

With a thrum, Zeke couldn’t believe just how good that felt. He almost wanted to ask if it was better than whatever Eren’s previous home had been. He held himself back. He coughed, “You’ve got to be hungry. I’ll show you where the shower is, and we can eat after.”

Eren nodded, in a similarly formal fashion to how he did when in the room with those generals. Zeke was proud of how well Eren played along. He didn’t need Eren to treat him with that air of tenseness, though. He put a hand up. “Just be casual, Eren.”

Those eyes were sharp as they looked up at him. Eren asked, “Those men earlier. They called you Jaeger...”

Zeke blinked. Oh, yes, they did. Zeke had no clue how to tell Eren that they were brothers. That from now on they would be family. He scratched his ear. “Clean up first. We can talk while we eat.”

Pulling away, Zeke stepped back. He needed to think of how to tell Eren. Would Eren be as happy as Zeke was? Eren frowned, looking annoyed. He stepped backwards, into the bathroom.

Zeke wondered if this is how Mr. Ksaver felt about him, all those years ago. He’s revering having family that needs him. He let out a breath. He had some time to contemplate. He turned around, thinking about what to make for Eren.

He was interrupted when he heard the water turn on, followed by Eren shouting, “H-Hey, Mr. Zeke!”

Eren sounded panicked. Zeke stepped forward, turning into a quick bound as he rounded the corner into the bathroom. He saw the shower spray on, steam rising to the air. Then he saw Eren, who stood several paces away from it, staring at it with panicked eyes. Who also didn’t have his shirt on.

Zeke stared at the skin, watching where his bones and muscles curved pleasantly. He followed the line up Eren’s arm, which pointed at the shower. Sounding astonished, Eren half-yelled, “Your water’s boiling!”

The steam might’ve been what made Zeke feel so hot. Or maybe it was the absolute sight his helpless brother is. There was so much for Zeke to teach him. He felt like this wouldn’t be the last moment of learning. Zeke cleared his throat, trying to focus. He took his eyes off of Eren. “Don’t worry. It’s supposed to do that. We can control how hot or cold it is, Eren.”

Zeke stepped up, reaching under the spray and grabbing the nozzle. Droplets sprayed on his arm. Eren watched with eager eyes as Zeke demonstrated, “This is for hot, this is for cold. Set it however you want.”

Eren started, mouth slightly agape. He asked, “How??”

A laugh came out from Zeke before he could control it. He couldn’t wait to keep showing Eren the big, wide world. He hopes he likes it.

His body wanted to stay behind, to stay close and keep watching, but Zeke chose to step backwards. He smiled, “Good luck, Eren.”

A heatless glare was shot back at him. Zeke was breathless. He closed the door behind him, hearing Eren make noises through the wood. His chest was pretty to look at. Zeke wanted to touch. He realized his face was hot, and with a curse, that Zeke did not feel the same for Eren as Mr. Ksaver had felt about him. This was much more taboo.

He stepped forward, stomping away. He can’t believe how suddenly Eren had walked into his life. And he can’t believe how suddenly he knew that he wanted this boy.

Zeke fried up some meat for Eren, thinking that it would appeal to a young man like him. He served it with bread and milk. A small part of him was thinking about splurging for something nice for Eren to try. He wanted to see Eren’s face when it happened.

He set the table, feeling odd to have somebody else here with him. He’s lived alone for a long time now. It was nice to hear Eren’s feet stomping around down the hallway. The spray had turned off, and Zeke was once again reminded of Eren’s military background. It made sense that he could take a fast shower.

After a minute, Eren walked in. His hair was still fairly wet, but he was in some ill-fitting clothes Zeke had gotten without knowing Eren’s measurements. Zeke still thought he looked cute in them. Eren was sniffing the air when he walked in.

“Feel free to sit down and eat,” Zeke told Eren.

He was already sitting in place, an obvious spot with Eren’s food next to him. Eren stared again, before dashing into his seat. He grabbed his fork, asking, “Are you a noble?”

Zeke watched as Eren stabbed into the meat, seeming somewhat disbelieving. Zeke chuckled, “No. What makes you think that?”

Eren opened his mouth, before catching Zeke’s stare and closing it. He stood still for a moment, before suddenly looking embarrassed. Eren frowned, “Listen! Just because I don’t know these things doesn’t mean anything about my-- My country.”

His voice lagged before the word country, dragging on it auspiciously. Eren seemed like a fast learner. He sounded serious as he said, “I’m just stupid. There’s plenty of smart people on my island.”

Zeke frowned. He thought for a moment as he tapped his finger. “I’m here to help you learn. Ask as many questions as you need.”

Eren stared at his food. It was speared at the end of his fork, but he didn’t move to eat yet. He glanced up at Zeke, asking, “Do you have more cattle in Marley?”

“Oh,” Zeke said. “I suppose so. Not that I know the situation in Paradis, but we have plenty of room for agriculture here.”

“Oh,” Eren echoed back. It made Zeke smile. “We lost our farmlands when Wall Maria fell. Meat is only for nobles.”

“Hmm,” Zeke hummed. He didn’t realize he had a brother in Paradis all this time. He wondered just how he lived, in a small cage surrounded by monsters. He wondered what dangers he faced. He let out a gentle sigh. Marley was sure to want Eren to start fighting for them before long. Zeke didn’t like that idea.

Eren stayed looking at him. Zeke let out a curt breath, waving his hand forward. “Well, don’t wait. I hope you like it.”

Looking like he might start drooling, Eren nodded. Without any preamble, Eren was bringing an oversized slice of meat to his face, stuffing it in his mouth without grace. His eyes lit up. Eren’s joy almost seemed infectious as he stabbed his fork into the next piece, not needing a word to convey it.

A chuckle came from Zeke. He almost didn’t want to eat himself, in lieu of just watching Eren. The boy tore through his plate like he’d never eaten before. Zeke laughed, suddenly feeling grateful that he was able to do this for his brother. Eren chewed fast, looking like he might bite his tongue. Zeke picked up a fork, smiling, “You can take your time. I won’t take it away from you.”

Eren coughed through hurried bites. “I know,” He spat out. Before, “Thank you for the food.”

He was temperamental, maybe, but Eren had good manners. Zeke’s fingers stilled against the table. It was probably time that Eren knew the truth. He sighed, feeling anxious. What would his brother think?

“Eren, I told you that I knew your father,” Zeke said. Eren stilled for a moment, looking up at Zeke with bread in hand. Damp hair bounced as he nodded.

“Yeah,” Eren said. “How?”

Zeke leaned backwards, taking in the sight of Eren. It had been a long time since he had anyone in his home. Since he had any family at all. It had been seven years since Mr. Ksaver died and Zeke had been alone. He just met Eren. Only just found out that he even existed. But now, looking at the homely sight of the boy eating across his table, Zeke felt like the words ‘big brother’ were made just for him.

“Your father came from Marley,” Zeke started. “He was sent to your island as a punishment. He was considered a traitor.”

He gauged Eren’s reaction. He had no real way of knowing how Eren felt about their father. Without somebody there to help him, he might’ve never realized what kind of trash Grisha was. Other than a tight frown, Eren simply nodded. Zeke continued, feeling his heart patter in his chest. “He started a family before then. He had a different wife and child before he was punished.”

Green eyes widened. They were all-consuming, drawing Zeke in. The careful words Zeke had prepared slipped from him as he stated, “I’m your half-brother, Eren.”

A hot stare burned Zeke’s face. Eren was still, and Zeke could practically see those wheels turning in his head. After a moment, Eren pulled back, asking, “Wait, what? My dad...? Wait, how do you know?!”

Eren stood up from his seat, chair screeching as it reeled back. Zeke took a controlled breath. “My father was Grisha Jaeger. If he’s your father as well, then there’s no doubt.”

His eyes ran over Eren’s face. Pinched eyebrows, an angry frown. Not exactly how Zeke wanted him to react. Eren yelled, “That’s--! H-He would’ve told my mom. He would’ve told me if I had a brother.”

“I could probably find a family photograph, if I looked,” Zeke sighed. “I know this is a lot to take in. All of this.”

Surely it was. Eren was young, and he’d lived his life in the small walls of his country. All of this information must be overwhelming. He was surprised at how reasonable Eren had been through most of this. Eren’s frown wobbled a bit. After a moment, the boy spoke, “If you’re my brother, then is that why you’re helping me?”

It felt like something more than that. But it could be true. That was all he’d known by the time he decided to save him. There was a more special feeling thrumming up in him now, though. He wanted to be a good brother to Eren. He wanted to have Eren’s affections for it, too.

“I suppose,” Zeke sighed. “I know that we don’t know each other well, Eren. But I don’t want to see you be killed. If you listen to me, I promise that I can keep you alive.”

“And help me get home,” Eren cut in. It would be tough to find a way to disregard that notion, in time. Maybe Paradis would have to fall first.

Zeke nodded, “And get you home.”

“Thank you,” Eren breathed. After a moment, he asked in disbelief, “Are you really my brother?”

Zeke nodded. He wondered what Eren was thinking. With a conflicted expression, Eren said, “You... kind of look like Dad.”

Did he? Perhaps, as he was becoming older he was growing into his father’s features. He didn’t know how that made him feel. He didn’t know how that made Eren feel.

A long pause stretched on. Stiffly, Eren stared down at the floor. Zeke leaned back. He ran a hand through his hair, brushing the strands back. Looking at Eren, he asked, “How do you feel, Eren? There’s more to talk about, but we can take it slowly. There’s no need to rush if you need time.”

“Yeah,” Eren breathed. “I’m okay.”

His face twisted, in a way that made it hard for Zeke to believe him. In an odd voice, Eren asked, “Hey, is this really what’s across the ocean? It’s all countries and more people?”

“Mostly,” Zeke said. “But there are things beyond your imagination, Eren. If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to help you learn about them.”

Finally brightening, Eren looked up. “Things? Like fiery water, and sandy snowfields?”

Lava? And deserts? What odd examples. He probably only ever heard the ember of whispers that managed to echo inside the walls. Zeke nodded. With a huff, Eren got back in his seat. He said, “Okay. I want to see.”

Zeke hummed, leaning backwards. His little brother. Zeke would certainly teach him about the world he’s just stepped into.


“What? I told you I wouldn’t fight for those bastards!,” Eren yelled.

Zeke held a hand up, staying calm. “And I told you I wouldn’t make you. That isn’t what this is.”

Reassurance didn’t help Eren much. “Then why in the hell would I join their military?! They’re the reason so many of my friends died!”

“So they believe that you’re not going to betray them,” Zeke said. “I can make sure you never see a battlefield, and that you never have to aid in attacking Paradis. All you have to do is attend.”

Eren’s fists were balled tightly, shaking at his sides. He looked furious. “How long will it take until you can get me and Ymir home? And what the hell are Reiner and Bertolt doing? I can’t just stay here and let these assholes control me!”

There was something sweet about how Eren’s anger looked. It was real, and Zeke wondered just where it could take him. But Eren didn’t make a move to hurt him, nor destroy anything. It made Zeke smile, saying, “You’ll be okay, Eren. You won’t see Braun or Hoover. Things need to settle, and it could take some time. I’ll do my part, so you need to do yours as well.”

Eren scowled harshly. He muttered, “I’ll kill those bastards. Everything’s their fault.”

“I won’t be able to protect you if you try,” Zeke said. That couldn’t happen. What would Zeke have to do if Eren couldn’t play along? Marley wouldn’t accept him. And Zeke couldn’t send Eren back to a grim fate in paradise. He frowned. “I’d probably be executed for advocating for you, as well.”

Eren jolted, eyes darting up. “What? That’s not--! That’s not fair!”

“It’s not,” Zeke spoke. “You can get your revenge later. Can you just attend training and not get in too much trouble?”

Displeasure radiated off of Eren. “Will Ymir be there?”

His friend Ymir was currently underground, waiting out her days until she would be fed to a warrior. “No,” Zeke said. “They decided to keep you both separated. Were you close?”

“No,” Eren echoed back. “She only ever cared about Krista. She’s a good soldier, though.”

“Good. How long have you been in the military?,” Zeke asked.

“Two years,” Eren responded. “I just joined the Survey Corps before this happened.”

Zeke nodded. A little older than Zeke had been when he joined. Good, Zeke thought, but not good enough. They lived in a cruel world where people would cannibalize each other for scraps. War was endless and conflict was inevitable. Eren didn’t need to die a meaningless death for somebody else’s cause.

“Then you know what to do. Listen to your superiors and don’t butt heads with anyone,” Zeke said. “And I wouldn’t tell anybody that you’re from the island. It would go seriously poorly.”

“Sure,” Eren agreed. “They hate people from my island.”

Zeke had taught him that. It was a shame, but it was true. He wished he could protect his brother from the cruelty that awaited him. For now, all he could do was gift him a safe home to come back to. And a brother that would understand and love him.

From the way he grimaced, Eren was still upset. Zeke sighed. “I understand if you wouldn’t, but... Do you trust me, Eren?”

Eren looked at Zeke with confusion. “Trust?,” Eren repeated.

Zeke nodded, while Eren’s eyebrows pinched in thought. “I guess,” Eren frowned, “I don’t know you well. But you’ve been good to me, so I guess I do.”

A naive way of thinking, Zeke thought. There were plenty of people who treated Zeke well that still glared at him with hatred for his birth. This world was too terrible a place for somebody like Eren to have been born into. Zeke let out a soft breath. “Then believe me when I say that this is the safest path forward. It might be hard, but you won’t need to lie when you’re with me.”

With a hissed ‘tsk’, Eren stepped back. “Okay. I’ll do it. But I won’t put up with it forever.”

Zeke smiled. “Thank you, Eren. This’ll keep both of us safe.”

Eren leaned his back against the wall of the hallway. He pursed his lips, before sighing. Zeke decided to cheer up his younger brother. “For now, why don’t you try something,” Zeke offered. “You’ll need to learn how to read Marleyan if you’ll be staying here. Why don’t we start with some picture books?”

Eren perked up. He asked, “Do you have any books on the outside world?”

“Sure,” Zeke said. The world was the everyday to Zeke, but he could understand what made Eren curious. “Is there anything you’re curious about?”

“The ocean!,” Eren almost shouted. Like he hadn’t been in a rage just minutes ago, Eren excitedly said, “I want to know more about the ocean!”

Zeke smiled. “Of course, then.”

As they walked towards the table, Zeke asked, “What do you know about it?”

With a tilt of the head, Eren closed his eyes. Like he was digging through his memories, he said, “It’s as wide as you can see. And there’s so much salt that a merchant could take as much as he wanted and not even put a dent in it!”

With a chuckle, Zeke nodded. “That’s right. Sit down while I pick out a book.”

Glancing through a nearby bookshelf, Zeke pulled out a simple book with many illustrations, simply titled ‘A Non-Sailor’s Guide to the Sea’. He placed it in front of Eren, running his finger under the title. Eren watched with attentive eyes.

“That’s how you spell Sea. It means the same as ocean. Do you think you could try writing it?”

Zeke was excited to teach Eren. Eren nodded enthusiastically. He said, “Yeah!”

He was always smiling when he was around Eren. There was something about his energy, his face, his youthful passions that set Zeke aflame. He would take good care of Eren.


Holding Eren’s hand, knuckles bloody from his squadmate’s face, Zeke sighed. He wasn’t expecting how quickly Eren would get in trouble. It was his first day in the Marley military.

Eren had a guilty face as Zeke tenderly brushed his fingers over the wound. Zeke sighed, “Let’s go home, Eren. Then you can heal up.”

He’d been called here after Eren had been involved in a brawl during combat training. Seemingly, his brother’s temper was a little less contained than Zeke had expected. Luckily, all of Eren’s transgressions would be reported to Zeke first. He could bury this, along with giving those who fought Eren a stern warning should they try again.

Still, Eren should listen to his older brother. They walked together. He was originally to live in the area for the other higher-ups. Unfortunately, none of them wanted to share living space with an Eldian. Nor an honorary Marleyan, supposedly. Either way it seems to have worked out. It gave him plenty of space for Eren.

While they walked, Eren was quiet. Zeke broke the silence, asking, “Do you have anything to say?”

“Sorry,” Eren started with. And even now, he couldn’t help but smile. Brash and outrageous, his brother was also terribly kind.

Zeke said, “I’m not mad. I just want to understand.”

A frustrated huff came from Eren. He was probably getting mad just thinking about his fight. “Some idiot in the squad was talking about how the weaker guys were going to get executed. Because they’re Eldian.”

He felt his shoulders soften. A harsh reality, but one that Eren couldn’t get worked up over every time. Eventually, Eren was going to have to get more involved with the military. They would surely be very interested in whether or not Eren had the Founder soon. Zeke needed a cigarette.

“So you hit him?,” Zeke said.

“No!,” Eren defended. “I didn’t. Somebody else started hitting him. It turned into a brawl, and I just stepped in to help.”

Zeke took a moment to think. He put a hand on Eren’s shoulder. “Did you?”

Eren stalled for a moment. A long moment. With a held breath, he coughed, “No. More people jumped in just for fun because I did.”

With a squeeze to the shoulder, Zeke let go. With a smile, he asked, “Then I’d trust you’d act differently next time?”

“Yeah,” Eren said. “Sorry.”

They were getting closer. Sunlight filtered through a tree as they stepped through the paved road. It would be Eren’s second time walking down this path. Zeke nodded, “Good. I’m not trying to suppress your nature, Eren. I just worry. Your safety depends on good public behavior.”

Eren didn’t respond, falling a few steps behind Zeke. He got a glimpse of a guilty face on his brother. It seemed like Eren understood, though. He supposes it’s time to comfort.

“It was harmless this time,” Zeke smiled. “You want more meat when we get home?”

Eren’s head perked up. He asked, “Really? You’ve already made me so much this week.”

“Of course,” Zeke nodded. Eren still saw meat as an exciting new novelty instead of part of a normal diet. It was a little expensive, but Zeke couldn’t care less. Eren deserved it and more. He gratefully devoured anything Zeke put in front of him.

“Can we really have it so often?,” Eren questioned. “I’m not picky. I can do rations.”

“You shouldn’t have to eat those when you’re home,” Zeke chuckled. “I promise that it’s fine.”

With a joyful huff, Eren nodded. He caught back up to Zeke. “Thank you,” Eren said.

Zeke wondered if Grisha ever showed his children this type of care. Being a brother was wonderful. Zeke said, “You’re a good kid, Eren.”

Surprise took Zeke as Eren stepped forward, grabbing the elbow of Zeke’s sleeve. He didn’t let go as he kept walking. Neither of them said a word as they arrived home.


After a particularly paperwork heavy day, Zeke was exhausted. They were going to launch an official attack against a long-time enemy. Zeke had spent the day planning their strategy for a headache-inducing amount of time. He’d ended up working so late that he’d barely gotten a glimpse of his brother before he went to bed.

Zeke scrawled his signature on some paperwork. It was a deployment request. In a month, the Beast Titan’s powers would be needed to capture a nearby territory. He wanted to spend more time with Eren, but the timing of this was important. Zeke had spent the last decade focusing on his work.

He sighed as he realized he had to do this. He stood up, deciding to have a smoke. It was late enough that Eren should be asleep, so it was fine.

He stepped out of his office, glancing down the hall. He saw a bare light peeking out from the edge of Eren’s doorway. It was surely too late for him to be awake. He heard the boy take his evening shower and stumble off to bed hours ago.

Deciding to check, if only so he could see Eren’s face, he knocked on the door. A beat passed without a response. As the time stretched, Zeke realized Eren wasn’t going to respond. His fingers twitched with a want, lurking underneath natural curiosity. Feeling emboldened, Zeke reached forward before he could think about it. Gripping the handle, he gently opened the door to Eren’s room.

His eyes first fell upon the light of Eren’s desk lamp. It was dim in the night, but basking in its warm yellow glow was Eren. Dark brown hair shone in gold it’s rays, closed eyes to a sleeping face rested in the shadows. Eren’s hand still grasped a pen, ink pooling on a paper where it was held to. Zeke stepped forward with a smile.

The book he’d given Eren about the sea was open in front of him. On a few pages under Eren’s head, the words sea, land, ocean, marley, water, and fish were written in shaky letters. They grew better as Eren practiced, but the lines were still a bit odd and unclear. Still, Zeke grinned. He was possessed to step forward, until he was standing over his brother.

“Eren,” Zeke whispered. The boy didn’t stir. Feelings swirled in Zeke, and he was compelled to lean down. He got closer to Eren, a hand brushing hair off of his forehead.

He pressed a kiss to Eren’s forehead. Soft skin lay under his lips. It felt right.

As he pulled back, Eren twitched. Through a sleepy voice, Eren called, “Zeke?”

He was happy. “It’s me. Sorry to intrude.”

Eren’s fingers straightened, pen dropping to the desk. Eren pulled up, wiping at his eyes. With an unfocused gaze, he looked up at Zeke. “Is it night?,” Eren asked. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s late,” Zeke nodded. “Your light was on. I just came to check on you.”

A yawn was next, Eren leaning back in his chair and throwing his head back. Zeke was fixated on the sight as his mouth made a wide ‘O’. Even in the dark, Zeke could see that pink tongue and those perfectly aligned shifter teeth. Eren didn’t look very put together as he breathed out the end of his yawn.

“Oh,” Eren muttered. “Sorry. I’ll go to bed.”

Zeke’s hand twitched. A more extreme, less patient part of him felt a buzzing need to come out. He wanted to take Eren to his bed. Sleep curled together with his brother. He reached forward, running a hand through Eren’s hair. Eren didn’t flinch or pull back, instead blinking with sleepy eyes as Zeke ruffled Eren’s clean, silky hair. Zeke smiled, “Goodnight, Eren. Sleep well.”

He pulled his hand back as Eren's gaze dropped down. Casually, Eren asked, “Why did you kiss me?”

A choked cough was kicking out of his throat without input. He didn’t realize Eren was awake for that. He coughed, ready to make an excuse. Eren provided, “Because we’re brothers?”

Zeke stared. Eren hadn’t brought up their relationship since he was told. Zeke was fearing that he secretly hated suddenly having a brother in this strange land. He nodded. “Sorry, I should’ve asked.”

Eren reached up, tenderly running fingers over his forehead. He glanced over at Zeke. He yawned, “It’s fine. I kind of liked it.”

Frantically, Zeke’s heart pattered. Thump, then whir, then bang and crash. He wasn’t sure he could take it. Eren was too much. A presence too grand to ignore. He gasped, “I could show you more?”

Green eyes shot up to him. Zeke felt like he’d just shot himself in the foot. An anticipatory breath stuck in his lungs. Eren asked, “More?”

He nodded stiffly. He should apologize. Take it back. Leave and see Eren tomorrow, where they could both awkwardly pretend this didn’t happen. Eren hummed, “I guess some families kiss. Sure.”

And with that, Zeke’s heart was bursting. He could’ve seen the warm light behind him like a halo. Zeke had hands on Eren’s arms before he could control it. He breathed, “Thank you, Eren.”

He wanted to touch more. To hold more. To show Eren just what his older brother could do for him. He leaned into Eren’s space, crowding him into his chair. Zeke said, “We don’t need to compare ourselves to other families. We have a unique set of circ*mstances. We can be any kind of brothers that you want, Eren.”

Eren made a mute noise, seeming surprised at the closeness. A frown came across his face. Eren pouted, “How would I know? I’ve never had a brother before.”

“Tell me what you like,” Zeke said. He felt warmth coming off of Eren, the sleepy expression turning into surprise. Maybe even curiosity. Even with Zeke this close, Eren didn’t pull away. As Zeke’s hand came up, a thumb running under Eren’s chin and pulling it to the side, Eren submitted.

Zeke kissed Eren’s exposed cheek. He felt adoration swell up in him, Eren making a grumpy sort of a noise. His brother hissed, “H-Hey! That tickles.”

His beard must be scratching Eren’s face. Zeke chuckled, murmuring, “Shh. Don’t be that way.”

He kissed Eren’s cheek again, just a little lower. Eren’s heartbeat gently tapped through his lips. He felt like he was touching grace itself. Another kiss to Eren’s jaw. He wanted to suck smooth skin into his mouth. Instead, he pulled away. His hands settled on Eren’s sides as he braced himself over the boy. “What do you think?”

Eren’s cheeks were pink. His own hand came to touch his face, gently running over the spots Zeke had worshiped. “I like it,” Eren admitted. “Is there more?”

Zeke couldn’t handle much more. He’d get hard. That would be harder to explain away. Hungry and pleased, he offered, “Sure. Do you want to try?”

Hesitantly, Eren nodded. Running a hand around the back of Eren’s neck, feeling the silky skin under his fingers, Zeke felt like he’s never been happier. This must be bliss. Slowly, so Eren had every opportunity to move, Zeke sealed his lips over Eren’s.

A pause. Eren’s lips were soft like satin, wet and sweet under Zeke’s own. Zeke wanted to deepen it. To pull Eren in, feel Eren against him while he takes the boy’s breath away. Maybe Eren would even like it. Neither of them made a move. Eren was still, and Zeke felt like his patience was hanging on a thread.

With a heavy heart, he pulled away. He shouldn’t overwhelm his little brother. He stares at Eren’s face, inches away. His back strains and he’s tempted to drop on his knees.

“Hey,” Eren breathed. “I don’t think brothers kiss like that.”

His eyes were brighter, the dullness of sleep just barely hazing them. sh*t. Maybe Zeke had gone too far. But Eren didn’t seem angry yet.

Deciding to keep his cool, Zeke asked, “Did you enjoy it?”

Eren’s legs clenched, just under the edge of Zeke’s vision. “Yeah,” Eren admitted.

Zeke took a step back. His head spun in rewarding satisfaction. Zeke said, “Good. That’s all that matters.”

He cleared his throat, stepping back. Deciding to pretend nothing much happened, Zeke said, “Good job studying, Eren. I see you’re working hard.”

A confused look crossed Eren’s face. “Sure,” Eren said.

Zeke’s shoulders went back, relaxed. Eren hasn’t been living here for very long, but he’s been working hard in his learning and training. If Zeke was good for protecting anything, it would be for Eren. He nodded, “Goodnight. Sleep well.”

He was almost sure that Eren’s expression was disappointed. He looked small and cold in his chair, dim light illuminating from behind him. Eren said, “You too.”

Zeke stumbled out of the room. He thought of Eren’s lips. He wished he was still kissing them as he took a drag of his cigarette outside. In the cold night air, his memory was so precious that he almost didn’t taste the bitter smoke on his tongue.


“Hey,” Eren grimaced. “You haven’t talked to me about getting home at all.”

The morning after, Zeke had been high off last night’s contact and equally anxious for the line he crossed. He knew it was wrong. He wasn’t sure if Eren knew. He was worried about what Eren would have to say.

Simply put, he was caught off-guard when Eren was angry, but for a different reason. Zeke coughed over his mug of coffee. Surprised, he stalled, “What?”

“Getting home,” Eren stressed. “You said we’d make plans, but you haven’t even mentioned that.”

“Ah,” Zeke said. His mind ran through different lies or ways to stall for time. Zeke had long decided that Eren wasn’t going back. Now he needed to figure out how to convince his brother of that. He decided to be vague until he could come up with a better reason. He assured Eren, “I’ve been thinking about it.”

With a frustrated noise, Eren complained, “What’s there to think about? I just need a way to get back on the island.”

With a chuckle, Zeke smiled, “That’s exactly what there is to think about, Eren. The border is guarded, and Marley is keeping a close eye on you. Whether you realize it or not, they’d probably have four warriors coming after you the hour you disappear.”

“Warriors,” Eren echoed. “That’s what Bertolt and Reiner were talking about.”

“They’re what we call the Titan-Shifters here in Marley,” Zeke explained, “Like Leonhart, Hoover, and Braun.”

“Four is a lot,” Eren contemplated. “I might be able to take them.”

It would be five, if Zeke counted himself. Six if they transferred the Jaws power soon. Zeke hadn’t seen his brother transform before, but he doubted even the Attack Titan could stand against Marley’s trained warriors.

Thinking of it, it wouldn’t be long until Marley would be trying to experiment with Eren and his power. It was important they find out whether Eren had the Founder’s power or not. With a sigh, Zeke asked, “What Titan do you have the power of? Do you just have one?”

“Huh?,” Eren asked. He blinked naively as he questioned, “What does that mean? How could I have more than one Titan?”

“The Attack Titan, I mean,” Zeke corrected. “I’m aware you have its power. Do you have any others?”

Huh?,” Eren repeated, this time louder. He took a deep breath as he almost shouted, “The Attack Titan? Is that what it’s called?!”

The ignorance struck Zeke. He’s reminded of just how much of the world was obscured to Eren, how little Grisha must’ve taught him. Eren seemed to be excited. Zeke couldn’t shake off the thought that their Father put this power on Eren without even explaining the name of it. Green eyes were intently set on Zeke, wondrous. After a moment, Zeke couldn’t help but reach forward and fondly pat Eren’s shoulder. He nodded, “I assumed you knew. Yes, that’s it’s name.”

Under a whisper, Eren said, “Woah.”

Zeke wondered just how little Paradis and its people knew about the world. The Titans. The Marleyans. Zeke chuckled, “I guess you wouldn’t know if you had any other Titans in you. The military suspects you might.”

Eren gasped. “Really? Another?”

Zeke took a sip of his coffee. “Well,” He paused. “Tell me if you have any new powers, or something of the sort. You shouldn’t let anybody else know.”

If Eren is determined to have the Founding Titan, then Zeke is afraid for the both of them.

Under his breath, barely audible like a wisp in the distance, Eren hummed. “Well,” Eren huffed nonchalantly. “Something weird happened when I first came here.”

Zeke turned to Eren. Attentive, he asked, “Weird? Like what?”

Fingers bounced under Eren’s palm, a repetitive drum against the surface. “Way back when they were keeping me underground here. You came to visit me.”

He remembered. The odd memory came up, of a spark running between them and Eren shouting. He’d filed it away in his mind somewhere, less important than anything else that happened that day. “You passed out,” Zeke supplied. “I thought it was because you were afraid.”

Eren bristled. “Of course I wasn’t. Like someone with a dumb face like you could scare me.”

Behind the spines, Zeke could see Eren was a little nervous. He gave Eren a reassuring nod as the boy fidgeted. Cheeks dusted pink, Eren scoffed, “Anyways. I, uh... I saw some strange things. I don’t even really get it now.”

That made Zeke’s ears perk. Mr. Ksaver had dedicated a long time to titan research, but Zeke isn’t sure he’s heard anything like this before. It wasn’t surprising, though. The Attack Titan has been elusive for a long time. “What did you see, Eren?”

“You,” Eren mumbled. “But not like you are now. You had long hair. And long fingernails, too. We were in some odd place. A sandy snowfield, maybe? There was a big light, too.”

Zeke’s eyes narrowed. He’s never had long hair, or seen a place like that. In fact, the closest things to a desert anywhere near Marley were battle-scarred lands. Looking up at him, an odd look crossed Eren’s face. “And I saw myself. When I was a kid.”

A pragmatic part of his brain wondered how much of this was real. It was possible that Eren had been loopy from fear or stress, memories jumbled from the chaos of it all. But, a hopeful part of Zeke’s brain rang, he’d spoken with Mr. Ksaver about the Founder before. How it needed royal blood to activate, the type that Grisha always reminded Zeke that he had. Maybe, just maybe there was something more to this.

“I was with Dad,” Eren’s eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t really remember, but I think it was right after Wall Maria fell. That was the last time I saw him.”

The fate of their father hung over Zeke. He’d never even considered the thought that he’d survived the punishment to paradise before meeting Eren. From the intel his warriors collected, all Zeke knew was that the man had disappeared mysteriously. Some part of Zeke found it hard to believe that he was alive. There was no real way to know yet.

“Did you see anything specific, Eren?,” Zeke asked.

Eren nodded. “He had a needle. But not the type he’d usually use as a doctor. I think he might’ve used it on me.”

And that was what made Zeke blink. “Right after your wall fell,” Zeke said aloud. “Four years ago.”

Like pieces falling into place, Zeke realized what Eren meant. Spinal fluid, no doubt. And while Zeke had no clue how the Attack Titan made its way to Eren, if the boy himself didn’t remember what happened, then it felt clear as day. That must’ve been when Eren received the power.

A thick swallow made its way down Zeke’s throat. That also meant that Eren had nine years left. He’d never make it as far as his older brother has. Fist clenching, Zeke could’ve shivered at the unbelievable nature of their father. Making children to use as tools, over and over again.

“Hey,” Eren called. “What’s with your face?”

Zeke reached up and gripped his glasses. Mr. Ksaver’s glasses. Holding onto them gave Zeke strength. He took a deep, steadying breath in. “It’s nothing,” Zeke promised. “That’s very interesting, Eren. I don’t know if that means you have any other powers, but make sure you tell me if you remember anything else.”

“Okay,” Eren agreed. Before shifting around and saying, “I think I have an idea for getting home, too.”

Zeke tilted his head. With complete seriousness, Eren said, “If I sneak to the ocean at night, then I could swim across in Titan form. I bet I could make it.”

Despite the thick miasma that had built up in his throat, the thought of the boy in front of him being deceased before his life even started, a chuckle wanted to force its way out of him. Oh, Eren.

“Maybe you could,” Zeke entertained the silly idea. The sinking in his stomach teetered, lifted just an inch. “But you’d be easy to spot once they started looking. And how would you sneak past the border?”

With a frown, Eren sighed, “I guess. I need to get home soon, though. My friends are going to try finding me, and I don’t want them getting hurt.”

Having gotten to see first-hand, Zeke had no faith that Eren’s friends could ever save him from this. The technology in Paradis had been unique, but rudimentary at best. Without any boats ready for the vast sea, crossing the ocean would be a pipe-dream on their own. He nodded to his brother, “I’m sure that your time and opportunity will come, okay? It matters to me that you get there safely.”

Eren nodded back. Tapping his feet, his brother asked, “Would you stay here?”

Looking at him, Zeke made a soft face. “Maybe. I’m not sure. I can’t say I want to part from my newly-found little brother.”

Eren stared at him, expression hard to read. Leaning forward, he insisted, “You shouldn’t stay. They hate you! They hate every Eldian.”

Being born Eldian was a curse. That wouldn’t change no matter where Zeke went. The little island full of monsters would be crushed if things went at the rate they were. Zeke didn’t know if it would happen in two years or ten. He didn’t even know if he’d live to see it or be the one to bring it.

Still, the idea from Eren was sweet.

Deciding that they shouldn’t talk about it much longer, before Zeke had to make any promises he couldn’t keep, he stood up. He said, “It’s about time both of us head to the base. Let’s go together.”

Pulling back, Eren said, “Okay. Let’s keep talking about it later.”

His brother was so stubborn. Youthful in his spirit. Zeke turned to him saying, “Sure. Ah, I’m facing a short deployment soon. I’ll be gone for a week or two next month.”

Eren picked his head up. With sharp eyes, he questioned, “Huh? What for?”

“I’m needed in the conquest of new territory,” Zeke sighed. “Marley is greedy to get more power.”

“Not the Island?,” Eren asked. “Not my friends?”

Would he be attacking them? Eventually, yes. Zeke had crushed numbers of islanders during his short expedition, and all Zeke knew was that Eren was a part of the division he’d encountered. He was eternally grateful that he didn’t manage to encounter or harm his brother during that time. Zeke reassured him, “Not your friends. I promise.”

Eren let out a relieved sigh, and relaxed an inch. “Good. Then let’s go.”

Holding out his hand, Zeke was just a little disappointed as Eren didn’t grab it.


Eren’s friend didn’t make it. Zeke never expected her to, but it was already over. She was fed to the next candidate and the Jaws Titan was back in Marley’s comfortable hold. It was almost rewarding, in a way. He’d managed to get past the execution date with Eren. He was sure his brother would take the news badly, though.

Two cracking thumps knocked against his door. Zeke looked up, calling, “Come in.”

He was in his office in the base, an unofficial meeting room for the shifters. And also extraordinarily bugged by the distrusting government. He was surprised as the door creaked open, and he saw the face of Reiner Braun. His chin perked up. “Braun. What are you doing here?”

“Excuse me, War Chief,” the broad-shouldered boy said. He gave Zeke a polite greeting, before stepping forward and saying, “I heard Ymir was fed to Galliard.”

“Yes,” Zeke nodded. He grimaced, realizing what the warrior was here for. Not a conversation they could have eavesdropped into.

“I heard that Eren wasn’t, sir,” Reiner added. He was stiff, shoulders held squarely.

Zeke confirmed, “That’s correct.”

“I-I,” Braun’s voice wavered. “I don’t think Ymir should’ve died, sir. She was perfectly willing to cooperate with us.”

“It wasn’t my decision, Braun,” Zeke spoke firmly. He had to be cold as he said, “And you shouldn’t sympathize with a restorationist. This wasn’t the first time Marley’s punished her for her crimes.”

The way Braun caught his eye was clear. They both understood what it was like to be a warrior. True loyalty to Marley was a thin illusion that all eventually grew out of. It should’ve been enough for Reiner to understand. Instead he stepped forward, requesting, “I’d like to know how Eren is doing, sir.”

They were both currently on the same base. Eren trained with an extra secure Eldian squad that would eventually feed him into the warrior program with Braun. Zeke cleared his throat, before waving to the seats ahead of him. “I don’t know how much there is to say, but there’s no need for you to stand so stiffly while we talk. Have a seat.”

“Yes, sir,” Braun said, before taking a seat.

Zeke offered, “Do you want a cup of coffee?”

“No, sir,” Reiner denied. “I’m worried for Eren’s well-being.”

“He’s well,” Zeke started. “A bit culture-shocked, but he’s adjusting.”

Braun sighed, “No kidding.”

Zeke huffed. He had to choose his words carefully. “We plan to have him join the Warrior Unit in time. First, he needs to be educated on the history of the world.”

Braun’s eyes widened. “He’s going to... join us?”

He was sure that didn’t sound like Eren. Actually, Braun has known Eren for even longer than Zeke has. And from the way Eren spoke, it seems like he resented Reiner greatly. Zeke could understand, but he took pity on the warrior. Eldians in Marley were victims to forces beyond their control, and the warriors were propagandized since childhood. He couldn’t blame Reiner for the choices he made.

“Yes,” Zeke said. “I believe his cooperation will be vital in our military.”

The warrior seemed taken aback. It made sense. He wondered what kind of profanities Eren was cursing as he was captured.

“That’s good,” Braun said. There was genuine relief in his eyes as he proclaimed, “Eren has valuable skills and abilities. He’s hard-headed, but some of his combat abilities are even better than mine.”

Relief came to Zeke as well. That was a good choice of words. If any were overhearing, it sent the right message. Zeke offered a pleasant smile as thank you. “I agree.”

“Then, where is he?,” Braun asked. “It’d be good to see him.”

And this was a part where things became difficult. Eren still hated Braun. Zeke couldn’t say that. Beyond that, he’d been warned by Hoover that Reiner’s mind, for lack of a better word, wavered. He was sometimes unable to understand that he’d killed humans just like him for his cause. He was also sometimes able to understand that those he attacked were now his enemies. Zeke sighed. “I’d need to get permission for that. I can’t promise you for any time soon. I suggest having patience.”

Reiner swallowed something down. With a tense face he nodded, “Understood.”

Zeke huffed. “I have responsibility for him, at the moment. I’ll send your regards.”

“Then,” Braun stared, “Then he really is--! I-I’m glad to hear he’s well, sir. Thank you for speaking with me.”

He nodded, reaching back and scratching his ear. “Of course. I can’t give you enough gratitude for completing your mission.”

And bringing Eren to him.

“Of course, War Chief,” Reiner said, proud. “I’m a Warrior.”


Zeke was supposed to be teaching Eren world history right now. The military stressed the importance of Eren understanding the weight of Eldia’s sins. The idea made Zeke think of sitting at the table with his father, with his grandparents, each of them forcing politics and ideals into his skull without mercy.

For now, Zeke much preferred watching Eren smile at pictures of the ocean. That was Eren’s favorite. He’d learned how to read and write many words about the sea now, having practiced with almost every sparse book in Zeke’s library that had anything to do with it. Zeke was ready to get more.

He wondered if Eren ever did this with their father. Those days used to make his head throb, not understanding what the point of any of it was as he pretended and pretended. It would be no surprise if their father dutifully tried to brainwash his brother, as well. It would explain how Eren could be so attached to his home, instead of joining the much more powerful Marley.

He wouldn’t ask Eren any questions about it. Eventually, his brother would bring it up first. Until then, Zeke enjoyed watching Eren discover the world with such excitement.

“Don’t you want to learn about something else?,” Zeke asked.

“Sure,” Eren nodded. “But Armin loves the ocean as much as I do. I need to learn everything about it, so I can tell him.”

“Armin,” Zeke echoed. “A friend?”

“Yeah. We’re going to the ocean together, one day. We’ll see it, for sure,” Eren said proudly.

A cute reason to love the sea so much. Zeke observed as Eren scribbled down more words from the book, his strokes a little uneven and odd, but legible. He wrote salt, wide, blue, current on a piece of paper. Zeke grinned. “You’ve been working for a while. How about a break?”

Eren pulled his eyes off of an illustration of underwater life. He glanced up at Zeke, before saying, “I’m not done yet. Just a little more.”

Zeke nodded. Eren’s fingers flexed around his pen, watching closely as he scratched ink into the page. Zeke wanted to kiss that hand.

With a huff, Eren finished the last word he wrote, depths, before putting his pen down. “Okay,” He said. “I’m all done. Thanks for the help.”

“Of course,” Zeke said.

“Hey,” Eren asked. “Don’t you have better things to be doing than this? As War Chief, and all.”

“I’m your brother,” Zeke chuckled. “I can make as much time for you as you need.”

Eren made a mute noise. He glanced to the side, seemingly thinking. Eventually, he asked, “Do you really think of me as your brother?”

Zeke didn’t hesitate to say, “Absolutely. You’re my family.”

Elbows on the table, Eren rested his chin on his hand. “Mikasa’s my family too. We’re not related, but Dad adopted her.”

Mikasa. He thinks he’d briefly heard a report about her from the returned warriors. They said she was at the top of Eren’s squad. He listened intently as Eren said, “I... I think I want to kiss her too.”

Zeke blinked. They hadn’t talked about the kiss yet. It was just a faint memory, one that Zeke had been jerking off to every other night. Eren seemed embarrassed as he looked at Zeke. He tapped his finger against the table, pen rolling into the ink still drying on his page. Eren spoke, “I kinda liked it last time. Could we try again?”

“Well,” Zeke cleared his throat. Yes. He’d love to. Now, even. “What did you like about it, Eren?”

Eren paused. His cheeks were flushed as he muttered, “It felt nice. I think I liked the attention.”

With a hot flash, Zeke’s heart filled, wanting to burst. He was speaking before he was thinking, just like before. “I can give you all sorts of attention, Eren. However you want.”

Maybe he sounded too serious, because Eren tensed up. One of Eren’s hands held his face, while the other came up to fidget with the ends of his hair. He looked up at Zeke. “Are there more ways?”

“Yes, there are,” Zeke smiled. “Let me show you.”

Eren pulled his head up, turning it to face Zeke. He said, “I can try.”

Zeke could’ve been smiling ear-to-ear for how happy he felt. He put a hand on Eren’s shoulder, squeezing. “Okay,” He whispered. “Let’s go to my room.”

He held Eren’s hand as they walked into Zeke’s room. Eren seemed a little hesitant as they stepped in. Zeke put a gentle hand on his back, saying, “Go sit on the bed. Get comfortable.”

The frown Eren gave him conveyed nerves. Eren stalled, “Hey, isn’t this a bit much? Shouldn’t brothers...?”

Eren trailed off. Zeke swallowed something heavy in his throat. He wanted to touch Eren more. All he needed was a soft hand to guide him. Zeke ran his thumb along Eren’s wrist, in soothing circles. “Just trust me,” Zeke said. “I’ve never done anything that could hurt you, and I never will.”

That seemed to convince Eren a bit. “Okay,” Eren conceded.

Stepping forward, he slid into Zeke’s bed. It was charming, seeing him there. He sat near the pillows, looking up at Zeke with curious eyes. Zeke couldn’t help but burn the image into his mind. He stepped forward, sitting a foot in front of Eren. Softly, he gathered Eren’s face into his hands, soft skin and warm blood laying just beneath his fingertips.

He leaned forward and kissed Eren. Again, Eren stayed still, letting Zeke do what he wanted. Zeke decided he’d take the opportunity he was too hesitant to last time. Holding Eren’s head still, he tilted his own and pressed further. Eren let out a soft gasp as Zeke kissed him lovingly, worshiping those lips.

He saw them every day. He saw as Eren bit them, wrapped them around his spoon, abused them as he chewed on the end of a pen. He’d spent every night since he’d first laid his lips on Eren thinking about this. He pressed his tongue against the seam of Eren’s lips. With a shuddering huff that hit Zeke’s mustache, Eren let Zeke in.

He wondered how Eren felt. He could feel the boy’s heart pitter-patter under his hands. Was he nervous? He wondered if this felt dangerous, taboo. Or maybe it was just the nerves of a teenager, testing the boundaries of affection and pleasure.

Zeke knew how he felt, though. Eren’s tongue was soft against his own, a faint taste of the juice Eren had been drinking earlier. He was pliable and obedient as Zeke gently sucked, following along to Zeke’s movements. He felt as Eren sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, hands coming up to grab Zeke’s shoulder. Zeke cursed his clothing, wishing he could feel the way Eren came to grasp on his skin.

He pulled back an inch, feeling heat travel down his body. In a low tone, not letting go of where he held Eren’s face, he asked, “Do you like that?”

Eren let out heavy breaths, already looking wrecked. His cheeks were pink, lips wet and flushed. He leaned forward a bit, chasing after Zeke for another kiss. “Yeah,” Eren panted. “Again?”

f*ck, Zeke thought. The words that came out his mouth were, “Anything you want.”

And he was back on Eren. He let one hand slide down Eren’s jaw, tracing his neck and coming to wrap around the back of his skull. He sucked on Eren’s tongue, enjoying the inexperienced laps Eren rewarded him with. Zeke couldn’t decide whether to close his eyes or not. He watched as Eren stared up with a bleary gaze, fingers crawling up Zeke’s sleeve. He tugged, like he wanted to be even closer with Zeke.

Zeke didn’t think he could do anything but oblige. He pulled Eren forward while leaning in. Their chests touched, heat making it through layers of clothes. Eren was quick to wrap his arms around Zeke’s torso, moving to grip his back.

His fingers swept into the soft hair behind Eren’s neck, encouragingly running through it. Zeke felt like he needed Eren, like this feeling they were sharing was too special to let go of. He wanted to do anything and everything he could to make the boy feel loved.

Eren pulled at Zeke desperately, and Zeke wanted to chuckle at how quick Eren was to accept Zeke’s affection. Despite his earlier hesitance. Zeke took his remaining hand off of Eren’s cheek, letting it drag down Eren’s back. Once he settled on the divot above his hips, he used his strength to pull Eren as much closer as he could, letting Eren lean backwards as they pressed together.

He couldn’t describe his delight as he felt something poke into his abs. Eren gasped harshly, rutting his hips in an immature way as they made contact. Zeke broke his lips away from Eren, smiling. He sighed, “Oh, Eren. Have you been pent up?”

“I don’t,” Eren stammered, “I don’t know.”

“You don’t need to be scared,” Zeke reassured. He pecked the corner of Eren’s lips, whispering against them. “I’m sure you’ve been lonely. Let big brother help you out.”

“M’ not scared,” Eren insisted, while making a nervous noise. Zeke could see the desire in his eyes. Could feel it, in the way Eren still didn’t let go of him.

He moved his hand on Eren’s back down, tugging at fabric and slipping a hand under Eren’s shirt. He couldn’t have felt more satisfied as he touched heated skin, a sheen of sweat on the surface. Again, Eren wordlessly rocked into Zeke's stomach. His eyes fluttered closed as he opened his mouth, enjoying the stimulation.

“God,” Zeke said. He ran his hand up Eren’s back, along the curve of his spine. He’d never touched Eren here before, but the thought had looped in his mind without end. “You drive me crazy, Eren. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll take care of everything you need.”

“No,” Eren cried, before begging, “Please, more.

Eren looked confused. He looked scared. He looked horny. Zeke understood what he had to do. He let his hand wander down Eren’s back again, looping around Eren’s waist and helping him rock into Zeke. His brother yelped, softening into a moan as Zeke gave him more pressure than Eren had been giving himself. The noise was heaven in Zeke’s ear. He let his fingers wander under Eren’s pants.

He wanted to strip Eren, to see, and he couldn’t deny the dizzying attraction he felt as his hand reached back, cupping the fatty tissue of Eren’s ass. Eren gasped, eyes blinking open. He frowned, “Zeke...”

With the hand around Eren’s neck, he pulled him back into another kiss. Eren accepted, allowing Zeke to run his tongue along his own. Zeke sucked on Eren’s lip, swallowing down every drop of saliva the boy gave him. With his hand in Eren’s pants, he carefully squeezed and massaged Eren’s plush cheeks. He was thrilled to be touching the spot he’d been dreaming of.

On Zeke’s back, Eren started patting forcefully. Zeke took the hint and pulled back from the kiss. He didn’t let go of Eren’s behind, though, still helping him grind against Zeke. Eren himself stopped, reeling back as he said, “I-I think I don’t like this.”

“You’re feeling good,” Zeke smiled lightly. “You’re completely hard.”

“It’s too much. I want to stop,” Eren grimaced.

Mournfully, Zeke let go of Eren’s rear. Letting his hand come around the front, feeling all the divots of Eren’s hips as the fabric insulated the heat, Zeke cooed, “Be brave, Eren. I know you’re going to like this.”

He wrapped his hand around Eren’s co*ck, pumping it as the head rubbed at Zeke’s abdomen. “Ugh,” Eren cried. “Th-That’s! It--!”

“It feels nice, right?,” Zeke cut in. “Just let your brother help you. Just trust me.”

He thought Eren would feel less exposed with his clothing on, but Zeke couldn’t deny how badly he wanted to see what he was touching. Everything he felt was marvelous. Eren’s co*ck fit in his hand like a glove, young and spry. It was wet already, precum leaking from the light touching Zeke’s done already. Zeke gave measured squeezes, feeling how Eren jerked and yelped at each of them.

In a drawn out moan, Eren warbled, “Zeke, please.”

“I’ve got you,” Zeke said. “My pretty little brother. I’ll take care of everything.”

Zeke was ready to give Eren all the time and attention he needed. sh*t, he was ready to remain awake all night if that was what it would take for Eren to be satisfied. He failed to account for Eren’s young age. He was caught off-guard as Eren lunged forward, arms wrapping around Zeke and clinging to him for life. As quickly as Zeke had gotten his hands on it, Eren’s dick was spurting seed into his hand.

Despite the suddenness, Zeke felt something right stir in him. As Eren’s fingers dug into his back, Zeke pumped him through his org*sm, feeling as his hand became wetter and wetter. Eren let out a loud groan, and Zeke hushed, “There we are. You did a good job, Eren. So strong for me.”

“Stop,” Eren gasped as his co*ck began to soften. “Please, stop.”

“Okay,” Zeke breathed. With a certain sadness, he pulled his hand out of Eren’s pants. His hand felt cold in the air, sperm and slick cooling on him.

He kept a close eye on Eren, who glanced at Zeke’s hand before his eyes darted away. Then a glance to Zeke’s face, then down to his own crotch. Really, Zeke thought it was a shame that so many clothes stayed on. He’d have time for more, later. God, he couldn’t wait to lock himself in the shower and jerk off to the best material he’s ever had.

Eren’s shoulders shivered a bit, and Zeke’s heart skipped a beat as his brother reached up to wipe at his wetting eyes. His first thought was how sexy Eren looked, on the edge of crying. His second thought was a sharp pang of tenderness, as he leaned forward and put his clean hand on Eren’s shoulder.

“My Eren,” Zeke said. “This wasn’t that scary, was it?”

Upset, Eren shouted, “I’m not scared!”

Pulling back an inch, an amused grin crawled onto Zeke’s face. He held back a laugh as he nodded, “That’s right. You were very brave.”

With a huff, Eren shot upwards and pulled away from Zeke. With a glance back, he said, “I’m gonna take a shower.”

“Go ahead,” Zeke nodded. “If you’re still upset afterwards, come find me. I’ll apologize if I pushed too far.”

Not that he really felt bad. Eren came, whether he was proud of it or not. That told Zeke what he needed to know. He could do something for his brother, something that he enjoyed. And Zeke couldn’t deny that without much stimulation at all, he’d pleased himself more than he had in years.

He heard Eren leave the room, shortly followed by the water turning on. He made a pleasant noise, glancing back to his bed. It looked better when Eren was still in it. Zeke would find a way to get him back there, soon.

Everytime he thought he’d felt the limits of affection, Eren proved to be more and more tempting than he could describe. Having him in his bed was an honor like no other. And Zeke didn’t have the nonchalance to casually express that gratitude, so instead he found himself buying Eren every treat he thought would make him smile.

Today, he bought Eren a cake from the bakery. Just to show a little extra fondness to Eren, for working so hard for his brother. Besides, Zeke always liked watching Eren’s face when he tried a new world luxury. He wondered if it all made him miss his homeland, being as different as it is.

He stepped to Eren’s room, gently rapping his knuckles against the open door frame. It’s been a while since Eren arrived, and Zeke thoroughly enjoyed watching as the room reflected more and more of his brother. From inside, flipping through a photography book, Eren sat on his bed. He glanced up, calling, “Zeke?”

“I’m back,” Zeke nodded, before lifting the box in his hand. “I brought you something. I hope you’ll like it.”

Eren put down what he was holding, walking over to meet Zeke near the door. Wordlessly, he invited Zeke in. Placing the box on Eren’s desk, next to a few pens and pencils, Eren tilted his head. He sniffed the air as he asked, “What is it? Food?”

“It is. I thought you deserved a treat,” he said. Eren stepped forward, pulling the seal open. “You’ve been working so hard, Eren.”

“Oh,” Eren said, holding the box open. He looked up at Zeke, casual. It’s only been a few nights since Zeke had gotten his hands on Eren’s skin. It went similarly to when Zeke and Eren first kissed, where Eren went about his day and interacted with Zeke brazenly.

But Zeke didn’t mind. Eren was never anything but lovely, and even if he didn’t acknowledge it, Zeke knew. He was the only one who got to see that side of Eren, to be trusted by him enough to try. “I’ve never really eaten that many sweets,” Eren said, “Sugar’s-- well, it was hard to come by. But every once in a while Dad would come home with some after working with nobles. Meat, too.”

Eren didn’t talk about their father much, but Zeke’s ear opened every time he did. Eren didn’t dwell on it, pulling his chair out. He looked at Zeke expectantly, saying, “Let’s eat it together.”

How cute. “If you’d like,” Zeke smiled.

As much as Zeke adored his brother already, he cherished the chance to spend time with him even more. The vulnerability, the trust Eren had to show Zeke those nights ago felt like growth. A marker that they truly have been growing closer. Zeke wants nothing more but to water his relationship with Eren, and watch what their family will grow into.

“And thanks,” Eren added. “But you don’t need to always treat me like such a kid, you know.”

“You’re still so young,” he said.

“I’m not!,” his brother complained. “I’ve been in the military for years! I even fought when the Colossal Titan attacked! I’m no kid!”

Zeke put a hand up. “You’re plenty grown up,” he conceded. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Eren withered down a little. He stared, “Well... I guess I’d look young to a fossil like you.”

He remembers when he used to talk to adults like that, albeit far more politely. It was nostalgic to be on the receiving end, now. Well, he really has grown much older. Eren coughed, “Sit down. It’s weird for you to just be standing over me like that.”

His little brother seemed a little extra prickly. Well, Zeke’s been getting him a lot of mostly novel treats and trinkets. He wanted Eren to feel cherished, but it’s possible that he’s been pushing it. He let out a gentle huff, before listening to Eren.

And despite the pouting, Eren was kind as he split the cake in half and slid a share to Zeke. Eren repeated, “Thanks.”

“You really have been doing so well,” Zeke said earnestly. “You haven’t even gotten into any more fights. I’m proud, you know.”

Eren nodded, “I’ll work as hard as you want, if you take me home.”

A quiet moment fell over them. Of course, they’ve had this conversation many times before. It was clear that Eren had heartache for the place he was born. Maybe it was friends he missed, or even just the simplicity of not being hated for his blood. Zeke wanted to take him wherever he requested, and wished he had the power to do so.

But, even if he did, he wouldn’t take any risks that could lead to losing Eren. He’s lied to Eren about it too much to take back now, but he chose to avoid the subject rather than lie to his face again. “You’ve been working plenty. Has it been hard?”

“I hate having to see those assholes every day. And there’s always some suspicious guys watching me from afar. I hate the way they glare at me.”

Watching him? Well, that wasn’t too surprising. People were keen to know how Eren would fall in line. “If there’s anything I can do to make it easier, just tell me.”

Eren pressed his lips together, sliding the end of his fork into the piece in front of him. He sighed, “I’m just complaining. You’re already doing a lot.”

Zeke blinked at that. Well, yes, he is. He hadn’t really been telling Eren about it. It was useful, for his purposes, to keep Eren somewhat in the dark. He was lying about a lot to get Eren’s cooperation. But Zeke also didn’t want Eren to feel burdensome, in Zeke’s care. So he’d mostly just given Eren the minimum in explanations behind the scenes.

“It’s nothing to me,” Zeke grinned at Eren. “So trust me, Eren. I’ll take care of you.”

Eren brought the fork up, lips sealing around the prongs. Mutely, getting a little better at suppressing his surprise at encountering new surprises, Zeke saw green eyes light up. He felt soft as Eren looked up at him, nodding, “It’s good! You should try it too.”

Zeke couldn’t help but feel completely satisfied already. He didn’t need a bite of sugar to feel like he was swimming in sweetness. He ran his hand along the edge of the table, letting it fall over Eren’s wrist. He gripped it tightly.

Eren gave him a gentle look, perhaps a bit diffused from the atmosphere. There was an edge of concern as silence passed on, a tilt of the head in Zeke’s direction. Zeke sighed, gently.

He would take care of Eren. Even in this dirty country, there wasn’t anything he’d let stop him.

Zeke had his concerns that it could become difficult for Eren, with the added confusion of sleeping with his brother among the many other new aspects of his life. He was pleased when little changed. Like last time, he went around their interactions barely even mentioning what happened. Zeke was pleasantly surprised, somewhat expecting Eren to be even a little rebellious in light of what happened. Instead, Eren continued to obey his older brother, while working to please the military.

And it was working. While Zeke had made strong recommendations that Eren be kept off the battlefield while he trained, he hadn’t expected how smoothly Marley was accepting his proposals. Eren made good impressions through his effort, and Zeke kept him safely away from any real danger.

On a particularly good day, a noon after Zeke was able to initiate a less-heated but just as pleasant kissing session with Eren, Zeke had felt extra-proud of Eren. He’d stopped by the markets after work, allowing Eren to walk home by himself. He bought Eren some fresh fruit, a kind that Eren said grew on his island. He thought Eren would be pleased to have something familiar.

Stepping into his home, bag in hand, Zeke called, “I’m home! Come here, I’ve got something for you.”

Zeke walked to the kitchen. An unsettled feeling came to him when he didn’t hear Eren’s footsteps down the hallway. He glanced back, calling, “Eren?”

A silence resounded.

Adrenaline was running through his veins before he was ready for it. He stomped forward, breaking into a run as he barreled down to Eren’s room. Barging in, he was met with the same disturbing emptiness.

He needed to know where Eren was. What if he was in trouble? What if he was hurt? What if he was trying to run away? Zeke was out of his front door, frantically calling Eren’s name before he knew it.

Damn it, he didn’t know where to go. Eren should’ve made it home a long time ago. And if he had run off, Zeke didn’t know where he’d gone. To the border? Somewhere else? Zeke swallowed down anxiety. He should check at the base.

Zeke hoped Eren hadn’t run. He prayed Eren hadn’t run. If so, it was over. Zeke would have to report him before too long passed, lest he seem an accomplice. And he’d never see Eren again. He couldn’t do that. Not his innocent little brother.

“Eren!,” Zeke called down the path to his home. sh*t. He couldn’t yell too much in the presence of others. He’d be getting close to the base soon.

He called his brother’s name again. All he heard was whistling through the trees.

Zeke looked forward, eyes darting around. He was sure to run into people soon. With a curse, he tried one last shout. “Eren!

Quietness pervaded him. He heard the cry of a bird.

Then, gloriously, Eren’s familiar voice yelling, “Zeke! Over here!”

Zeke’s eyes shot to the right, off the path. All he saw were some trees, but he was sure that was where he heard the voice from. Stepping into the woodland, he called, “Eren! I’ve been looking for you! Come out!”

Taken by surprise, Eren’s hand came to grab him from behind the trunk of a large tree. Eren’s hands, covered in scratches and blood, held his sleeve as he said, “Sorry. I’m right here.”

His eyes ran down to Eren’s arms. The scratches extended up, dried blood smeared up and down his skin. Zeke seized his arm quickly, asking, “Are you okay? Why the hell are you here?”

“Sorry,” Eren repeated. “I’m fine.”

Hearing those words, a weight was heaved off of Zeke’s shoulder. Pulling Eren’s arm, his brother stumbled into a tight hug. Eren’s frame was small against his own, and his hands came up to pat at Zeke awkwardly. Through compressed lungs, Eren explained, “I’m okay, I’m okay. Did I worry you? I didn’t mean to.”

“Of course you did,” Zeke gasped. “What happened?”

Eren pulled back, but Zeke refused to let him go. With a complaining noise, Eren said, “I could just show you, y’know.”

Zeke couldn’t imagine what led Eren to an odd spot like this. With more force, Eren half-shoved Zeke off of him. Zeke let it happen, taking a closer look at Eren. His shirt was torn too, a once long sleeve ripped at the shoulder. Zeke’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s going on, Eren?”

Eren stepped backwards, looping around the tree Zeke found him by. Dropping to his knees, Eren pulled aside some brush at the tree’s base. Inside the brush was a bird, blood staining white feathers and sharp claws. Eren’s sleeve was wrapped around it, pale cloth staining burgundy. Eren explained, “Some idiots shot at her for fun. I took her here, and tried to help out.”

Lamely, Eren admitted, “She scratched me a ton. She thought I was like the people who hurt her.”

Zeke didn’t know what to say. His worry was fizzing away, the terror of losing his brother to this world seeping away. And in its place, an anger bubbled up. Zeke frowned, staring as Eren carefully extended his hand to the bird. It chirped, nuzzling the side of its head to Eren. The boy smiled.

“We need to go home,” Zeke said.

“She can’t fly right now,” Eren chewed on his lip. “She was too scared to go anywhere else, but I’m worried about her.”

It’s just a bird, Zeke wanted to say. A filthy animal, one that dared to bite the hand that fed it. But Zeke couldn’t forget a crucial difference between the two of them. Eren was kind. Holding back the frustration that clouded his head, he reached forward and grabbed Eren’s shoulder. “Eren,” Zeke said firmly. “We’re going home.”

“But...!,” Eren protested. Glancing up at Zeke, a flash of intimidation crossed his face. Quietly, his brother whispered, “She’s hurt.”

Zeke squeezed Eren’s shoulder. “You can check on her tomorrow morning. I’m not telling you again.”

A bitter expression crossed Eren’s face, just a shout away from rage. Slowly, through angry eyes, Eren stood up. Zeke was upset, too. How could Eren scare him like that?

Zeke grabbed Eren’s hand, squeezing on tightly as Eren tried to take it back. He pulled, stepping backwards. Eren didn’t need to be here, kneeling on the dirty ground over an animal. He should be home, enjoying the sweet domestic world they had together. Zeke tugged him onto the road, dragging him along as he started down the road again.

A tense few minutes passed. Zeke didn’t say a word, unsure if he could hold back a lashing tongue to Eren. Eren broke the silence first. “You’re mad,” He said. “I didn’t do anything.”

Zeke scoffed before he could control himself. “What the hell am I supposed to think? Do you understand the situation you’re in, Eren? How can I know if you’ve run off and are getting shot down at the border?! If I don’t know where you are at all times, then Marley will execute you and replace you with somebody they can manage.”

“To them, you’re a demon,” Zeke hissed. “They’re looking for any excuse to get rid of you.”

He felt Eren’s fingers twitch, from where they were squeezed inside of his palm. Eren stressed, “That’s not fair! I wasn’t doing anything wrong! I wasn’t even far!”

“None of this is fair!,” Zeke shouted. “This world has never been fair, Eren! Not to us.”

He felt Eren tense. Zeke realized his shoulders were too, squared up like he was fighting. His hand was straining, and a glance downward showed he was crushing Eren’s hand like a vice.

He slowed down, steps stuttering to a stop. Eren stopped with him, and Zeke made a conscious effort to loosen his grip. He was grateful when Eren didn't tear his hand away with offense. He took a deep breath, smelling the late-noon air. He turned his gaze to Eren, who was staring at Zeke’s shoes. He let his breath go.

“Sorry,” Zeke apologized. “I shouldn’t yell. That’s not right. I just--! I can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt. It would take so little to go wrong. I need you to listen to me.”

He heard Eren take a breath, too. After a quiet pause, Eren stated, “I miss home.”

“I’m sure,” Zeke frowned.

The air between them was stiff. Eren would never go home. Zeke wouldn’t let him. But Eren didn’t know that. In his mind, he was just trying to ride out this chaotic wave until it led him back ashore. He was trusting in Zeke to take him there.

“Are you lonely?,” Zeke asked.

“I think so,” Eren mumbled. “I’ve never been apart from my friends this long. We’ve always been together.”

No words came to Zeke’s mind. They would stay apart, and Eren would be alone until he accepted his older brother. He wondered if Eren could bear that.

Zeke stepped forward. And, finally, Eren gripped his hand back. “Sorry,” His brother mumbled. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

A gentle sigh came from Zeke. He needed a cigarette. “I know. Don’t do it again.”

“Why did you think I ran away?,” Eren asked.

“Because it makes sense,” Zeke breathed. “Isn’t this all so much, Eren? A world beyond what you’ve ever seen. And everybody in it wants to hurt you. I would want to run.”

“I’m confused,” Eren spoke. His tone was thin. “But I want to be free.”

What was freedom to Eren? Was it home? Was it inside his island or outside of it? Was Zeke even involved in that image? Zeke squeezed Eren’s hand. “I’ll be here. However long it takes. I’ll be here.”


Taking a drag of smoke, Zeke felt it warm his lungs. The burn in his throat was pleasant, soothing his exhausted pulse. He stood in the chill night air on his porch.

Eren was back home, safely where Zeke could protect him. Like he should be.

He watched thick smoke disperse in the air, the burnt scent of nicotine sticking to him. He really should scold Eren more. Purposeful or not, he couldn’t try that again. But Zeke thinks a bit of this is just his nature. Eren cared for the weak, ran with the wind, and roared like fire. Zeke didn’t want to be the one to put that out. No, he wanted to be the one that Eren trusted more than anyone else in the world. The one who would accept and guide Eren no matter what.

He was still angry, though. The fear of losing Eren didn’t vanish like the acrid smoke in the breeze. It clung to him. He couldn’t forgive a world that could hurt his brother. He wondered if, somehow, Eren did run. And get home. Safely.

Would Zeke still accept that? No. Definitely not.

The ember of his cigarette traveled further in, approaching his fingers. Orange ash fell off the end, turning gray as it dusted the floor. He sighed, before pressing the end to the brick of the wall. He’d never been a messy smoker like this. His mind was the real mess. He’d been over-confident because of his affection for Eren. It had clouded his reasoning.

He turned around, throwing the end of his smoke away. He opened the door, quiet as he re-entered. The sound of Eren’s footsteps was more comforting than he’d been able to articulate. It was a little less than three months ago that his home had been completely empty. A ghost of singularity haunting his halls.

The door to Eren’s room creaked open, and his brother came out. He spotted Zeke immediately, walking over to him. Sniffing the air, Eren asked, “Does that make you feel better?”

There was a buzzing in his head, bordering on painful. It was better than the dread that had settled in him before. “Yes,” Zeke nodded. “Don’t take after me, though. It’s bad for you.”

“Okay,” Eren shrugged. “I’m a Titan-Shifter, you know. I don’t even get colds anymore.”

Zeke coughed, “Still.”

And Eren wouldn’t live to see Zeke’s age. Grisha ensured that. The quiet that passed over them was unsettling. Without a thought, Zeke was stepping forward and grabbing Eren by the shoulder. “What? I’m not gonna smoke,” Eren protested.

Zeke pulled him forward, crushing him into a hug. Eren didn’t have the same mildness he had earlier that day. “Zeke!,” Eren yelled.

“Hush,” Zeke said as he ran his hand over Eren’s hair. Eren made a frustrated noise as Zeke held him close. Maybe Eren’s patience had run out for the day.

“You’re a good kid,” Zeke said. It wasn’t the first time he’d told Eren. “You don’t deserve this.”

A huff came out of Eren’s mouth. His shoulders loosened just a bit as he lightly complained, “Hey, you’re squeezing too tight.”

For Eren’s sake, Zeke loosened his grip. Eren let his head lean against Zeke’s chest as he sighed into it. Zeke’s hand followed the soft skin of Eren’s neck, following along the line of his skull into his chin. Pulling Eren’s face up for a kiss, he felt a soothing adoration wash through him as Eren accepted. He stepped forward, huddling Eren into a wall. Eren stumbled backwards, a sharp cough of air leaving him as his back was pushed into wood and he was pinned in place.

Zeke sucked on Eren’s lip, adjusting Eren’s face to give him the most access. Eren made a wet noise, disagreeing, and slammed his fist into Zeke’s shoulder. The pain was dull, nothing compared to what he’s had to endure before, and he just chuckled and pulled back an inch. “Ugh,” Eren stuck his tongue out petulantly. “You taste like ash.”

It was endearing, and Zeke couldn’t help himself. He wanted more. He needed this, after the anxiety he went through. With a firm grasp on Eren’s jaw, he put his lips back on Eren, rolling his tongue between Eren’s lips. Hands came to his shirt, pulling at where Zeke’s shirt hung off his chest. He ran his tongue along Eren’s, lapping at every inch of flesh he could reach.

He took his hand off of Eren’s face, and lowered it past Eren’s shoulder. He brushed his elbow, following it and grasping his hand over Eren’s. Almost hovering over his heart, he laced his fingers with Eren’s. He leaned upwards, out of Eren’s reach.

His brother looked up at him, an unfocused look about him. Zeke squeezed Eren’s hand. “Come to my bed again, Eren.”

“Nhn,” Eren shuddered. He glanced up at Zeke, green eyes obviously filled with want. He whispered, “I shouldn’t.”

Zeke squeezed harder, pressing Eren into place. “Don’t be like that,” Zeke said. “Let me say sorry for being harsh earlier.”

His brother crossed his legs, something about making Zeke’s co*ck throb. Eren pleaded, “Last time felt wrong. I don’t really...”

“You liked it,” Zeke reminded him. “Just listen to your brother. Haven’t I shown you all sorts of things you like?”

Eren frowned, staring at the floor. Hesitantly, Zeke put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him towards the bedroom. To Zeke’s delight, Eren let himself be guided there. Closing the door behind him, he was more than overjoyed to have Eren back in his room. He knew that he had to see more skin this time.

He grabbed the hem of Eren’s shirt, running his thumbs over the warm flesh he could reach. He grasped the fabric and started yanking it upwards. With surprise, Eren shouted, “Hey!”

Zeke was quick to roll Eren’s shirt off of his shoulders, throwing it onto the floor. He’d gotten to see this sight one time before, the night he’d first met Eren. He never could’ve imagined how sexy Eren could be. Zeke praised, “You look so good. Just perfect. Let’s get on the bed.”

With hands on Eren’s torso, feeling the lean muscles threaded over his ribcage, Zeke ushered him into place. “It’s cold,” Eren complained.

He wasn’t afraid to run his eyes over Eren like artwork. He could see the fit figure that Eren must’ve trained for every day. He also saw delicious looking smooth skin, two adorably nestled nipples on his chest. He pushed Eren’s back to the bed, running his hands up the exposed body in front of him. Eren wouldn’t stay cold for long. He leaned down, starting to kiss the plane of skin in front of him. “Wait,” Eren grabbed at the sheets. “It tickles!”

Zeke pecked at Eren’s collarbone, sucking the skin gently. His beard brushed against Eren’s chest, and he leaned up to Eren’s neck. His fingers traced up Eren’s back, a line up his spine. He whispered into Eren’s pulse, “You’re going to be good, right? Make up for earlier.”

Eren’s shoulders tensed. He liked being so close to Eren. He felt his heart pound, his breath shudder, the warmth radiating off of him like the sun. Eren nodded into Zeke’s hair. “I’m sorry.”

Leaning up, Zeke kissed him again. Eren pushed back at him, clumsily sucking back at Zeke. It drove him crazy.

He worked a hand up Eren’s side, until he was cupping his chest. He ran his thumb over Eren’s nipple, feeling a harsh pant of air hit his face. Eren’s nipples stood up from the cold, begging for attention. Zeke’s mouth watered as he rubbed a gentle circle around it. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down to seal his mouth over it.

Eren yelped. Zeke moved one hand downwards, hovering over Eren’s crotch. He ran his hand over, just enough pressure to get Eren excited.

He licked at Eren’s nipple, rubbing the blunt flat of his tongue against the nub. He wet it well, pulling up his hand so he could rub the saliva into it. Eren’s face turned red, eyes squeezing tightly closed as he turned his head away. He was shy. Zeke chuckled.

“Don’t be nervous,” Zeke said. His voice was low, and he saw Eren’s cheeks turn a shade redder as he spoke. He smiled, “Let me see your face. I love it.”

His brother didn’t say a word, staying still. He grabbed at Eren’s crotch, feeling his member rising up as it hardened. Eren’s thighs trembled around Zeke, who was breathless as he said, “Let’s get this free.”

That made Eren look up, gripping the sheets tightly as Zeke began to grab at Eren’s bottoms. Getting the waistband of his pants and underwear, Zeke yanked it down. His eyes were fixated, begging to finally get to see what he’d touched with worship before.

And he couldn’t have been more rewarded. As he pulled the fabric off one of Eren’s ankles, his eyes followed from Eren’s head. His short hair splayed around him, framing his neck. Following down from the dip of his collarbone to his chest, under the dip of his ribcage. Eren’s stomach, with sleek growing abs. And the v of his hips, leading intersecting lines down to Eren’s lively, attention starved co*ck.

Zeke savored every inch of skin, stopping to marvel and how stunning Eren looked. And his dick was just as beautiful as the rest of him, modestly sized but proud and appetizing. And Zeke could tell by how straining it was, from just a little foreplay, that Eren’s body loved the way Zeke touched it. He hoped Eren’s mind did, too.

Fixated, Zeke continued to stare, hand coming down to Eren’s thigh. Eren’s whole body twitched sharply as they made contact. Eren opened his eyes for a moment, looking up at Zeke. When Zeke looked back, he was struck by just how wanting Eren looked. “Damn it,” His little brother gasped, “Touch me!”

And Zeke’s hand was on Eren’s co*ck. He rubbed it up and down, feeling Eren rut his hips into it. He nodded, “Anything you want. I’ll make you feel so good, Eren. I’ll show you things you’ve never tried before.”

Pushing himself back, Zeke lazily rolled his hand along Eren’s length as he positioned himself between Eren’s legs. He salivated as he leaned down and rolled his tongue along the length. “Ah!,” Eren shouted, loud and abrupt.

Zeke grabbed Eren’s thigh, pulling it over his shoulder. He enjoyed feeling Eren’s leg sprawl over his back as he leaned in to enjoy his prize. He asked, “Try to hold out for me, if you can.”

With a firm hand on the base of Eren’s co*ck, holding it straight, Zeke swallowed it down. It was just short enough that he was able to take the whole thing, the tip just barely scraping his throat. Eren’s whole body tightened, a hand coming up to grasp his hair. There was just a bare sting of pain as Eren’s fingers fisted in it, turned pleasant considering who was doing it.

He curled his tongue along the underside of Eren’s length, sucking tightly as he tasted him. Eren’s hips jerked erratically, Zeke almost laughing as his hands had to come to Eren’s sides. With a firm grip, each hand gripping Eren’s waist, he held Eren’s crotch still. “Zeke,” Eren begged. He let out a loud moan that tapered into an embarrassed whimper. Zeke’s ears were singing with reward.

Still running his tongue along Eren’s co*ck, he bobbed his head up. He let his hand crawl up with him, massaging the exposed base of Eren’s co*ck. Zeke took special care to caress Eren’s head with his tongue before he started sinking back down. Eren’s thighs tightened, one pressing harshly into Zeke’s neck. Eren threw his head back, yanking at blonde hair.

Zeke sucked on Eren like he was a treat. He craved Eren’s cum as he bobbed up and down, licking at every sensitive spot he could. “I can’t,” Eren shook his head. “I can’t hold out.”

Even without any attention, Zeke was also hard as a rock. He just couldn’t handle Eren. His brother didn’t know what it was like to be pleasured like this, he sucked up all of the love Zeke gave him like a sponge. Even his nervousness was cute. Zeke wanted to feel Eren’s hands on him.

Fingers tightened in his hair, a sharp tug at the root. Zeke lifted his head, and as Eren began to shout, he pulled off of Eren’s co*ck. Eren’s hips twitched violently, and Zeke held them steady as Eren desperately searched for friction. “Hey!,” Eren yelled. “Zeke, please, I need to--,”

“Soon,” Zeke nodded. “You can cum as much as you want, soon.”

Eren’s dick jumped in the air, begging for even a gust of wind against it. Zeke leaned down, letting a hot puff of breath hit it. In a paternal tone, Zeke asked, “What did you do wrong today?”

“sh*t,” Eren cursed at Zeke. He closed his eyes, eyebrows furrowed in distress. Propped up on his elbows, so tense he shook, Eren said, “I-I didn’t tell you where I would be. I need to be with you. I-I need to listen.”

Pleasantly surprised, Zeke smiled, “You were paying attention.”

“I’m sorry,” Eren cried. “Zeke.”

Zeke wanted to reward his brother. He was just wonderful. The most precious younger brother Zeke could’ve never imagined. Another part of him wanted Eren to keep calling for him. To say his name and plead forever. He couldn’t help but leverage from his needy brother, “You’re going to let me keep touching you? Going to work hard to please me?”

“Yesss,” Eren hissed.

With a softly laid kiss to the throbbing head, Zeke went back down on Eren. Eren thrust into Zeke’s mouth, shouting loudly. Zeke didn’t have the mind to be grateful they lacked neighbors. He did have the mind to feel satisfaction as Eren yelled for him. He sucked gratefully, hand twisting as he bobbed with speed.

Both of Eren’s legs gripped him, locked around his head. It held Zeke in place as he was finally rewarded with the pleasantly bitter taste of Eren’s sperm hitting his tongue. He swallowed it down without doubt, squeezing him through every spurt. Zeke let go of Eren’s hips, letting his hands run along Eren’s side comfortingly.

Eren sucked his lip as Zeke pulled off of him. Zeke praised, “There we are. Did that feel good?”

A harsh sigh came through Eren’s nose, followed by wobbling elbows. Mutely, Eren nodded. With a chuckle, Zeke reached up and climbed back over Eren. With a hand on Eren’s shoulder, he kissed Eren’s arm. “You did great. Now roll over for me.”

With a careful push, Eren was laying on his stomach, with Zeke over him. Reaching for his own crotch, Zeke grabbed at the buckle. Eren glanced over, realizing what Zeke was doing. His eyes widened, but he didn’t move. Zeke explained, “All you need to do is lay still for me. Can you do that for me?”

Eren agreed, seeming unfocused. He looked exhausted. But Zeke couldn’t control himself. He needed to touch Eren just a little more. Love him deeper. With a clean hand, he massaged Eren’s cheeks. They were just as round as they looked, soft and touchable in every way. Zeke praised, “You’re too pretty for words. I want to touch all of you.”

With his other hand, fingers thoroughly wet with saliva, he ran across Eren’s hole. Eren jumped a little, yelping, “What are you doing?!”

Hooking his thumb into the plush of one of Eren’s cheeks, he pulled it backwards, exposing what Zeke’s co*ck longed for. Eren’s entrance was pink and narrow, unassuming. It was hard to imagine it could even take Zeke. He wanted to stuff Eren until his brother was completely satisfied.

He pressed his finger into Eren’s hole. He also pressed his co*ck in between those cheeks, pressed into the side of his hand. Warm walls clung onto his fingers while plushness enveloped his member. Eren gasped at the sensation of being breached.

Zeke groaned as he rolled his hips against Eren. The head of his co*ck settled into the narrow of Eren’s lower back, his length enjoying just how smooth and warm Eren’s skin was. And his finger was gripped like a vice, soft walls holding him with all the strength they had. Eren groaned, “Y-Your finger’s inside me. Zeke, god, please.”

“You want it?,” Zeke almost growled. He couldn’t take this heat taking over him. “Tell me you want it, Eren. Tell me.”

“I don’t know,” Eren hiccuped. “It hurts.”

This was Eren’s second round. And he barely had any experience at all. Every fiber of Zeke wanted to push, to show Eren just how good he could feel. Holding onto his patience like a lifeline, Zeke pulled his finger back out. He missed the warmth the moment his finger was free.

“Okay. Just hold on for me,” Zeke comforted. He patted a hand over Eren’s back as he started bucking his hips in earnest. He wanted to keep touching Eren. To make him cum again, hear him beg as he needed Zeke to help him feel good. Zeke groaned at the wet friction against his co*ck.

Those tight walls he touched would be wrapping around his co*ck soon. He’d pump his sem*n into Eren’s stomach, fill him up. That was what Eren needed, more than titans and friends and military. He needed Zeke’s love.

Eren made sharp noises, body jostling with Zeke’s thrusts. Eyes tightly closed, drops of water beaded on Eren’s lashes. Zeke felt like he didn’t have a single ounce of control as he thrust his hips. He praised, “That’s right. Good job. Just a little longer.”

He leaned down, kissing Eren’s shoulders. Eren made a soft noise, only audible because of how close he was. He grazed his teeth over Eren’s neck. He held himself back from biting, just by a strand. His co*ck was leaking, rapidly barreling towards climax as he rut into Eren. He was fascinated by the sight of precum puddling on Eren’s back, unable to wait to paint it.

With a grunt, Zeke pressed his forehead into Eren’s shoulder, closing his eyes as he came. He panted, slowly bringing both of their rocking bodies to a slow pace. He rolled his hips into that perfect spot in between Eren’s cheeks a few more times, until he didn’t have anything left to cum.

As he started to pull himself upwards, he cursed at how breathtaking Eren looked. His backside was splashed with Zeke’s spend, the only contrast from his naked skin. It pooled into the divots of his back. With everything exposed in a sight as seductive as this, Zeke didn’t know what to do but praise the deity that gave Eren to him.

Trembling fingers still dug into the sheets, Eren’s eyes covered by tousled hair. A few tears had obviously dripped from his eyes, and Zeke was quick to recover enough to attend to Eren. Gathering his wits again, he put a hand to Eren’s face. Stroking the hair back to reveal a sweaty forehead, Zeke huffed, “There we are. How are you?”

Eren looked up at Zeke, not saying much but reaching a hand over. Zeke grabbed it, running his palm along Eren’s side. Gently, he rolled Eren over, wanting to get a better view of his face. As he turned, Zeke was once again lost for breath.

Where Eren’s dick had been pressed into the bed, where Zeke had been rocking them both fervently, there was a splatter of thin cum. Eren’s co*ck was soft, but it was obvious that at some point, the friction had gotten to be too much for Eren. And how precious Eren was for staying pliant and listening despite that.

“Oh, Eren,” Zeke sighed adoringly. “Come on, say something for me.”

“Ngh,” his brother huffed. Through a strained voice, he stressed, “I’m tired.”

Zeke chuckled with pride. Eren was a tough boy. Zeke said, “Let’s get you cleaned up. Then you can sleep.”

With a nod, Eren agreed. Feeling a simmering satisfaction, Zeke was spurred on to ask, “Do you want to sleep in my room?”

Eren blinked at him. “With you?”

“With me,” Zeke nodded. “Or not. It’s up to you.”

Eren huffed. “Okay. I’m going to take a shower.”

Grabbing his stripped clothes, Eren was quick to walk out and leave. Zeke felt cold without him quickly. Still, he couldn’t deny that he had a blessing to latch onto again. The one gift Grisha had ever given him, if fourteen years late.

As night came, he was disappointed as Eren didn’t come to his room. It didn’t take him long to accept it, once the shower turned off and his brother didn’t return. He’d barely drifted off to sleep himself once he heard the door to his bedroom open. His eyes blinked open and his heart fluttered with realization as he rolled over.

In the dark, two cat-like green eyes stared at him, a step away from crawling into bed. With a soft smile, Zeke lifted up his blankets. Without a word, Eren tucked himself into the space Zeke made. Wrapping an arm around him, Zeke said, “Good night.”

Quietly, like he was whispering a secret, Eren breathed, “Good night.”

“Your brother, huh?,” She asked. Black hair in unkempt curls peaked over the edges of the bench. Pieck asked, “What are the odds?”

“I know,” Zeke nodded. “I never expected something like this. It’s honestly unbelievable.”

“Are you sure?,” She asked. It was like her to be cautious, but her tone was inoffensive and mild as she said, “I mean, there’s no way to really know, is there?”

He was sure. “There’s no doubt to me that Eren is my brother.”

He might’ve come off a little strong. He coughed into his fist, thinking about how to respond. He trusted Pieck, more so than most other warriors. She was a clever and effective soldier. And as far as Marley went, well, Zeke got the sense they were similar. Their allegiances were complicated, but certainly not to such a sickly country. Not that he’s ever had the chance to confirm that.

She thought for a moment, before falling into a casual smile. “Well, I guess that I’m happy for you. So what’s he like?”

“He’s young and full of life,” Zeke grinned.

Her eyebrows raised. Taking a more interested posture, she leaned over the edge of her seat. Head tilted towards Zeke, Pieck giggled, “How nice. It sounds like you two get along.”

“It’s a bit awkward, since we only met a handful of months ago,” Zeke huffed, before agreeing, “But I can tell he’s a good child.”

“Hmm,” Pieck sighed. “So, why did you want to talk?”

A breeze ran through the air. Zeke shifted, watching a patch of grass near his shoes sway. In a somewhat isolated corner of the base, with a good view of the nearby training fields, Zeke felt comfortable enough that he wasn’t being eavesdropped on.

Especially as he asked this favor.

“It’s about Eren,” Zeke turned to her.

She caught his gaze, tilting her head. Zeke hoped that his trust in her was well-founded. “I can tell he’s having trouble in Marley. It’s shocking for him to adjust to a world outside of his island. He’s doing well, but I worry about how he’ll be while I’m deployed.”

“Ah,” Pieck caught on. “You want me to watch after him?”

“If you can,” Zeke nodded. “Nothing much. Just check in on him for the week or two I’m gone.”

He added, “And, especially, please help him if he gets called into any hearings by the higher-ups. I don’t think he quite understands how to navigate them.”

She glanced away, to a field across from them. A few soldiers were running laps, distant pops from a shooting field being heard. The day was bright, and the sun beamed past the walls of the camp. “I’ll help as much as I can,” Pieck leaned backwards. “But at least tell me he’s not a trouble-maker.”

“He won’t be. Thank you, Piecky. I owe you one,” Zeke nodded.

“Please,” She smiled. “You’ve been our reliable Chief for years. It’s no problem.”

Zeke was grateful, and let out a gentle breath. “Still, thank you. It’s relieving to know.”

“By the way, isn’t this classified information? I read the documents about Eren, but they never mentioned his last name. I had no clue you two are related,” Pieck said.

“You’re always observant,” Zeke nodded. “Yes, it is. I trust you to keep this conversation private, though. This was just a sincere request from a friend.”

The girl nodded, before standing up. Feet flat against the ground, stretching her arms up. She was walking well now. A few times a year, after long and strenuous deployments, she would lose the ability to walk on two legs and have to relearn. She was resilient to go through that every time. Really, she was an admirable comrade.

“Hey,” She turned to him. “He’s on this base, right? If he’s in the middle of training, we could stop by.”

Zeke looked at her, stepping forward. Well, he would need to introduce them sometime soon. A part of Zeke flashed with worry-- Eren was actively resentful of Marley or its military. He definitely knew that Eren wouldn’t be able to keep his calm around specific warrior candidates like Braun.

But Eren was a smart boy. He’d finally gotten around to showing Eren a history book from Marley. Through a grimace of distaste, Eren nodded when Zeke informed him this was the lie he’d have to play along with at times. He thinks Eren is up to the task.

“Sure, sounds good. Let’s go,” Zeke offered.

A sly part of his heart just wanted to watch Eren at work. He turned to the direction of Eren’s squad, watching as Pieck followed behind him. Their footsteps were calm and even as they walked across the path.

Walking past a lightly guarded booth, they watched soldiers from across the field. The guards paid them little mind, the red bands across both of their arms granting them enough authority. Finger hummed, “Now, which one is he?”

In sets of three and four, soldiers sat behind bales of hay and shot at distant targets. The bangs were loud from this distance, ears echoing as his eyes ran over the field. Brown and black mops of hair blended together, none of their builds quite right.

His eyes caught on a familiar shape, a boy near the back bending over with a musket cradled in his arms. “Ah,” Zeke breathed a joyful sigh. “Over there. The one shooting with the blonde and brunette.”

Pieck looked over, a soft kindness in her dark eyes as they caught on him. She stepped forward. “I can’t see him so well from here. Can he take a break to talk with us?”

“Sure,” Zeke nodded. Staring as Eren reloaded his gun, efficient and effective as he quickly returned to aiming position. “I’ll have him called over.”

Stepping over to the overseeing officer, Zeke gave him a friendly smile. He watched as his request was carried down and somebody was sent for Eren. A spike of satisfaction came as Eren hit all of his targets before switching with somebody else. Once the message reached him, he glanced around and started walking their way.

He could tell that Eren couldn’t see him yet, looking confused as he followed the officer that retrieved him. A warm feeling nestled in his stomach as Eren climbed a staircase, curiously watching where he was headed. And, in the same glorious way it felt every time, an honored feeling welled in him as they caught each other’s gazes. When Eren’s face filled with recognition, Zeke was thoughtless as he smiled and nodded at him.

As the officer stepped up, Eren eyed both him and Pieck quietly. Zeke turned and said, “You can leave us now. I’ll watch after him.”

Pieck was the first to approach Eren. With a grin, she reached her hand forward and said, “You’re Eren? It’s nice to meet you.”

“Um,” Eren was quick to put his own hand forward and grab hers. They shook respectfully as Eren said, “That’s me. Nice to meet you too, ma’am.”

Glancing at Zeke, caution in his eyes, he affirmed, “War Chief. What’s going on?”

A proud breath rolled from Zeke’s nose. He knew Eren was smart, but he caught on quickly when it came to things like this. It must not be easy to treat any Marleyean he sees well, or be respectful inside the military that was oppressing him. He’s doing well.

He’s glad that Eren is able to be honest with him, when they’re at home. He hadn’t gotten the impression that Eren knew how to be respectful to others in the military he despised so much. Himself, Zeke was intimately familiar with the roiling feeling of depravity that came with dirty lies. He’d be sure to praise Eren when they were home.

“It’s good to see you, Eren,” Zeke grinned. “This is Pieck Finger. She’s a colleague of mine from the Warrior Unit.”

Eren’s eyes widened a fraction. His brother didn’t quite know that he’d likely be put into that unit himself before long. Zeke wasn’t sure how Eren felt as he turned to Pieck and said, “This is Eren. I hope you two get along.”

Pieck smiled, “You can just call me Pieck, if you want. Think of me as a friend instead of a superior.”

Both of their hands came loose, and Zeke couldn’t help but grin at the tense way Eren carried himself. “Thanks,” Eren coughed, before asking, “You’re a titan-shifter?”

“Mm-hm,” She nodded. “You are too, right?”

“Well,” Eren said. His eyes were wide as he asked, “How do you know that? I haven’t told anyone.”

A confident chuckle came from Pieck. “Everyone in the Warrior Unit knows about you already. Although, we don’t know much.”

The words that went unsaid were, ‘So we can detain you should you try and fight us’, Zeke knew. Eren blinked so calmly that Zeke felt certain that he had no clue.

“I wanted you two to meet each other,” Zeke said. “Do you remember what we were talking about this morning?”

Eren nodded. “You’ll be deployed soon.”

“She’ll be here to help you while I’m gone. You can trust her,” Zeke explained.

She looked friendly as she listened, nodding along. “Oh,” Eren said, turning to her “That’s kind of you.”

Zeke couldn’t stop himself from putting a hand on Eren’s shoulder, squeezing his tensed shoulders. “You seem like a polite boy,” She kicked her feet. “You remind me of Colt.”

In confusion, Eren tilted his head. She waved her hand dismissively. “Another cute subordinate of mine. Anyways, the War Chief will be gone next week. I’ll stop by and check on you, but come to me if you need anything. I’m almost always in the Eldian base.”

“My movements are pretty restricted,” Eren scratched his cheek. “I’m really only allowed to go between here and my quarters.”

“He lives with me,” Zeke followed. “You know where that is, right?”

She nodded, saying, “Great. Let’s spend some more time together, while the Chief’s still here. It would be great if you could rely on me.”

Hesitantly, Eren returned her nod. He glanced at Zeke, expression hard to read as he turned back to her. “Thanks again, Ms. Finger.”

“Eren,” Zeke turned to him. “Let’s go home early. I saw you working hard earlier.”

“That was all just basic practice, you know.” Eren pouted at him. Zeke grinned.

Pieck stepped backwards politely. “Then, I’ll see you both another time. Like I said, nice to meet you, Eren.”

“You too,” Eren waved.

They both watched as she stepped away, seeming in a good mood. She was always a well-spirited woman. Zeke was right when he hoped she would get along with Eren. “Can we really go home so early?,” Eren asked.

Hand still on Eren’s shoulder, Zeke rubbed a circle into it. “It’s fine every once in a while. Urgent business regarding your custody while I’m gone. Nobody will ask any questions.”

“Then,” Eren started, “Could we go see Carla first?”

That was how Zeke found himself once again off the trail to his home, watching Eren’s white uniform get dirt dusted across the knees as he grabbed at brush.

Carla was the name Eren gave the bird he saved.

Eren’s fingers were scratched by roots as he reached into the trunk of the tree, an indignant squawk coming as he grabbed blindly. “Seriously,” Eren scoffed. “You like me when I bring you food!”

The bird had made a home where Eren had stashed her away for safe-keeping. It’s head poked out, yellow beak gently nipping at Eren’s sleeves as he pulled it out. He wanted to tell the thing to leave Eren alone, to chastise it for daring to chew and claw at its savior's hands. He held his tongue when Eren smiled at it.

“Isn’t she looking better?,” Eren asked.

He was right. The bird no longer needed the make-shift bandages, a harsh looking scab forming over its wing. Zeke nodded along, “Because you’ve been taking care of it.”

Eren attentively held it in his arms, and the bird begrudgingly stayed. “Thanks for letting me keep checking on her,” Eren said.

The gratitude was enough to make Zeke melt, despite the distaste he felt for the animal. Zeke coughed, “You’re welcome.”

Normally, Eren would stash bread crumbs into a handkerchief and gift them to it every few days. The bird curiously chewed on his fingers, hoping that this time was the same. “Sorry,” Eren grinned at it. “I didn’t think I’d see you today. I’m glad you’re doing well.”

Reaching down, Zeke ran a hand through Eren’s hair. It was soft, tousled from the training Eren endured every day. Eren reached up, half-heartedly swatting Zeke’s hand.

“Hey,” Eren frowned.

Zeke chuckled.

Shifting around, one hand brushing through the bird’s feathers, Eren asked, “Are you really going to be gone next week?”

“Yes,” Zeke nodded. “Will you be lonely?”

“Maybe,” Eren scoffed. Before huffing, “I just... I don’t think you should have to go.”

Zeke smiled. “I’ll be as fast as I can. I’ve got a little brother waiting for me to return, now.”

Eren’s shyness was sweet. But Zeke could tell that Eren didn’t like being alone. He’d make up for it as much as it takes when he’s back. “Do you think,” Eren paused. “Do you think she’ll ever fly again?”

The hole in her wing was wide, dark clots of blood hiding the sheer damage done. No. She wouldn’t. “Maybe if you keep taking care of her. Who knows how long it’ll take, though.”

“Huh,” Eren sighed. Slowly, he put her back into her burrow in the tree trunk.

Getting up, Eren dusted off his knees. “Thanks again,” he said. “Let’s go now.”

He grinned, taking Eren’s hand. Smaller fingers grasped his own, and he squeezed. “Did you like Ms. Finger? You did a good job greeting her.”

“I guess,” Eren sighed. “She was nice. Was she part of the attack on Paradis?”

Yes. “No,” Zeke lied. “But she could be deployed there. She would only be following orders.”

Eren made a noncommittal sound as they walked along. “I’ve met a lot of people like her. I didn’t blame them.”


His brother looked like he had something to say as he sweeped the floor, across the room from Zeke. Maybe he had something to say, too. Neither of them spoke, and Zeke smiled at the thought that neither of them knew how to bring their feelings to light.

He’d be gone tomorrow morning. Likely before Eren even woke. He’d been meticulous in planning for Eren’s sake. It had been a difficult road to convince the military to keep Eren out of the bunk with the rest of the Eldian soldiers. Zeke’s been there himself, and he’d gotten along with his comrades much better than Eren did. He was grateful to be here, to watch out for Eren in ways that nobody did for himself.

That was also why he was nervous. A rambunctious boy like Eren couldn’t be caged for very long. It would just be a week. He’d forced Eren to promise in circles that he could behave, just for as long as Zeke would be gone. Now, still together, neither of them brought up the lonely time they’d be apart.

He heard Eren’s feet tap against the floor. His heel bounced anxiously. “Hey,” Eren started. “Are you--? Why did you join the military?”

Zeke was surprised that was the question Eren chose. He almost jumped to answer, just to soothe the thick silence that had been building between them, but took the time to answer Eren thoughtfully. “At first, it was because I had to. In the end, I joined because of a goal of mine.”

Dirt into a pan, Eren took a step back to evaluate his work. Zeke was surprised that Eren was diligent when it came to cleanliness. He glanced back at Zeke. Lifting an eyebrow, he questioned, “So vague. What goal? And why did you have to?”

Something pleased filled Zeke as Eren clapped his hands together, before sitting down nearby Zeke. He wasn’t sure what to tell Eren as the boy gave him his attention. Mr. Ksaver and Zeke’s dream... to use his royal blood and the Founder’s power to euthanize the Eldians. It was for the best. Could Eren understand that?

“A mentor of mine was in the military. I wanted to succeed him,” Zeke sighed. “And I first joined because Grisha made me to.”

“Dad?,” Eren tilted his head.

They hadn’t really talked too much about their father. Eren seemed to believe him earnestly when Zeke said they were related, so they hadn’t treaded on the topic much. He nodded. “You mentioned that you last saw him four years ago. Was it lonely without him?”

Eren’s eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to be thinking hard as he looked away. “Not really. We were never all that close,” Eren said. “Especially after the wall fell. He probably just ran away like a coward.”

There was a huff to Eren’s voice towards the end. A warm feeling washed over Zeke. Even though Eren wasn’t showing it, Zeke was familiar with the loneliness and expectations that Grisha put on him. He was sure Eren felt the same way.

Beyond that, as time passed, Zeke became more and more assured that their father was dead. If what Eren told him before was correct, then it was most likely that he’d eaten Grisha in order to inherit the Attack Titan. Even if Eren didn’t know that. And even if Eren didn’t harbor the same understanding of how terrible he was, it was telling that the kind boy didn’t even care that his father had abandoned him.

“What about your mother?,” Zeke asked.

“Oh.” Eren said. His hands tightened, flashing an upset look. “She’s dead. She was eaten by a Titan. Because they destroyed the wall.”

It was a realistic answer, considering the world they lived in. Guilt didn’t occur to him. Sympathy did. He wanted to reach a hand over, hold Eren’s face and tell him that he had a big brother now. That he’d never be alone again. Instead, Zeke nodded. “I’m sorry to hear.”

Eren seemed to care a little more about her. He looked at his hands on the table, wetness along his lashes. He grimaced, “What about you? She’d be ancient, but is your mom alive?”

“No,” Zeke smiled. “She’s gone.”

With a hum, Eren nodded. Zeke perked up, “You know, our grandparents are alive. On Grisha’s side. Would you ever want to meet them?”

“Huh?,” Eren’s mouth opened. “I have grandparents?”

With a chuckle, Zeke nodded. “I’m sure your grandmother would be happy to learn about you.”

Eren looked down at the table. After a moment, where Zeke could practically see all the gears turning in his head, Eren asked, “Is she like you?”

“Hm?,” Zeke returned. “Like me?”

His brother tapped his fingers. His cheeks were pink as he asked, “I mean, like... How you cared about me. Even though we didn’t know each other.”

The thought hadn’t even crossed Zeke’s mind. Although, maybe for Eren, who seemingly had little experience with family or Marley, it was unclear. Zeke said, “I’m sure she’ll welcome you. I don’t think she’ll love you in the same way I do, though.”

Eren stilled for a second, staring at Zeke. His flush got darker as he blinked. He seemed taken aback as he sputtered, “L-Love? Me?”

The way Eren’s body swelled, eyes wide with something akin to confusion, made Zeke feel something like naive, love-sick anxiety. He isn’t sure he’s felt it before. He coughed into his hand, eyes raking over Eren. “Of course I do, Eren.”

The boy stared, without words. There was a youthful charm to the way he was shocked into stillness. Zeke’s had his hand down Eren’s pants, but this was where the boy was embarrassed into a stupor. The boy caught his breath, eyes still locked onto him.

“Hm?,” Zeke hummed. “Hasn’t anybody told you that before?”

“That’s different!,” Eren yelled. “They didn’t--!”

His brother cut himself off with a choked noise. The boy shrunk a little, like he was trying to hide from sight. Zeke would never take his eyes off of him. Eren’s gaze lifted, locking back onto Zeke. “Then, do you touch me because...?”

The joy Eren gave Zeke was so genuine it felt like poison. He chuckled. “Absolutely. I only ever touch you because I want to show you love.”

Eren’s pink cheeks looked kissable. He gave Eren space as his mind seemingly raced. He could almost see the steam hissing out of his skull. Eren came to some resolution and cleared his throat. “Our grandparents,” Eren coughed. “I don’t know.”

Zeke relaxed an inch, leaning backwards. He didn’t notice when he became so wound up. Maybe it was when he started wanting to put his hands on Eren. To show him the exact love they were talking about. Instead, he reassured, “That’s alright. You can take your time. You wouldn’t be able to meet right now, either way. Your restrictions are too tight.”

Following Zeke's words, Eren finally relaxed too. Zeke said, “Maybe later, though. I don’t want you to be lonely when I have to leave like this.”

“Ugh,” Eren frowned. “I’m not going to be.”

Say what he will, Eren was obvious. He already was lonely, without his friends from home. And he’d been pouting all day, like he was ready to become a wraith if it would make Zeke stay home. A fond sigh rolled from Zeke. “I’ll miss you, Eren.”

When Eren gave him a longing look, even though they’re still together, all Zeke could do was be struck by those green eyes. He wanted to sink into them. He was paralyzed as Eren reached forward, grabbing Zeke by the sleeve. He pulled himself into Zeke, out of his chair and standing up. Cradling himself above Zeke, Eren leaned down and pecked Zeke’s forehead.

Zeke didn’t regret telling Eren he loved him. Not at all. Because what else could this dizzying feeling be but love? Zeke turned upwards, dark hair falling over his forehead ticklishly. His hands came up, one running along Eren’s chest. The other cupped his neck, right over his tender nape, and pulled him down.

Their lips met, and Eren was quick to press into him. Those hands of his came to Zeke’s shoulder’s, squeezing the fabric between them. Against Zeke’s lips, Eren whispered, “I might miss you. Maybe.”

His words were distant, but Zeke knew this was the closest that Eren ever got to clingy. He must be anxious. He let Zeke keep kissing him, eyes half-closed. “I’ll be back,” Zeke reassured. “And I’ll be thinking of you the whole time. There’s nothing to be scared of.”

“I’m not scared,” Eren huffed. His fingers squeezed Zeke’s shoulders. “Stop saying that.”

Zeke smiled. “Of course. Your big brother was wrong.”

“Gross,” Eren sighed. A little bolder than before, Eren stuck his tongue out and lapped at the crease of Zeke’s lips.

The groan that came from him was without input. He strained up, excitedly opening his mouth for Eren. “Let’s go to my room,” Zeke breathed. “Let me love you.”

Suddenly, Eren was pulling a face. “Wait,” He hesitated. “I just wanted to kiss.”

It wasn’t the first time Eren hesitated. Maybe he was just intimidated by adult pleasure. Zeke made a move to stand up. If Eren needed gentle convincing, then Zeke would oblige. “Hey,” Eren complained. His voice raised as Zeke’s hand ran up his side, and Eren gave Zeke a moderate punch to the shoulder. With a commanding voice, Eren frowned, “Stay. I’m not done yet.”

Zeke tilted his head, letting Eren push him back into his seat. He wanted to pull Eren into bed, to watch him get hot and horny again. Still, he couldn’t deny the appeal of looking at his brother from here. It wouldn’t be too hard to convince Eren, once he started listening to his body. He could indulge his soon-to-be lonely little brother for now. “I’ll kiss you as much as you want,” Zeke promised.

“Mmm,” Eren relaxed again. Zeke was rewarded by Eren coming down and pecking his cheek.

He was too charming to be believed, really. Zeke wanted to push Eren down against the table more than anything. His careful patience he’s built for decades felt fragile in face of Eren and the sweet kisses he asked for. How funny.

Smaller hands ran down from his shoulders, over his arms. “I want you,” Zeke said. “But I’ll do what you want.”

Gently, Eren pressed his forehead against Zeke’s. He hasn’t seen this side of Eren before, he thinks. Clingy really was the right word for it. Maybe he just wanted to suck up as much of Zeke’s attention as he could, before they were separated. If that was the case then, “I have something for you, Eren.”

Eren’s eyes blinked open. Bluntly, Eren pouted, “I don’t want to have sex.”

“Not that,” Zeke laughed. “I promise, it’s a normal gift. Wait here?”

He was a little miffed, but Eren nodded as Zeke stood up. Zeke patted Eren’s head, praising, “Thank you, Eren. You’re so lovely.”

Eren stuck his tongue out, but didn’t complain as Zeke pulled his hand away. Zeke was quick as he wandered into his room.

It’s been a long time since he’s looked for it. Even thought about it, really. But, now that the thought of giving to Eren was with him, he couldn’t dispel it. Maybe it would bring him some comfort while Zeke was gone. He found it in his closet, buried in a long forgotten box of mementos.

A photo of his old family, back when he was too little to understand anything, was pinned beneath it. He left that.

He should get his photo taken with Eren soon.

He stepped back into the kitchen, where Eren had his arms crossed. His foot tapped impatiently against the floor, and there was no doubt that Eren was brooding. It made Zeke chuckle. He’d never had the time to be an angsty teenager, even at that age. The military and coming transfer of Titan powers were what was on his mind.

He couldn’t be more grateful to allow Eren to be different from him. His rudeness, his brashness, his unadulterated sense of self. All of those things were too lovely to be ruined. Zeke was taken by Eren, as he looked at the item in his hands with confusion. His eyebrows furrowed, “What’s that?”

Zeke reached forward, an uncontrollable satisfaction in him as Eren gently grabbed the stuffed monkey being offered to him. It was old, fur sticking up in odd places and dust fading the color. “It’s a toy,” Zeke explained. “My mother made it for me. I haven’t seen it for a while, but it was my favorite when my parents were still alive.”

Eren gave him an odd look. He seemed to understand the delicacy of what he was holding, though, and took it into two careful hands. It was hard to discern what Eren was thinking as he huffed, “Pick a mood. Are we flirting or talking about dead moms?”

“We were flirting?,” Zeke asked.

“Yuck,” Eren frowned. “Nevermind. We aren’t.”

Zeke pulled his hand off of the doll, and watched as Eren held it. Zeke thinks that it might look better in his hands than it ever did in Zeke’s own. His brother looked over it with an intent eye. He asked, “What type of beast is this?”

“A monkey,” Zeke nodded. He wouldn’t be surprised if Eren’s never seen one before.

Eren turned his head. “This is a weird gift.”

“You don’t have to accept it,” Zeke explained. “I just thought you might like it.”

And suddenly, Eren was glaring at him. He pulled the doll to his chest, turning it away from Zeke. “It’s mine now. Don’t try to take it from me!”

The chuckle that came from Zeke was unbridled and refreshing in a way that soothed him. Maybe he was also anxious to leave Eren for the first time. He stepped forward, putting a hand on Eren’s cheek. The skin was soft and warm under Zeke’s fingers. “It’s yours, then.”

With a self-satisfied grin, Eren nodded. Zeke curled his fingers, running his knuckles down the side of Eren’s cheek. “Let it keep you company while I’m gone. Until then, won’t you sleep next to me again?”

A reserved frown crossed over Eren’s face. After a long moment, he sighed. “Okay.”

Zeke felt an adoring grin cross his face. “Thank you, Eren.”

Isolate & Osculate - Chapter 1 - Anonymous - Shingeki no Kyojin (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.